OCR Text |
Show 1 QTOCKS JJOUGHT AD SOLD AND 1 J carried rn margins by J. L. Huasey. Comm-ion Stock Broker, 4-U-Montgomery Su-eet, San Francisco, CbJ. aul) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DISSOLUTION. Salt Liia City, Utai Terrier?,. . Tue PAjtT'uiPSeEiti:ioyoRE I- ciiiiias ttTeen - T. caniser and Iheodoro r"urra--ter in tho Izt bc;iaess is this dy diaso.vhi by mutual conec- j. V. tCA-VrKFK. & TIIEODOKE UURiiESIEJl. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. SaULii'jCiiy. U.T-, Sept. 5. 17. Philip Wci-Ia. my Ia:e emj loyer, actaated by Lha hc-est wolivos, having &Iicd Eomo suitemcntj aainit my characf.r ant" reputation reputa-tion without t h Ia.t .'h .d.jff of eriJenee or even or stun-i"". I foel 'l a 1 ttyseif, to my ftiaadi acj the i.ub'.ic. to repel I and to dery thacharitoa ho mi-kes against me aa a tissue of th6 crc--seat ittl-eotU-, and an- j lets tho party fr-'in wht-m such cruel imputa- ; lions emanate-i, retracu the jnic, I shall bo1 necasitjtci to have ti1 nil"'' decided before . a proper tribunal, 3 EOET. W. M0RK01T. GUITARS, VIOLINS, AC. VIOLINS. OTAYNEU'S VIOLIN'S, ranKinp rroui One O u a Jlurnirvd Dxtllan, tvio Lhochapett ACCORDEONS. C-TAYNKlfS ACO0RPEOXS. Trom Two to k fi:loi'ti Di-llarj, aro tho liold iledal pattern. pat-tern. CtH-ap aiulKWid. GUITARS. nTATNER'8 tHHTAl'S. from Nine to Kif-O Kif-O ty lHllar. Martin pnttorn. ':ur"t ed rot to crapk; excellent. ""BANJOES.1 QTaYNE-K'S BANJOES; Doh-nn and otlter iO iinltcrtn; uro really hands.. pie. See his new Stuck. FLUTES. ' - ,. . i , ! SfAYN-Bft'FLUTES.Cuncurtinas, String, liows, Hosinand '"cral Stock are unsurpassed. unsur-passed. - STRINGS. . - t- - v ; . - STAYNEK'f Violin ami (initnr STHTNl.S are undoubtedly tho best in the Market, and as ohcuu as any. ' . , ' Next to Savage's G allcry, CAS, AC. 1AT1U KVASS". ' I-KTKR STKWAHT. EVANS & STEWART, PLUMB ERS, Gas and Stfiani Fitters. ' A Full ' Lino of CAS1 FIXTURES, Plumbing Materia, lion Pipe, etc ' '' LOT FORCASIT. ; . First South Strbet, three, di.rs ensl uf City Hall, SALT LAKE CITY. Jobbing promptly attund''d lo. AU icork r , r warrant at . . . jy2 ' : . 'li : - GEORGE 1 E. ' REID & CO. Aro now proparod to run 1 GAS and WATER PIPES Into buildinss at tbo shortest notico and at tho lowest rartos; and having ft practiciil exporienco of over twenty years in the business, busi-ness, guarantee all work done- in tho host mannor. Wo kcon constantly on nand a" larsro supply or GAS and WATER PIl'E, OdAMJli-LIEKS, OdAMJli-LIEKS, STOKE PENDANTS and JiKASS tiOODS. for Gas, Water and Steam Fitting. MAIM STREET, Opposite Walker House. FIRE BRICK AND CLAY UTAH FIRE BRICK COMPANY ' - FACTORY :' ' - Comer 4th South street and Ukvh ' Southern Kailroad. OFFICE : New Firet'Krvtional Bunk Biulding, Salt Lake City. N0J FIRE-BRICK AND CEMENT . .Constantly onlhund. C.W. BENNETT, jyg ; ,(( , Socra Ury THE BEST. IS THE . CHEAPEST. PROCTER S GAMBLE'S . MOTTLED GERMAN SOAP. THIS SOAP HAS BEEN FOLD FOR more than 18 years. It is Economy to buy it, 05 it is.sold at the jirico of ordinary ?oais nnd does nioro For vice, being harder, will not waste, yet washes cosy. Yon can , buy it of your nearest cr cor. This sonn is packed Uo.ststi.Y, Can you a'foiui to i'ay for what y-m i" not uel'kivk? Sold bv JON'S CO-UPKHATIVK .Mhlt-C .Mhlt-C A N TILE INSilTU iT K, tialt l.iku tilr, Utah. -' PURE Oil Style Keuincky ffislies. WALKER BROS, & CO., Salt Lake'Cily, ARE tiOL'E AGENTS FOR UTAH ior out celebrate - T . -, . 