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Show Heated Argument in Which Liejs Passed Ohio Democrats Have Pved-Hot Time in Convention Conservatives in Control. COLUMBUS. .0., May 25. Previous to the assembling of the Democratic Demo-cratic State convention today the conservatives had won in the preliminary pre-liminary meetings. All the 20S contested con-tested seats were given to the conservatives. conser-vatives. R. B. Anderson of "Wupokoneta pre sented the majority report of the committee com-mittee on credentials, seating the 20S conservative contestants, signed by eighteen of the twenty-one members of tho committee. V. V. L.cax of Delaware presented a minority report, signed by three members of the committee, seating seat-ing the thirty-five radicals from Franklin Frank-lin county, instead of the thirty-five conservatives. Former Congressman John J. Ientr. spoke In favor of the minority, while Col. W. A. Taylor spoke for the majority report. When Col. Taylor concluded thore was a. disturbance on the platform. Mr. Lvenb: took exceptions to what Col. Taylor Tay-lor had said and asked to sec papers Col. Taylor had In bin hand. Lentz took them. Taylor granbed them back and a personal encounter In words followed fol-lowed until both men were put down. Lentz and Taylor both passed the lie repeatedly. Tho minority report covered only the contest in Franklin county and the roll was called on substituting the minority for the majority report. It was lost, 307 to aSO. The majority report of the conservatives con-servatives on credentials was then adopted and the temporary organization organiza-tion made permanent. The platform was then presented. It declares that the Democratic party of Ohio, while firmly adhering to all living Democratic principles, as time and again declared by Democratic conventions, conven-tions, recommend that the formal annunciation an-nunciation of purely national questions ques-tions be referred to the National convention, con-vention, soon to convene at St. Louis. The Ohio delegation is directed to cawt the entire forty-aix votes in tho National convention as the majority of those present and voting shall decide, when such majority shall determine that course to bo advisable. An etfort to have "the modified unit rule" stricken from the platform failed. A ticket headed by A. P. Sanders of Ottawa for Secretary of States was then nominated. |