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Show jliwrNQTESYwliiTj NEW YORK, May 25.-Aftcr having tolled more thnn thirteen years at two dollars a day as a custom-houso weigher In a sugar refinery here, Patrick G. Hen-nessy Hen-nessy of Brooklyn has suddenly found himBelf the heir of M0O.00O, left him bv an uncle. PORT JERVIB. N."j., May 23,-The shop force for the Eric company at this point struck today. ThlB Included the men of tho International Union of Machinists of the machine shop and part of the car shops. Tho non-union men also left In a body. NEW YORK. May 23. While 1E0 delegates dele-gates to tho National Piano Dealers' convention con-vention in Atlantic City waved rod lights and danced In a circle, 200 venerable square pianos have been cremated to mark what tho dealers term tho passing of tho old make of Instruments. NEW YORK, May 25.-Prof. Charles .Baskervillo of the University of North Carolina has been elected by tho board of the Collogo of New York to tho chair of chemistry. The professor attracted notice no-tice recently by announcing the discovery ot two new natural elements in thorium. CinCAGO. May 23. Nearly 150 British engineers, with GS0 from the United States will attend the Joint session of the American Amer-ican Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers of Great Britain, to bo held here May 3l'to June 3. MONTGOMERY, Ala.. May 25. The Democratic State convontlon was called to order this afternoon. .Parker Is the choice of tho delegates for President. NEW YORK, May 25,-The annual meeting of the Pacific Steamship company today resulted In the re-olectlon of tho outgoing board of directors. NEW YORK. May 25. When the merchant mer-chant marine commission resumed Its in- ycuuuuii uno uic causes 01 tno aecllno of American shipping today, Former Congressman Con-gressman John M Farquahar of Buffalo apokc In favor of tho tonnage bill of 1S91 which failed of passage by Congress. NEW YORK. May 25 Rlcardo Arias and Dr. J. E. Morlcs, special commissioners commission-ers appointed by Pannma to receive nlno millions of dollars on account of the canal ca-nal concession, arrived hero today. MOBILE, Ala., May 25 An excursion train on tho Mobile & Ohio railway was fired on today near Yollow Pine, Ala, Conductor Con-ductor TV. S. Anhe of BIrmlnsham was killed and Joseph Richardson of Meridian and a nogro passenticr wore seriously wounded. BALTIMORE. May 25. Tho Intense heat of yesterday continued today, the thermometer murking 87. One man was prostrated. PHILADELPHIA, May 2o.-ExcjssIvo heat here today resulted In five prostrations. prostra-tions. Thermometers on the street registered regis-tered 91 degrees. FT. WORTH. Tex., May 25. Ninety of the Toxus Mexican war veterans met hero yesterday In annual reunion. President George Flndlay of AUBtln presided. R. B. J-!c camp of Confederate veterans and tho dames of 1511 had chargo of all arrangements arrange-ments and tho vctorans were tholr guests. BOONE, la.. May 25. Tho Prohibition BUte convention today nominated tho following fol-lowing State ticket Secretary of State. A. H. Bolster: Auditor, J. D. C, McFar-land; McFar-land; Treasurer. W. P. Sophcr; Railroad Commissioner, G. W. White. NEWTORK. Maylo. It was decided today to-day by the governors of the New. York Ar0ck?xhanS to C,0HC lh exchango on May 28, being Saturday before Decoration day. Tho commodity exchanges also will bo closed on Saturday. ST LOUIS. May 25. W. J. Bryan arrived ar-rived in St. Louis todav and conferred with a number of Democratic politicians from various parts of the country. WASHINGTON. May 25.-Secretary TaTt returned hero from the Adlrondacks today, very much Improved in health. GREENVILLE. Pa., May 25.