1 . ' 5. i. sun a lu. o DrvHiiu Old Kentucky Whiskies. Tlicsc Uoods Ivivc -been before the public for many years, and liave a National Reputation for Purity, Age and Delicious Flavor. This arrangement is mdo Cor tho special convenience of our Utah customers and the general Uade of tho Territory. P t P f f f f T - Onr good will bo shirred in nest, round, new, iron-bound rackaces, and dolivorjd our customers at Salt Laka City at precisely our Louisrille card rates, freight only being added. JORDAN, DILES i CO.. . Successors to S. T. Suit t Co.' t h b t v - b b b Referring to the above card, we rperect-fully rperect-fully invite the attention of dealers to the ad-TRntajres ad-TRntajres offerwL Y"a will at all tim bo -f'.iny suai liici with a fall lino of tho above-named famous braris of OLD KENTUCKY WHISKIES, and snrr'y the trade at rrtcUely Louisville rates, freights added. Price Lists furnished on Applicant, : WALKER BROS. & CO jv" ! - - ! EEMOTAIi. j The iirdcr.-i.-ne-l hare j KEMOVED THEIR j ZSIeat IMarket, . j Opposite the HERALD OFFICE, On the line of Lin Street Cars, j ".There they wi'J en learer to keep tho best il-.'j-j :!-o market a:T-jrl. , . T;.mkful V'T ratrooato, they desire a j CO r.t iou.ii 3CC ot the sarje. L'rd'.ri taker, ar.i ileat Delivered in all rarts of theciry free f bars'. a4 WOOD 1. FEIEBSEf. LECAL. Tdministroatrs' notice, 1Y TUB API'LICATION OV MAJOR TV. .1) T. lio..ell, A- V. S. A., iho un- dvrsiiinl h.is hi-on apioiritivl by lien. Ulias Smith, l'robate Ju.ie in and fur ""alt Lako County, Territory of I tali, administrator Ol the estate ot Vincent vor, doccuaed : this is lo notify all perroiia itidebt .-d lo said estate to conn fonva:d iuimoJiatoly and li.juiJatuth same; and thoso hav ins ur..-.'tlled a-counts with, or claims a.-aitW tlia hamo, will orium them forthwith u.r !H'tth-iu-ut. E. II- ItAKliUN. Salt Lake City, Ausuii fth. I LECAL NOTSCE. L'.iiTfit Sti i - Lant. On'ifi:. Silt La.(: Ciiy. friii. V0T10E IS IIKKKHY lIUKN, THAT 1 KdwardS. i;i'U-ki.,ll,h,-o (.,t-oitiL-.. M.Ulress i Ui'tiir Lily, T.-o.-lo Co n.i v, t ' ti.li Termor '. ha- made ai-flic all' i: nt raid I niu'd Slate Land Utlieo, at S..H l.alm Lity, I tali, for a i-aloiit lium ttie lui'.i.l it:i; -s to and Uoti the .Minor'- Doii'ht l.-le, a tiuno, olmiu or Iwlo, hoaring .-iK of a:.d otlu-r mineral, toot in U-n:u, t.y .!. foot in ni-lih, sita-att, sita-att, lyiORan hosii i" Oi-li ir .M in J itriot, iiemided and di-serihod as tollos, tit wit: nii-o-. and w'hich i.-i doMnatod on tiie pli't ol tho surrey ot' -aid ojii-os. i.o-ttd on aiJ prouii'i'S. and aUo upon tlio idat ut sj. .1 Mir-voy Mir-voy uled iufutd Land ":!.o.-, l o.st No. 1, nnd fr-'tit r -id itoint ot i-or.mii'iK''-n:um rnnnine tul on said I'remi.-e. do-iL-nated on said ilat wes't l.