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Show :: Street Waits , I or Developments : i jj acting Tendency of General Jjgrincss Is No Surprise to tho H ' Initiated. i rvr TORK, May -3. Yesterday's ! rf-vlnff tut of contracts by the dls-J-' rufted traders who had como into I stock market under the Influ--' ' tho Saturday bank tilatement loft Motive power to tho m:irket. Tho i - Invited some short selling In tho Tjj extend tho downward inovomont ' 1 a to yle,(1 u tnu1er's Profit on tlio V fide, but this was timidly pur-l pur-l jaj wlth tho subsequent stoady- the market tho trading; Jbccajno vlr- U 0 trade seemed to bo aban- lt' jjj despair of achlovlng any move- "2 ut prices. Soiling for long account ii 'trs-i Influence on tho early heavl-s" heavl-s" , dthouph It was In very light vol- 'it'lv Tbe Impression wan produced by . iw-n'ovmcnt of houses having con-JvAmS con-JvAmS -with those cities that Chicago Philadelphia orders wero rosponsl-kV rosponsl-kV for tho sslllns- of como of the Icnd- Simiof mora thun a point in New SSs: Hartford was tho only concreto Xof the strlko of freight handlers. 5.4b labor difficulty of that road was A1T,"5lvo Influence on tho trading. . Mccnoblllty of prices In Wall street 'ita stagnation of tho trading aro ""ri-e of the waiting for developments iccneral situation. Tho contract-t contract-t Jadeacy of general business Is no & to Wall street, for It Is evident WWe long liquidation of last year Eu expectation of just such a de-'EJat de-'EJat Tho precedent of reaction In SffcKS a-" R eequenco of tho culmlna-(l(mT(( culmlna-(l(mT(( a boom In securities Is too un-W- fit to leavo much room for mlscal-1 -J it Tho shrinkage In business 'ltd day bv day proves the foresight ii 2"tmpted" Felling of securities last r ind tidvanclng prices of securities J r'bs'fen,' while tho actual contrac- b business is still going on in an- riUca of the change i m what "Wall streo. cannot dlslln- h Is shown by tho reduction in earn-Jr earn-Jr rror which Is generally prevalent. "i ciy uncover an overextension of i K, a business and industry in all I a ltd of all grades. The extent to j- m ihs ability to meet fixed obllgn- teicay be Impaired by tho downward ' cm of business must be ascertained confidence returns to tho spocu-1; spocu-1; tie world. ,ff St4 Incidents of the day were few and i Kt tt Ultle influence. The outgo of 7i; ISiMsoH tomorrow is practically off-t off-t It additional receipts of Japanoso blind the transfor of Government dc-ttJ dc-ttJ from banks to tho sub-treasury to-l to-l it tu closely equivalent to the pny-; pny-; si last Saturday to tho credit of the : iuna republic. IV narking down of the mnrkct quo-?j quo-?j for copper had no effect on Amnl-isi'.M Amnl-isi'.M Copper, tho security prlncl-f.y prlncl-f.y i2r concerned. Stances In refined sugars wero equally I fjii-il influence on sugar stocks. I: hWn Rapid Transit's advance was I Wfct&l to summer passenger traffic. Ik Metropolitan Street Railway mado JjtejTalor creator decline. Last prices ft tosMUieantly alloyed from those lut nlsht l.s wtre steady. Total sale's, par lwp.tl.275.KO United States bonds wer I ' NEW YORK BOND LIST. I ,i r, is res 101 ilan, c. g. -is....l03'4 tepon .. .. M Mex. C. 4s C5 17 Lis rcg . -103B 1st lnc 13 fi ! . . 