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Show j no in: dots ad ioi.s ! We condense and extract from the Ko-nnl of the 2d : The stoppage of the Raymond & Ely, consequent uj,on the restraining i order, issuu.1 on the application of the j Kcnnickv. has had a very depressing I effect on Pioehe. i The District Court. '.fudge Fuller presiding, continues in session. Gravel side-walks arc being agitated. agitat-ed. Tlie i.V'-rf tays : A Jew month ago l'iuche was louked upon as the . very emlvdiment ox all that was in-f;unoti5. in-f;unoti5. The reason w.is plain enough. Murderers thought they j could ply their vocation with irnpu- j uity : that if they put up a job and killed a man they could get their " pais" to swear them out of it. But a chaDge has come over the spirit of i their dream?;- and they nre now brought to a realization of the iaet i hat no man can outrage the law with i impunity. Heretofore murderers have depended upon " frienuV' to swear, them out of any difficulty their na- ' Lire might lead" them into; but tlie ; courts have been found equ.il to the J emergency, and cut-throats and out-j law? find that Pioehe is not as grod a ' place as it was. It is a source of con- gratiuaLun that murderers have been brought to realise t;".ir position to un'.h -Mar.ii thaL Pioehe does not fur-ni-h license to p-rpeir.ue any kind of crime without molestation. Thecon- - vie lions which have been had within the past few weeks show that the authorities are determined to main- ', tain the law. |