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Show Iwiied vory mornlnff by Halt Lke Tribune Trib-une rublnhtnfT Company, PERRY 3. ItUATII, I'ublUber and Gnral Manager. Man-ager. TERMS OF BlTIfSCTUPTION. Dull itr-.i Sunday Tribune ono wm1c4 .25 Pally and Sunday, on month ....... pally and Sunday, two month. ...... 3.W Pally and Sunday, thrr month S-W DnIJy nd Sunday, on vr.&r U.W Sunday Trlbur.n, one your Bur -lay Tr I bun r. ils months Semi-weekly Tribune, on yenr All remittances and bu!nafl letters alioulti b addrcaK'd to TRiniTNK PLTiUSrtlKO COMPANT. Bait Tk CHy. Utah. 8 C TJookwlth. Spoolal APncr, Sol Fwtorn Advrtlnr ArnL Blrn of. fw iM-tHT-to Tribune H. ?,tt York W.trn offleo, 510-M2 Tribune Trib-une Building. Chicago. No communication In relation to pwbll-ctln pwbll-ctln In or bwlnw Tor Tho Trlbane ahuiM b nddrrK6d to, any Individual or " otfrr of thin corporation. Matter rlat- Inr n puMlcntlon hIiouW b jldrrmel to thf rMltor of Thf Tribune and ommlinl-cntlop ommlinl-cntlop relative to subscription- and ad-vrfllnir ad-vrfllnir and nthr business s hould b ad-creiied ad-creiied to Tho Tribune I'ubllshlns Com-rnnr Com-rnnr Zntrd at the Poatoftlco of Salt Lake -. rity ns Feoond-elaw matter. ' Washington Bureau National Hotel. Tribuno Telephone Numbers. 71ualns5 Office Va City Editor .31-3 R njr and Nlsht Editor IUnn Thursday, May 26, 1004. |