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Show Pembroke Soils Them. Loose lf ledgers aad invoice books. 477 7 at AMKRICAN fi.oo to s3.oo flif ILL f 'p I AFnLO tft r For s-l ' over "i- .; century 1 : iwc hc maintained our reputation cj ratters and blender) of co.Ac that i isjwayi uniform in quality. J. A. FOLGER CI CO. ' 8a.n Frnciaco J Isnportera of Fine CofTces i ir " ' 11 i rii.i'innri,fiir Tonopah Stock Sales. Monday's transfers on the San Francisco Fran-cisco board were recorded n they follow: fol-low: Montana-Tonopah. 100 at HM; Belmont, 200 at 95c: 600 at G3c; Midway. BOO nt c. buyer thirty days; 200 nt tic. Tonka, the usual cheat for vanilla, costs one or two cenu for a certain amount; Schilling's Best vanilla a dollar. dol-lar. One is strong; the other i fine. One is rank; the other is delicate. Nevertheless four-fifths four-fifths of "vanilk is tonka. The oS cents accounts for it. Jont and gcc3 " ' . J r The Sail Lake Hardware Co. ! EVERYTHING fi nTITTaaTTraia ill' UJ A.-aja SO. ' ( Wakeful? Sleeplessness Is a Sign of Nerve Trouble Trou-ble and Should Be Looked To. Tboro ore three different manifestations manifesta-tions of oleeplesanoss. First, liardly to sleep a wink all night, rccond, to lie awake a long time beforo falling asleep: third, to fall aeleap soon, waking up after several hours and then find It Itard to Bleep again. They moan that somewhere In the nerve fibres, somewhere in tho brain cells, somewhere in the blood veasela tliat carry blood to tho brain, something is radically wrong, and must be rirhted, or the end may be worse than death. To right It. take Dr. Miles' Narvlne. Some other symptoms of nerve trouble trou-ble are: Dizziness. Headache. Backache, Back-ache, Worry, Kre tfulneaa. Irritability, Melancholy, Lack of Ambition. They indicate diseases which may lead to Epllpey. Fits. SL Vitus Dance. Nervous ProstraUon, Paralysia, Inuilly.' Nothing will give mieh quick and lasting last-ing relief as Dr. MJlea' Nervine. "My huaband had been sick for weeks, could not nit up to ltava bis bed mad. With all tha medical help wa could get ho continued to grow worse. Jit could neither Ip or eat. Our baby girt waa aent away, and all callers barred, b-ctUH b-ctUH hi could not aland a bit of talking. talk-ing. I road of a ca of nenroua prostration pros-tration cured by Dr. Mllea RMtoratlvo Nervine. Wo began giving it to bioi. and In a few dy ha waa abl to bo dreseed. From that lima he atrdy iraprored. Nervlna aaved bis lift." -MRS. A. O. HASKIX. Freerllle, N. T. T?T?1?"P1 Write to us for Fr Trial JL IV Hi Hi packago of Dr. Mlle' Anti-Pain Anti-Pain Pills, the New Scientific Remjdy for Pain. Alo Symptom Blank. Our BpeetailKt will dlagnoae your cae, ttil you wliat Is wrong, anU how lo right l. Pre. im. .MILfcfi WBDICAL CO.! LOX;ItATumj5d, ri.KMAIVT, IX D. P You have always meant to . buy a STEIN WAY Piano- j I ' that u your ido&l. You don't j 1 ! know how the Idea came to you j ; that Stcinwayj arc the boat. I t i We can tell you. It h . j Public Opinion No one told you so. The world i&ys to, and when the Stein way goes hoaae you wfll j know why better every day. j : BOLD ONLT BY I ,Clay(on Music Co. j j 100 Main St. "rw Store. J. W. CURRLE, 8 ' n V 3rd Bocth. tUlt Lak. Citr I j x The State Bank oMJU Corner ilnln. and South Tempi 9Ts Salt LAko City. ?ELe JOBETf F. SMITH, Prtaldaat. WILLIAM R, PRBSTON, VlcPreatS CHARL8 S. BURTON. Ch!.r. ifflk HXXRT T. M'KWAN. Aat. O-hlar. Jgij GH17KRAX BA20CHfG BTJBXWMfr AeoeuaU folseU-d. 6pclaJ attentions tan try trd. Corrnpondac tnv4.3to tfig J. X. Corrrl.T. Pr.v K W. Wuron, CaaliMgSi OPKN AN ACCOUNT WITH COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK J. J. Daly, W. P. NoUo, nc-Pr3ldols.KJ! A. JL P.abody, Ajtj'i C.hlesgp WELLS, FARGO SCO. BANii Salt Lako City, Utah, IIK? KotabUahod 1132. jl Th Oldest and Stroact Bank hi UteahS CapltiO. . j Burplun V ...niTMM Undivided profit a ) jHjM TranMot a irBeral banklntr buslnessaTil domestic and forlR-n. Urffct Direct connoeUona with b&nks In s)gtf principal cltUs of thn world. 4 18SUJCS; JfJy Draito, I On sJETta L?ttra ef Credit, promlneaC, Telatrraphie Transfers. I c'tG( Depoelta reclvo1 subJret to chrck. tSjp IL L. MILLKR, Cashier, Kb. II. P. CLARK. Aeat, Ca.hUr. jpt RSTAULIIHED 1911. 1M OFFICsiSw TUB OLDKAT AND LAROE3T. flfat O. DUN & CO., ffe The Mercantile Agency. 'K; GEOROK RUST, Ganaral Mxr.rer. WE! Utah. Idaho and Wmlni35Y Office In ProrriM bid . 8alt LaKe Cltyjflgg CAPITAL FULLY PAID. tM.td. WALKER BROTHERS! BANKERS. p SALT LAKE CITY. t'TAH jBfij Ketabtlahtd IMS. Inr irrc MKi Tranaact a Oanaral Banking U j'nfaJiftj( SAr DEPOSIT aOXKg FOR KKNT.JB J-jESBRRT NATIONAL DANK, UNITED STATU DttPORITART. JM Salt Lalta City, Utah 1 X Capital, f 500,000 Surplus, 8250,000 iE X,. S. HILLS, MOSE8 TILATCIIER? PreiAdenL W lnMdentj II. B. YOU NO, E a HILL8. & Caahler Anal. CaJhUr.l Safo deposit boin for rant j NATIONAL BANK OF ) THE REPUBLIC fj t. S DEPOSITART. f FRANK KNOX ,PrdJa it JAMES A. MURRAY.. ...VIco-PrMl4eat it W. F. ADAMB ... Caabisej US. CAPITAL PAID IN. X3CO.CCO. 5 & Banking1 In all lti bruichea transacted.' la SxehanKe drawn on tha principal dtlea of Europe. Ik INTEREST PAID ON TIMS DEPOSITS jypCORNICX & CO., 1 j Bankers, B $ Salt Laico City, Ubvb, ESTABLISHED 1870. J $ f)tf m 0 ST b 0 PATH S. s It's the Saltl g&f& lake Stampj gM 107 TetayaE J. r TV aaSeflM f tri. f i. ( o hot will u n JBII |