-v feet to a c- riai-i other Vo.-l on said l.romiies and do.-i-iirtted on Mii.l flat as ro-t No. o;"runnini; t hence south uv ' e.-t foet to a certain i.lher pool on -nid prciuisoo and do,-JKuutd on uii hit n o.-t No. 1; ruiininu thence north -I1 1 '' o.im 1 I'ect to the l ao of Cuuinii'in-i'itu-nt: Horn said pott No. 1 aforesaid, I nited ttaies initiorul tuonu-nient tuonu-nient No. Tbwirs outti "7 .7 ea.-t , distant vnrinlion.lt- -m' ca.-t. 'i ho presumed direction direc-tion ol .-aid mine or lo.lo aion- tlio vein is north '21' IVoat, and tlniih lil" li.' nest; -0J feel ol" tholenmli Llioiiol hi:;- iioitlioiisterly, and l,i IW fost of the ler ?lh thiTCflj inn stfiitb-ive;ter)y stfiitb-ive;ter)y lretn llio discovery sliatt on said liliue. as sot lorth on tlio pin's uiorAsiid, and tho lield notes of r-aid survey on lilo in this office Thai said lilackwoll olaimii said i.ro-misMi i.ro-misMi and iuka lor a patent ihereon. 'Unit Ih" n t 'oo c l' location o 1 said .Miner's Dolieht lode or chi'in wa Hied ii.rrcord in tho Ue-uordor'rolliii) Ue-uordor'rolliii) ol tlieHnh VtiMoy M ininu I is-triet is-triet (ivhich was the niinins district in wbicli Hud premie woro.-ittiate'l at the date of said flliii!;, but iviiit-li raid la?t named tlt-triet has . sineu huen divided, ihrnwiii!-.-aid prcuiises in Ojdiii- .Mining Uistnei, iri said county of Tooele) in I alio roi-urded in I lie Koeordor's t, tlie a if find m:r,i:i- diiuict. i. Look A i.f records, on p:i-o :7. That th- "Nancy L"de," Co called, olauui-d i.y V. J-" v j . : 1 1 and others, and tho "lVer M an Vl'riond Lodo." mmmIII, t-lniiiivd by . Clurk ;.tid othoi a. e, t lie noar-est noar-est claims axd eluim.-nls, and wro aro no othur.or adjidnins ctaimanu to tho siidpre-mi.-es hercnilietbro de.-vnhed. UtMKUt: K. iU-Wi'KLL au3 lt.sjwtoi in enid Land Ullico. NOTICE. : 1 ' ' O'.S. I.vNi.On-trr. ' ' ) . ti.u.T Lakh Ci i v, li. T., V May ol, lT;i.j XTOTirB JH! 1 ICK E-tl'.V lilVEN, THAT PS MATUKW T. OldiiuKN, ol.: A 1)1 AH h.MBuDY. WAU1;i;N D. HtJATUN nod WILLIAM E. M 1 LLKtt, whoso post-hco address is fall feako City, have made application appli-cation for patent for l.-iJ linear fuel ot tho Noyes lode, bearing load and ,-ilver, the same beiim IRK) feel iioith"rly, and HID feet .-on tli-orly tli-orly from di-covcry .'ha:t thereon, with sur-.ra"0Kronnd sur-.ra"0Kronnd HKJ iet-t in width, situate in Uphir .Minium Ui-lriet, Tooele comity, U- 'I'., and described in the plat and Held note on lilo in this utiicc. as follows, liepinuini; at post No. 1. thence North, IP Ivist, 1,'jju feet, to post No-2; (hence North. To- H'o-t.. iniJleol. lo post No. -i; thenuo fcouth, 11- U'e-t, l.LiJ feet, to post No. 1; thence .South. 7-.- East, 111) feet to po-'t No. 1. place of Vecinl.iric.coiHain-inf,- - and i'Hhousatidths acre.-, unnirvoycd land of tho public domain: .-aid location lioin recorded In 'ttl, 'U.' of tho Uphir .Mining District Kceoris, paso oil. INo ml) oiiiinir claims on said lode. Amutis tho locntioni in tbo vicinity suuih westerlr n-o t'io"-Moni)" and "Utah Quot-n" lodes and I hero are no other locutions initio near vicinity in other direction. . .AlfcA). IL MAXWELL, lUeistor. KoaRonoroii J: ilfBitiTr, , . -.