105i M. & S. L. 4s.... ITS n. Is rcg. 132 M., K. & T. 4s. .100 ; ;qxm 132 2nds 78 '.Lo. Is rcg. 105i Mex. Nnt. c. 4s.. 74U f Kpoa 105-14 N. Y. C. g. 3Vis. 0S?i , libn g. 43...101 N. J. C g. 5s. l3l i'X is 01 N. Pac 4s 104i ' L t L. Is 55 3s 12A : 1 1 0. 4s 101 N. & W. c. 4s.... M-k ' yi &5U O. S. L, 4s & p. Wjl .oIGd 1st 1 75 Penn. c. 3As OiVj ..kQ iks ...101 Reading g. 4s... 9S ' b4tfe;HSs..t 1 1 SL U & I. 31L J4 A. s 79 con. Ds 113 k Q. n. 4s D4 St. L. &. San F. . wlL & SL P. fg. 4s S2,i ;K. Is . . . .ivt St. L. S'w'n lsts W4 : tK ff'n c 7s.l27Ti S. A. L.. 4s 70Vi f .f-1. & P. 4s CO So. Pac. 4s 91 n&n"S. " - 7y' So- Ry- 53 U5 C. fi: St. T. & P. IStS 113 hin.is ...lot T. St. L. & W. 1 Tcr. is .... 73 4s 70W, Toicco Is .. CO U. Pac. 4a 101 AV8 $41 conv. 4s 00 A R-G, 4s . U. S. S. 2nd Gs. 73 "P. Hen -Is . flj,v4 Wabash lsta ....115 Ifu,'' M deb- B- ,V" & D C. "V. & L. E. 4s.. S9 3 ,,'', ..VO Wis. C. 4S IWi VV 4H8...,107ii C. F. & I. c. 5s.. 70i ' CLOSING STOCK LIST. h.v,, Salcsj High. Low. Close. ! SM . IB.S00 6S CS 63?i tokr?10 ' 3-w 77 TOi r"rtfl ... 904 K Ohio 30 vi0" 40i) 37 37 37 Rf. Northwest las fcrJc t L C9 S",lhcrn 100 15 15 15U JlIUdHon KO 153 153 153 r C8t 200 &MR, G" ' 200 19 19Ji W iri : rrM w ferrcd .... 2-0 3354 s, If alley .... ICO CO CO 9 rd ; , CCO 77i 77 7C fntS31..;::; ..10 l:s:1 whcVn ::::: t NasiT ..'.";. "m 167". lfHi 107 "V WO lit 112 113 rJllJM 100 77 77 70 retRy., ., 7(M0 110,i 109 10yA I-; :::: J rL pac . .. . 1,606 90 69 90 & Texas 1C T-:-, 100 33 35 , pfd jiZ 1.100 1H 114 ' 114 1 & W.:st.'.".'; i706 21 2i(I 21 & StaL ' " "' m 113 113 'rerrVd";:::: 5 a I4 r,tferTed ... CO 5?nd Co .... 1,7(0 21 2C.fi 21 thwe-st .. 200 12. 12 12Vi 700 31 31 31 X w 1(0 81 63 S3 Pac .. MO SSi S3 37-Vi htd 300 91 50 91 rre'd ,B ir,!ii 10 lZned"1 - "iw iejft iofi ic- f. "1 3S JH1 4- SILVER. 4. New York 557 4- San Francisco foftc 4 -f London 25d LEAD. ' -f New York exchango $4.45S4.50 4- f COPPER. -f Now York exchange $12.$0S12.75 4- iMex Central l.ioo 7 7?J 7i Express Companies Adams 225 American Jgj United StatcH 100 Wclls-Fargo ) 2W Ml8ccllnncous Amalg Cpper is.100 r.Oi 49i 49Ti Amer Car & F J00 17 17 10 preferred lt Amer Cotton Oil 27 preferred . American Ico 714 preferred 300 273i 27 27' Ainer Linseed Oil '.. . . 7 preferred 27 Amor Loco g preferred TOO Slvi 81 81 " Amer Sin &. Rcf.... 4.S00 C0 43U preferred 1,900 K 95i 9j Amer Sugar Ref.... COO 125 125 12il Anaconda M Co : .... 71 Brooklyn R T 22.700 47i 46 47i Colo F & Iron 100 2ST, 2S 2S Cons Gas 1,700 20S 207". 20SM Corn Products .... 100 11 11 1 1 preferred CO Distillers' Securlt's 200 20- 20 20 General Electric .. COO 1C6 156 155 Intern'l Paper 10 preferred i Intorn'l Pump 0 37 37 30 preferred 70 National Lead .... 200 19 19 19?s North American 200 S2 S2 SI Pac Mall 20 Peopled Gas .: KO 95 WVi 93 Pressed Steel Car 21 preferred f.6 Pullman Pal Car 210 Republic Steel fi'4 preferred 30) S3 37;i 37U Rubber Goods 15 preferred 77 Tenn C & Iron 500 33 33Vt 33; U S Leather 200 0 (?& C preferred 79J U S Realty 1.500 7 (Tft 7 preferred 41 U S Rubber 100 10 16 Wk prefcrrwl 200 07 67 00 U S Steel 1.000 9 9 9 preferred 21,200 53 53 E3& westlnghouso Elec 165 Western Union S6 Total snles for tho day, 212,700 shares. To List Utah Fuel Bonds. Tho New York Trlbuno of May 20 says: "Application has been mado to tho stock exchango by the Utah Fuel company to tiBt J300.000 additional 5 per cent sinking lund first mortgage bonds of 193L" Money and Exchange. NEW YORK. May 21. Money on call, easy, ltfTl per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; ottered at 114 per cent. Time lonnn. easy and dull; sixty and ninety days, 2 ft3 per cent; six months. 