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Show Women Elect Officers. LOS ANGELES. Cal., May 26. The Women's Auxiliary of the International Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers today took up the work of electing Its grand ofllcerrf. Up to the hour of adjournment ad-journment for the midday recess the following, all present IncumbcntB, had been chosen: Grand president. Mrs. W. A. Mur-dock, Mur-dock, Chicago; grand vice-president, Mrs. M. E. Cassell, Columbus, O.: grand secretary'. Mrs. Harry St. Clair, Lo-goanaport, Lo-goanaport, Tnd. The election of officers will be re? sumed at the afternoon session and It is expected that the work will be completed com-pleted nnd finul adjournment of the auxiliary had by t6rnorrow night. In the convention of the Brotherhood no Information regarding the work of the morning session was given out, but It Is understood that the convention was ensaged In the consideration of matters of Immaterial importance. It is the plan of the convention to take up the matter of selecting the place for the next biennial bien-nial convention, prior to the election o grand officers. Representatives of tho yurloun towns that are competing for the next convention will likely be heard by the convention tomorrow in nupport of the claims of their respective cities. The following named cities are being considered: Peoria, ill.; Columbus, O.; Memphis, Tenn.; Montgomery, Ala.: Indianapolis. In-dianapolis. Ind.; Cleveland, O., and Lincoln, Lin-coln, Neb. |