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Show M"BM-aM m illlittnovmt you MOST IN HOME Decorating can be fun especially espe-cially if it Rett rendu that win praises from your family and friends. If you Lave flair for doing your own decorating, deco-rating, let ut kelp you here and there. We've gained lot of experience helping others with the same problems. Of course, well advise you to start your plan with carpet And while we're about it, why not plan to drop in and see our wide selection, featuring famous Bigelow, Alexan- . der Smith and Masland I Parnate ' BRING Your decorating problems to Leigh's College trained decorator decora-tor and designer Anton Hunter For Free Satisfactory Answers 0a Wi-V I ThisOnirGTweVfceksOnlyl J ' v'- 3FAM0US HYBRID TEA ROSES f N-i"' y. from the groweraof the world'a f.' , , , finest roaeal A wide, colorful ae- -- - 1 lection of beautiful and popular "name" rosea ... root-wrapped GENUINE HYBRID and ready to plantl Ordinarily ROSE IUSH FREI WITH you'd P 1' bu,h; , ,,.. , But now, with the purchaae of IVHT GALLON Of every gallon of Martin-Senour MARTI N-SENOUR Paint, you get one roee buah free. T , COMf IN AND CfT YOU FH IOU Hea-Teas flat Eaaawl 0$M TOOArf Choose from the Cles-Teae Satin Clest world's widest array of paint color Kslar-Bftts Eaamel ft AND get a bonus beauty treatment fleer aae Trim Eaamal I for your yard at the same time! Colariol Maseary ftaUsa 1 Martin-Senour's wonderful world of MKii lu Paint A color tot WW decorating surface . . . mvnara nam raw u -very decorating purpose. Protect Shake Pstot 0 anj beautify your home with colors Castesa Coler A that stay new for years. Spruce up I for Spring, now . . . while you get this .mvmmLj beautiful rose bush free of extra cost. iK-r-ydu Thi ffer u,u two wtek,i PIANT NOW-PAINT NOW-INJOY BOTH UTt . XrU..! Modern blond osk "V .4 rrTn 1 eh"' wl,h -riin I " cv : TTlTTlJr irsy Inside. Same ds fl , lV U-Jii sia slso svsilsbls in -J-sVyy- t0f ' 1 other finishes. I " A n. .40141 $5405 J - g Gf fhs famous 1ANE FEATURES I ' ' V " thick red ceder Interiors t QW 0 Free moth prelection guaranty A Areme light construct)) ttWIHG MACHIKa AO liTOima ki I OR MAIL COUPON I Leigh's Cedar City, Utah We or interested in a used sewing machine. No obligation. Nome . Address : State Phone - "- L And Do Y?u 14nw LEIGH'S will carpet thror avornno-nze roons in your homo . . for just $10.00 down and $10.00 per month. Why pay more? Why pay Salt l ake middlemen? Of nil the stores in the Tri-State Area LEIGH'S . . . and only LEIGH'S . . . buy "r.iselow," "?'as-land," "?'as-land," and "Alexander Smith" carpet direct 1 the carpet rrvlb! All other major carpet milh have Fait I ake firms representing repre-senting them. LEIGH'S buy direct! No middlemen! And you save dollars on your carpet! Yes, you will save plenty on your new carpet, if you select famous "Bigelow," "J.asland." or "Alexander "Alexan-der Smith" carpet . . . sold exclusively by LEIGH'S in Southern Utah! And remember this: LEIGH'S will lay your carpet . . . anywhere in this Tri-State Area ... at no extra charge! Buy your carpet at LEIGH'S . . . and save! Manufacturers of the finest carpets like Bigelow's Lockweave specify cement and tape seaming for their million dollar carpet Jobs. Leigh's Mr. Bernell Twitchell gives your carpet job the mil lion dollar look. Leigh's are proud to have on their taff a man who has spent weeks in the world's largest carpet mill studying carpet making and carpet Installation. For fine carpet expertly laid at factory-to-you low prices, it's Leigh's. Weekend Kroehler Special $ DfS5 Solid Hardwood Frame Cushionized Construction Frieze Covers Kroehlers World Famous Styling LMR up TC yM00 I UA UA U li liU J I Save up f0 oo.QO on a Magnavox High Fidelity instrument - These MAG-nrnrnirn MAG-nrnrnirn 1 MIFICENT MAGNAVOX "Hi-Fi" units will only bo on sale at these bigsav-KlClIVlIJ bigsav-KlClIVlIJ I ngs during the first part of April, t MAmnrin nninnffPMrpl So come in - See and hear the finest Hi-Fi available at t. ANOTHER SHIPMENT! LeI6hFurni,u,eC,n,pany. HURRY! HURRY! WHILE THEY LAST!!! j s& ; j Exiub value to-cMfam jjj C4. Qfowtmtd BiMau I whi i SIMVONS Quality Feofures flJQCC ; . '. Hundred, of springy steel wils 1 1 1 iff If 133 v Since 1902 Auto-lock construction stabilizes " mattress, keeps It comfortable . ., CVO S3 fashion Pink and Dovo Cray cover fl r Cj R Vyjzyi $ofl-fr.e edfl.s retain their shape TV OY.J Qyt for the life of the mattress J Sy Co'd hond,M -y rnng Jl S" Furniture & Carpet Co. t pj- s ' |