3 per cent. Prlmo mercantile paper, SVi-SM per cent. Sterling exchange, firm, with actual business busi-ness In bankers bills at fI,S0.764 S0.9C for demand and at rflJ-l.80C4.SJ.S3 for sixty-day bills. Posted rates, JI.S5g,4.S0 and $-l.S7. Commercial bills, $4.S4. Silver and Drafts. NEW YORK, May 25. Bar silver, 53J4c Mexican dollare, 44c. SAN FRANCISC07May 25.-Sllver bars. 55!(,c Drafts, sight, Gc; telegraph, 7c New York Metals. NEW YORK, May 25. Tin was generally gen-erally weak nnd lower, under a poor demand. de-mand. London reported a doclino of 10s for spot nnd of 5s for futures, tho first position closing at cl24 2s Cd and tho second sec-ond at 123 12s Gd. Locally, tin was also a little lower, closing at $27.0027.75. Copper waa lower In the London market, fipot declining 7s 6d. to 50 7s Cd, while futures fu-tures were quoted at 50 10s. Locally, copper cop-per was a shade easier In tone, with demand de-mand quiet. Lake Ih quoted at 513.COC1 13.12; electrolytic, $12.7513.00; casting, $12.5057-12.75. Lead declined Is 3d. to 11 13s 9d. in London, Lon-don, but remained unchanged hare, at $l.45ft4.50. Spelter was lower In New-York, closing at J5.COg5.yj; London remained unchanged, at 22. Iron was unchanged, at 61s 9d In Glasgow Glas-gow and at ld lower In MIddlcsboro, where it closed at 43s 7d- Locally, Iron Is nominally unchanged. No. 1 .foundry Northern la quoted at $15.00215.50; No. 2 foundry Northern. ?14.C0i?15.00; No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1 foundry Southern Boft, J13.S0-gl3.65. Pic Iron warrants, war-rants, dull and nominal, at $9.25. Live Stock. CHICAGO, CHICAGO, May 25. Cattle Receipts. 24.0W; steady; good to prlmo steers. $5.25iQ 6; poor to medium. $4.3035.45; Btockers and feeders, $3.5C4.G5; cows. SL75fr4.70; heifers. $2.50415.45; canners. $2.752.80; bulls. $2.25 4.35, calves, $2.50QC.C0; Texas fed ateers. $4 ,000-4. CO. Hogs Receipts, 30.000; tomorrow, 25.000; market 5c lower; mixed and butchers', $4.45f?4.C5; good to choice, $4.65flM.76'. rough heavy. $1.404.55; light, $4.454.05; bulk of saleB. $1.6Mi4.GO. Sheep Receipts. 13.000; mnrkot steady to 10c low;r; good to cholco wethers, $5.25$' 5.75; fair to choice mixed, $4.0)035.00; Western West-ern sheep, $4.75f5,75; natlvo lambs, $5.00D 0.50; Western lambs, $C.255j7.45; spring luinba, $3,5015.75. OMAHA. SOUTH OMAHA, May 23. Cattle Receipts, Re-ceipts, 4300; market, best, steady; others, 51 10c lower; natlvo steers. $4 005.20; cows and heifers. $3.00tTM60; canners, $1.702.90: stackers and feeders, $2,SOG4.S0; cnlvcs, $2.75fl6.25; bulls, Mtngs. etc, $2.75C4.25. IIogB Receipts, 13,500; market, about steady: heavy, $-1 3S5M.40: mixed. $1.30Iv4.35: light, 14.205 1.32; pigs, $4.O01T4.2C; bulk of sales, $4.30lM.35. , , 4 Sheep Receipts, S300; market, steady to strong; Westerns, $4.C0j5.25; wethors, $4.0 u5 23; ewes. $4.00C-l-85: common and Btockers. Btock-ers. S3.23C5.2S; lambs, $5.73g.0O. KANSAS CITY. KANSAS CITY. May 23.-Cattlc Receipts. Re-ceipts. MOO; market, Bteady; natlvo steers. $1.25C3.00: native cows and hel.fors, $2.50 0,20: bulls. $2,65-f'l.00: calves. $2.750,75; AVestcrn steers, $1.25475.00; Western cows, $2.23C4.25, Hogs Recelpls. 