- . Atlornoys Vor AiipliciiHts ,. aui! ZLECAL NOTICE. U, Lno Owicn, Salt LakoCily, Utah Territory, l'ith July, 1S73 T0TICE IS HKIiKUY GIVK5T, THAT JJ Don. C. Uuttirilold, whoso pot office address ad-dress is link Ltttto Oitv, Utah territory, has made aj'idicatiou for patent lor one thousand and tifiy linoer feet of the Harrington and Hickory consolidatod lode, hoariny silver, co. per and load, the same heinjr tico hondred feet northerly, and !lvo hundrci and fifty loit southerly from discovery shaft thereon, with eurfaco ground tivu hundred feet in width, situate in North Star Mining Di.-triet, Boavor county, I'tah Territory, and described ir; tho plat and Bold notes on tile in this odico, as follows, fol-lows, viz: Beginning at jost number one, tbence aouthjorty-fivo dei;rocs,iilteen minutes, wo.t. one thousand and I'nty (Ji) foot to po3t nnmber two (-); thenco north forty -four degrees de-grees forty-live minutes wast, two Ir ndrod (LU)t feet to post number three thenco north forty-flvo dee, fifteen min. east one thousand thou-sand and fifty, tHWJ foot to post number (41 Tour; thenco south fouriy-four decrees and forty.fi va minutes cast, rwp hundred feet to lio.-rt number one (11 tho plaao of bejrinninfr KroiQ' post number tl) ito Tj. S. .Mineral Monuuiont number ono, bears south twenty-throe twenty-throe degrees east live hundred and lift eon (515) feet disUint. containing four euhty-two ono hundredth acres. Said locations boinij recorded in volunio A i. 'Sii nnd volume B. j p. forty-six of tho tftar Mininp rrcords. The ' claims nearest soid lodo aro"National Debt," " Hooper." " Oasi.," " Bell FloiTor.'"" Sheri dan," " "tlorrimtic," " Api.inooso," "JotTor-son "JotTor-son " and " Burlington." GEO. K. MAXWELL, Koister. ' Bennett, 'Yuitskv it Siit.Kkd, Atiorneys fn- Ai.nlicanL LEGAL NOTICE. ' . . Vnitefl'flarojLw.dOnice. ) SaltT.ako Citv. lT..'.Ju!vT 157:1. J" "VTOTIUB IS HEKEUY til YEN .liAT Geork'0 Hardie, whoso l-'ot offico address ad-dress is " aukegan, Illinois," has made ai-plication ai-plication for patent for 1 ,1.10 linear k-ctof Uo (.iriizly Jjodo, bearinc silver, the same being SHJ feet northerly, andeiu feet sou-herly from discovery shall thereon, with eurim ground '200 leet in width, fit unto in West Mountain Mining Di.-triet, Salt Lake County, and do-reribed do-reribed in tho plat and lii ld note.-on fi lo in this office, as follows, vi.: Deplaning at post No. 1. thenco north :ii des- wcrl, J'U lee:, to nest No. thenco north ol d.'g. east.l.W feet, to post No. thenco south :ui de-,. cast, 100 feet, to post No. 4: then;e south ."! de-. west, i .('11.1 feet, to post No. 1. to place of beginnini:: containing 7 -"il-lOJ ncrc-.unsiirreyeil land.said Lection being recoiJud in Bool; t nacu lo::,of the We.-t Mountain .Uir.inr Di-:trkt Itecords. Tho udjoining claims are the "Northern Light." " airview," and "Orjihan Boy." Batks i Mass, Solicitors for Applicant. UEUKUE it. MAXWELL, au Hegister. . ' "'' ' No. -2. f " LEGAL NOTICE. United Stall" Land Office. SaltXahe Citv. II-T., July 7. 