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Show British Winning On All Fronts . By Asseclsted Prsss. LONDON. Oct. 1 Ths British are continuing their advance In Flandera, north of the Hensee canal. Field Mar-ahal Mar-ahal Halg announced today. Koutheaat of L Cateau, where Brlt-lah Brlt-lah and American troops are opersling. Wssslgny, Baiuel and Masinghlen have been csptured. The British hav advanced more than six miles eaat of Ilouai and they are In contact with ths Hermans ssst of Vred snd Cattelet In that area. The village nf Rlbeausvllle. north nf Wassigny, also has been taken and British troops hsvs entered Basuel. atlll further north. More than 120 prlsonera and a few guna were taken in the day's fighting. |