9CO; markeL weak; bulk of saleB. $l.30C4.45; heavy. $-1.3.45; packers. pack-ers. $I.35iI4.15: pigs and llghta, $3.76C1.3o. Sheep Receipts. 3000: steady; muttons, $4.75(05.75; lambs, 5u.25C7.00; range wethers, J5.00C5.60; ewes, SI.50C5.25. ST. JOSEPH. ST. JOSEPH, May 25.-Cattlc Receipts. 1400: steady to 10c higher; natives, $4,351? 5,00; cows and heifers, $2.2GCC0O; Blockers and feeders, J3.55C40. 4 , . . . Hogs Receipts. OSOO; steady to 5c lower; ( light. $4.35C'I.'i2; medium nnd heavy, $1 37C4.50. Sheep Receipts, 2S00; steady to 10c higher; high-er; Mexican lambs. $7.20. Grain and Provisions. CHICAGO. May 23 Porfect weather and lower cables caused a weak undertone under-tone In wheat hero today. At tho finish July wheat was down Cc from ,ycs-tnrday'a ,ycs-tnrday'a final quotations. Corn la Up Ce. Oats show a gain of c and provisions pro-visions 0G15c. jw , From the start growing weather in America and weakness in foreign markets mar-kets had a depressing lnfluenco on wheat, the July option opening a shade to Vm ate lower at 6C&c During tho first half-hour a llttlo firmer sentiment was manifested, the tono of tho market bo-lng bo-lng strengthened by a reported settlement settle-ment of tho 10-31010 strlka at Buffalo. Small primary recclptH In the Southwest also tended to encourage bull traders. Tho demand, however, was not sufficient to cause any considerable advance, ad-vance, tho high point on July being reached at SOTJc. Numerous bearish crop reports wero received from tho Southwest, South-west, and, being accompanied by selling sell-ing orders from St Louis houses, tho result was a gradual weakening of values A feature of trading was the wldo fluctuations fluc-tuations of tho May delivery, tho prlco of that option suddenly Jumping from 93 lo 9So and then as quickly reacting to ?4c Inasmuch as the short Interest in tho month is apparently Inconsequential 111 amount, no particular significance was attached to this sharp advance nnd subsequent sub-sequent decline. Transactions In all deliveries de-liveries wero so light that tho market was easily affected either way. Aftor selling down to 85c July closed at tec May ranged between 94o and 93c, closing clos-ing at 93c On a fair demand from a largo provision pro-vision Interest, a firm tono prevailed In corn. The market closed near tho high point of tho day. July closed up -C-Vic at 47T.c. In sympathy with other grains, oats showed an catdcr tendency early In tho session, but a fair demand from shorts soon caiiBcd a firm undertone. July closed up c at 38c A largo run of hogs with lower prices at tho yards caused some weakness at tho start, but enormous shlpmonls brought out a good demand from shorts. Tho market closed with July pork up 5c, lard up Cc and ribs 7c higher. RANGE OF THE LEADING FUTURES. Articles. Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat No. 2 May 93 9S 91 93 Julv (Old) S7 SS 87 July (now) SG S0T$ So M. Sept. (old) 81 S2Vi 81 81 Sept. (new) SOJi S0 60 MS.?. 47U -n 47 47. July -17 4S 47 47 September .. 47 47 47 4i- Mayl!..w'. TT... 40 40 40Vi 40 July 37 3S 37 3Sj September 30 31 J0 2u;8 Mess pork-july pork-july 10.93 11.16 10.53 11.15 September 11.33 11.37 11.32 11.37 Lard , ,, July C30 CUO COO C.37 |