17.1. f "VrOTK'E IS UEKEUY (ilYEN THAT 1M Hoorgo liardio, wboo l'ost office address is "WaukoLran, Illinois." has ma-Je application applica-tion for patent for linear lect of the Jrait-vierr Jrait-vierr Lodo. hearing silver, the sumo boini; I"o feet northerly and l.J leet soutic-rly Iroin discovery dis-covery shaft thereon, with furiaeo ground lotl feot in width, fituate in West Mountain Mining Min-ing Distri -t, Salt Lako County, and described in the plat and field noted on till) in ihisollice. as lollows.viz: Bc,-ir.ning at po-t No. ), thence north yj deg. we.-t, J i: feet, lo i.ost No. 2: thence nortli "l de--. east.::., feet, to post No. iheDce north -j dec. cast, -il feet, to pv-t No. 1: thence south 'J) d1 . cart. 1(,J fest, to post No. thence south 2". den. wcrt, i-'t feef, to post No. 6; thenc e south '"'I d-;g. w i-st. :Wl feet, to place of bc-'inniiig, coiitainin, '-' --'--' acres, unsurveyej lands, f"dd Icetition bein;: rf corded in Ll.-k F. j.ago ol the Hwt Mountain Mining Diftrkt Bccor.is- Th- adjoining ad-joining elaima aro "Uruly," and "Northern Lk-hi. ' B itks A M.isrr, Solicitor; tor applicant. UEUKtiE K. MAXWELL, au-20 Besister. LEGAL NOTICE.. Unit'-d States Land OJnro. I Salt Lake City, U T., July 7, l:. f AOTICE IS Hl-JUKBY 'il V EN THAT l Ueorso Hardie. ho e l'.-t ii.'-oaddrc.i i:"Wauke;;ai), llhnoi.-.''h;.-- made application for patent 1'er I.-'1 linear fet ot the Nor: hern I.it-ht Lo-Je. bearing .-il , er, the l-einfi '"'".' feet nnherly and '" ic-.-t fo;nhcriy Irom the di-cevery shuJt thereon, np.h eurla. e round IT1 j J fee; in wi ith, ,-ituate in ct Mountain Mining Di-tn-.-t. Sal: Lake Coar.tv, anddescribed in tho plat and u-Ul nrter "n file ir. thi.- oi:ice, follow ii, n; Le-inr at t-..;t No. 1. thence rcrth '. i''s. " c-t, J-1 tccl, l-p'jft l-p'jft No. 2; iher.ee r.urth J fi -i-ct. l.-T'J te-t,to postNi.-: th-c-" snt:i ', ui-.-. oact, L'-.i feet, to i-.st No. -l;th"n-.-e .-onth 'Si d-r. wert , 1 -0 fe-:t, to place oi b ';innin. containing contain-ing 3 -: acre.--. u!i:ur qj ,,l h:;...i-, m id L-.-a-tion bein- recorded in B- "k t', iw- I". f the We-: .M'.un'.jin "tiininn Di-iri-t Lecords. Tho udjedning t-'aiuis a:-r tiie "EairMow,'' 'Uri.-ly."' ar.d "Lydla Emma-'1 BiTL-A-.M-t. fc'.-Ucitori for At ioi -an; UE'jJL'jL H MAXWELL. ' au2.l iL-rister. TO RATIONAL ISV.LIHS.-In sickneM every i ,na of the I., - F; mt athi-re athi-re with th- -en: of the a:- rder- hen tho Viiai?b tail-to l c-r;or;:-. i!.o Utr.-.toDS. tho liver, h .wc'.;, n-rvt. n. -. v, m. arteri.-s Ac . are all mure or :::-cit i. T:.e d,- pro c.-t:Ci of a M'-tLach;.-, an alterative, "u r-'irative, a t r.ic a:,d ia'ive, to bring them back to their d :',y; ar.d all the-o fiu-merit.'. fiu-merit.'. in thLr i iir..:t ad n;oet o:i"oc.ii e orm.', are united in Tarj.i.Tt'B r-Fi:avE( rTT Sci.rzm Ari:i:iutT the crea- Slino Ron,edv f r Indigestion and ail it.- evaojimiaot Cvn.