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Show SPANISH FLU PUTS THE KIBOSH ON ALL IMPORTANT GAMES SCHEDULED IN EAST Some ; College - and - Camp Teamt Will Try to Get By but. Most of Them Are Stopped by State Orders NEW YORK, Oct. 19. Several of tht Eastern colleges will endeavor to place football teams upon the playing field this afternoon, after-noon, notwithstanding the handi- rt"P' innioantal In th infliipny.a rpidemic and student army training train-ing corps- regulations. Few, if any, of the games originally scheduled will be staged, but in some cases eleventh hour opponents op-ponents hsve been secured in order to provide contests. Among the contest Wnirh appeared moat likely, te be held are the following: I-Afayette vs. Urslnua. at Eaeton; Pittsburg Pitts-burg va Detroit Naval Training Station, at Pittsburg; Washington and Jefferson vs. Camp h arms n, at Washington, pa; rartmouih va Norwich, at Hanover; Brown vs. Rhode Island State, at Providence; Provi-dence; psnn State vs. Bucknell, at State college; Amherst va Trinity, at Amherst; Villa Nova va. League Island Marine a, place undecided. Middle West Is Hit Hard CHICAOO, Vt. 1 foolh.ll aeh4ul tt th. Mlddl. WMI ifUn w.r. upwl tort. to-rt. 7 mm . revult of Hp.nl.h Influ.nM. hlrh h raiurd eanoll.tlon of vlrtu.l-- vlrtu.l-- ly ll m. HMlth uthorltl, right-In right-In to rhrll th apr.ad of th. ruMl om of th. (am, to b. call. tt, whll. othara war. canceled on ordara H th eoUag KUthorttUa. . All Indiana Gamea Off ' By AaaMlat Praaa. IKTMANaPOUH, Oct. It. All foot hall rramaa prarlou.ljr arranffed to l ptay.d n Indiana today hava b.n rajl.d off. In eompllanc with th. ruling of th. ,tat. board of h.alth prohlhllinf all public pub-lic cath.rlnfa bocaua of th. Bpanlah In-(iuaoaa, In-(iuaoaa, . Nary Plan Are Again Balked By Associated Preae. AKNAPOIJS. Md.. Oct. 1. The Nary a football plana to open the 11I campaign today have again been balked. The middlea were booked to meet the eleven of the Navy Pay achooL Princeton, Prince-ton, N. J., but a wire waa received yesterday yes-terday that the prlncetonlana could not come because of the influenaa quarantine . eeadltlona. |