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Show Boston Still Bull. Special to The Tribune. BOSTON, Mate., May 25. Another dull day In the Boston market. For tho greuter part of tho time there was absolutely nothing doing, while the balance bal-ance of the day was devoted more to trading in the arbitrage Btocks than In local Issues. Commission houses np-pearcd np-pearcd with a few buying orders and traders were Inclined to cover shorts, but the volume of trading wns very small. At times the tone appeared good, but as soon as a few selling orders or-ders ma do their appearance the good tone disappeared and stocks went hanL Publlo Interest Is much missed. Horn-blower Horn-blower t Weks. brokeis, S3 State street, Boston, and 10 Wall street. New York, furnish the following quotations: SaUa. High. Low. Clone. Amalgamated ....ltt H0.98 Jt.S6 m.ltV, Bingham 110 20.7 Dnly Want 1SS 24.(0 3.K) a. 10 Mercur SCO .3 Utah H 33.80 L'nltwl Stat .... m Is S7 CurbBoston. S.7t0i.S7. |