--4ueacs. Sold by nil dxuU. augt Z. C. M. I. DRESS GOODS AND LADIES' FURNISH I NCS. Ladies Dress and Underwear Department, ZEtLA-O-ruIE bimiipoiritjim:. Z, f, 31, 1, RET Mi DRV GOODS, .. (I . i 1 r FALL SUITS In A1mi', S.uin Muliiiir, -to'. " ' WRAPPERS CAPES and SACQUES, Silk Clolli mul Cindimc-n;. lNinrCKSIKNTS MOST EXTRA0KD1N1!Y 1 lav,. rn-cmJ n select invoice of l.:uli Cloth S;.,-,,,, which wc ollev :M I'nces rimymg fro,,, ,h) to encli. A (lisrotnit t the tr.ulc. LADIES TOILET, DAY AND NICHT FURNISHINGS librae iiuantiluK nnd frml vurietv of oriccs, nmsMiii" of Chcmi I" U,Klm-J.l,i;,K incKv;,,,; " u"'"1 MIS.SKS r.N'DKUWEAli, .Skirls. .pm.w, Suits, c. IXFAXTS Umg mul Short Dnws, Emhroiilcml Kohre. U'c will close the Iwhwuvor I.incn Soils, Wnu.pers, I.:,ce Shawls S,,.s ami Overskirts nt IWITIVE IIAIICAIXS- " To make room lor our Xew lioxls we oiler the cmHcst iudi.ce.ucols i Fall & Winter Dress Good Remnants, Rubber Goods, Gloves, Aprons, Diaper, Bibs and Sheeting. La-lic Salt Lake Gloves, those haviK our U, ,llolu. ,,. genuine. II. I!. CI.AWSON, Supcrh.lcmU.nl. UTAH PLANINC MILL. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS! HAVING THOltOlinjILY REPAIRED THE MACHINERY ai tie UTAH PLANING ILL 1 m non- pror.rod t, ,1 nil ,k i my Un?, j, caln0J MlI K,lM At the Lowest Living ltalow. Surfacing ono inch' Pine, one aide, I.K1 -ji ljHit fn. , " ," LnlthsUes, 7.00 sUloOU feet! tongue mul grrnvinf;, for flooring, --. 7.50 j) 1,(100 rret. : Oilier SurlUcIng, Mnlclilng, Jolotlug, elc.j at Lowest I'rlcci. Sphtting H Pine, 6 inches wide, for Skiing, cU-., $1.00 Q 100 I ' il e1 to 10 inches wide, - - - - 1 li3 VI phi rr,i Hipping 1 inch Pine, f 100 running fret, 20 mil 2 " " t 100 " 35 coi.t: ' SCROLL SAWING AND TURNING MADE A SPECIALTY. Cui Tws uxna tb. ri. rfa IM Cln to tMvi, Culom.,, . v A LARGE ASSORTMENT - OF WALNUT! LUMBER, For CODNTEIl TOl'S. olc, cnUntly od hand. Dressed lute I'me Flooring, at 5 cts. per fool. LIBERAL DISCOUNT to the TRADE. CraorrfTlUHD SOUTH .nd flKtiX WtSl STKKKIS, .' i ji: HENRY D1NW00DEY,' Proprietor. STOVES AND TINWARE. , STOYESTSTOVES ! STOVES THE CHEAPEST "rjf TUB TERRITORY. COOMG, PMORpyilFMIi SUES Jn Great : Variety at Wm. Harrison's Siovc and Tin Stored Main Street, Opposite Bp. Hunter's. Old Residence. I can and mil sell cheaper than any other house in town. AU Kinds or Tin, Iron & Copper H are Manuracf tired on tlie i'retitv-s. B-CAL,L AND EXAMLVE TiiE STOCK. ....... ' ' Krf DRY GOODS, CARPETS, ETC.. ry. i WALKER B ROTH ERS. DRY GOODS AND CARPETS ! WPIOJ.ESAI.E AND RETAIL. . ozmiNTTs iTJE.asrisiiiisrca- goods WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. r-J-J Vit l"-:. i THE LARGEST ,l.7 HKUT .iSSOHTKII STOCKS WEST OF CHICAGO. Dealers will find wo can sell goods cheap, iw tttf buy in ?arj;o quant iii-i irum FIRST HANDS FOlt CAS1L ' ' OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENT Euibr.wcs Uic Finest A-wjrtment hi Utah, and we ar now on'ering C3-KIEA.T BAO-JLIiTS IS SUMMER GOODS In order to close (hem out and iit'dc rom Jvr our IMMENSE ; EAT-.11, ETJECIIASE- Z. C. M. I. STOVES, ETC. STO YES, Z.C I. GROCERY AD II1RDV.AIIE DEP.lHT.liE.Vf Monitor, Charter Oak KEW EZRi-&- JL2IJD T,0"2"-AXj Al-o (trvm Turirt y r other Ooklnjr riJ J1itlrr Morrr. c. u I n'"1'1 ,! " U uwruneot W foorni in nay stock in Vmh- H. CLAWSON.Suporintendent. |