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Show RICH GOLD STRIKE AT BIRCH CREEK Special to The Tribune. RICHFIELD. Utah. May 25.-A ripple rip-ple of excitement In this section has resulted from a rich gold strike at Birch crock, live miles south of Monroe. Sevier Se-vier county, practically a new district. Ono foot of ore thnt goes per ton In the yellow mctnl has caused the stir. At various times In the pnst promising float and healthy nppeurlng cropplnga hnvo been found In this mountain rnngc, which walls In Sevier valley on the cast. Gold Mountain district being on the west of the valley, but heretofore hereto-fore tho source of tho float hns remained re-mained undetermined nnd tho crop-pings crop-pings have been low grnde or barren. Ed Clnrk of Richfield nnd Will Clark of Monroe have for some time owned the Gold Cup group on Rlrch creek. After conflderablo development work they sent Assayer McVlcker three samples, sam-ples, which went, respectively. $1.60, $1 and J10 gold to the ton. After that they got wind of richer dirt In the near neighborhood nnd sent Messrs. Swindle Swin-dle and Harmon to prospect for It. They found the ledge and by sampling fairly the one foot of ore nt the grass roots obtained the 122 return. Now the Clark Bros, and Messrs. Harmon and Swindle own six claims, comprising compris-ing the Gold Cup group. On tho group aro several veins, all parallel and trending north and south, Tho rich ledge Is u true Assure. Tho walls are tho bird's eye porphyry, thnt is much In evidence In Gold Mountain district, and Is traced all tho way across Utah Into Cripple Creek. Above this In a contact where the owners expect to unearth great value?. Slightly down the mountain from the recent rich strike Is a three-foot vein that averages 51 gold. The lucky discoverers dis-coverers have a shift of miners opening open-ing up their And, and dally reports confirm con-firm the good news first launched. It seems probable that a stampede to the new district will follow this revelation. |