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Show FORMER TREASURER DIESSUDDENLY New York, May Charles Henry Treat, until a few month ago trens-urer trens-urer of the United States, to which position he was appointed by President Presi-dent Roosevelt died of apoplexy In hln apartment at the Hotel Victoria here at midnight. He wa-s stricken an hour lfore his death and did not regain iu-tclousness. iu-tclousness. Mr. Treat was born In Frankfort. Me., about C8 years ago. Among hn ancestors were. Robert Treat Paine, a signer of the Eieclaratlon of In1e-pendence. In1e-pendence. and Robert Treat, a colon ial governor of Connecticut. He was graduated from Dartmouth college In lSno aud at once entered business with his father and brothers, who operated op-erated a fleet of twenty-eight vessels. ves-sels. He was for many years active in Maine politics, and, upon hij removal re-moval to ltelawnro in 1S77. became a promlneni figure in the Republican parly there. In S8S be was chosen one of the dclegates-nt-large to the Chicago convention con-vention and was credited with solidifying solidi-fying the Delaware delegation In the conveution for Benjamin Harrlmnn. In the same year Mr. Treat was an aspirant as-pirant for electJon to the United States senate but was defeated by two votes and sooi afterwards removed to Nev York. Here be became a membpr of th Republican county committee and managed the local campaign In ISOi. He w.-us an ardent supporter of M Klnley for the presidency and soon after' McKinley's election wus appointed ap-pointed collector of Internal revenue for the Wall street district, serving during the Spanish-American war. His appointment as treasurer of the United Stales was made by Mr. Roosevelt in 1905. He Is survived by his widow and two daughters. |