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Show Vliy tho Horses Acted So. , H "I wonder what's tlio matter with that ( H horFe," Bald a inun to his wlfo whllo ho was j H In tho net of unhitching tho nnlmal at Thlr- H ty-fourth street and Glrard avenuo yesterday. Tho horso was rearing and plunging and dls- (H playing hIsiib of terror whenever his master I jH camu nenr him. A passcr-by camo to hU aid H nnd whllo quieting the nnlrr.nl oxplalnod to IB the ou-ncr. "I notlccTl." said he, "that yon H Just camo out of tho zoo, over there. A H slight scent of tho wild nnlmala hau clunff tM to your clothing, nnd, although your homo IH hns probably never seen nnythlng wilder than 1. H u cow. his Instinct tells him that whoro that I SI ocent lo thoro Is danger. It will wear off soon, H and you will bavo no moro troublo." Phlla- lm delpbla Bocord. H |