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Show New Appointment W. C "Woody" Terry The biggest man In the home Improvement busl-ness." busl-ness." la order to better serve the Southern Utah area In the home Improvement field, the U. a Bock Wool Sales Company Com-pany has appointed Mr. W. G. Terry as area supervisor. Mr. I Tery Is well acquainted throughout Southern Utah and has had several years exper-: exper-: lence In the Home Improvement Improve-ment business. Tb U. S. Bock Wool Sales Co. Is dealer for Capitol storm and 1 MB doors. Jasco aluminum storm windows. AW easement type, storm windows. Kool chad Sunscreens and Lite-Vm Lite-Vm awnings, patio canoplos and door hoods. GET ACQUAINTED OFFER To help you become acquainted acquaint-ed with Mr. Terry and the U. T. Rock Wool Sales Company, They make the following of- an 85 value 1 I Combination Storm and t , Screen Door . . just 4880 , Completely Installed r..lt Is a top quality door. , of hoary duty Alcoa--:lrudd aluminum. It's fully --. Inch thick with adjustable '-tnnel frame and Includes I 'l hardware, pneumatic door I M. interchangeable glass I 1 screen inserts, and instal-I instal-I "n by factory trained ex. I . Lis Offer is Limited !f Good only 5 daysl ft 7 upon expires midnight April 18. 1956 z&&r Call 1390 . J Coupon I 'ft 'j T01 I "SfriH' uon C0UBtT 1; Zf CodarClty I J Utah , I : '-I riease give I'.'yM : "!'! me a free Ej - cms. r-zxrJt demonstration i 1; no obligation to buy this U a :', Aluminum Screen and . ,. a:;h Door. If I like it Til buy : f jr only $49.50 installed, run GrUli optional at txtra ..je ;:.'.:.:e .-.ddp.eds Toll me cbju: Aluminum Awnings too , , ., Q y the way aru is th time to get these beautiful Uto Vent Awnings, facial Intro ductory prices era la ttect tof cooing weeU only. leaf about our Ad en XSUB. (Champs off every weight class ! CJevj '5 ChewoHet HbskrFozce UVucks ! New 3000 Series truck. Model New M-ton Forward Control Model 3803. 1-ton. shown with Model 3805, handsome new 3104, a V4-ton pickup. chassis, Model 3442. refrigerator body. 1-ton panel X.IGXHnrWEXGES'F CESiHUPSl New 6000 Series truck pictured Husky new 5000 Series L.C.F. New 6000 Series Task-Force . New 4000 Series Chevrolet with van body. with platform body. school bus chassis. stake truck. lyilDDliEWEIGHX CHAMPC! New 10000 Series truck with New 9000 Series L.C.F. cab New 10000 Series truck illustrated New 8000 Series model shown Triple-Torque tandem. and chassis. with concrete mixer unit as tractor with setmi-traUer. H iSiWITwVE IGEIX CELilMIPC I f I This is just part o! the new Task-Force fleet! av.;-77777 They're rated as high as 32.000 lbs. G.V.W., 50,000 lbs. G.C.W.! Come on in and look 'em over. Anything less is an old-fashioned truck! BRADSHAW CHEVROLET COMPANY 380 If orth Main Phon. 1234 Odar City. Utah |