-Tho forty-first meeting of the United Presbyterian Presbyter-ian assembly or North American convened in tho First Presbyterian church tonight. DALLAS, Tex., May 25. At 11:30 o'clock tho general assembly of the Prcsbvterlan church, by a vote of 1C2 to To, voted to submit to the presbyteries, with a recommendation recom-mendation that It be adopted, the report of the committee on fraternity. DENVER, May 25. Prince Hohonlohe and party, who are the guests of General Manager Herbert of the Colorado it Southern railroad, spent a portion of today to-day sight-seeing at the mine at Frisco. and later visited the town of Buena Vista. Vis-ta. The party arrived late In tho day at Camp Sherrod. MONTGOMERY, Ala., May 25. The Democratic State convention was held In Montgomery today and dispatched Its work In a few hours. Although no Instructions In-structions were given, tho resolutions adopted reclto that at tho present timo Judge Alton B. Parker Is the most available avail-able and acceptable candidate, and sentiment senti-ment Is for his nomination. NEW YORK, May 25.-Tho Intcr-Stato commerce commission today continued its Inquiry Into tho methods of the coal-carrying roads. Tho first witness was President Presi-dent Truesdnle of tho Lackawanna system. sys-tem. CHICAGO, May 25. Francis H. McColl, millionaire yachtsman and member of prominent clubs In New York. San Francisco Fran-cisco and Chicago, has been divorced from his wife on the grounds of desertion. WASHINGTON, May 25. Dr. Caldcron, the Peruvian Minister to Washington, has made a long verbal presentation of his country's grievances against Brazil to Secretary Hay. These relate particularly particu-larly to the action of Brazil In preventing the ascent of the Amazon by Peruvian vessels. " ' PITTSBURG, May 25. A voluntary ad-vanco ad-vanco In the wages of fiattencrs was ordered or-dered today by the American Window- I Glass company, to take effect Juno L The 23 per cent reduction, which went into effect March 12, has boon restored. TOKIO, May 25. Doctors Hashimoto, Sato and Klkuchl, three of the most eminent emi-nent surgeons of Japan, have been appointed ap-pointed superintendents respectively of the Toklo, Hiroshima and Matuyama military mil-itary hospitals. Notable Dead. ST. LOUIS. May 25. John W. Kauff-man, Kauff-man, a millionaire board of tradesman and formerly a miller well known throughout the country, died at his homo here tonight. to-night. DENVER, Colo., May 25. Capt. Peter H. Scott, ono of the oldest mining engl- I nccrs In the West, Is dead at his honif hero of apoplexy. Death came without any warning, as he v,as working at his office when stricken. ( - The American Farmer tho Best In the World. The American farmer is the greatest man ! in thc world to-day because he is master of the 6ojl he is gaining in intelligence quite Ij as rapidly as his products are increasing in ij magnitude. Oar recent combines of capital ( n United States measured in money arc j; enormous, yct'such figures sink into insig- J nifipancc when compared to the money, i oraiu and brawn invested in agricultural ' industries. For instance, the farmers of Minnesota and Dakota have received $300,- ' 000,000 for their products in a single year. 1 The farmer knows what Nature will bring forth for him from his experience in the past. He knows if certain seeds are planted aud properly cared for that Nature will take care of the rest In the same wayj'OH are master of your own destiny. Providing your blood is in good order, it only needs a little effort on your own part to keep healthy and strong rid your body of the poisons that arc apt to accumulate and your sj'stem is ready to ward off the attack of the germs of disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery makes rich red blood by increasing the number of red blood corpuscles. There is no alcohol in this gTeat tonic to shrivel up the red blood corpuscles. As an alterative extract, made only of herbs and roots it goes about its work in nature's way. It stimulates the liver into proper action, and feeds the worn-out nerves, stomach and heart on i pure blood. Used for over a third of a century it has sold more largely than any 1 other blood medicine in the United States. 1 More bottles of Dr Pierce's Golden Medical 1 Discovery are eold to-day than ever before that is a true test of its medicinal value after ' thirty-eight years of deserved popularity. Dr. Pierce's "Medical Adviser" Gent on receipt of Btatnps to pay for mailing only. Send 21 one-ccnt stamps for book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound volume. vol-ume. Addrc.ns Dr. JR. V. Pierce, liufialOjN.Y. |