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Show ECHOES FROM THE PADDED ARENA McCarthy and Sleloff Around as Usual, Though Both. Show EffecU of Tuesday's Battle. BOTH of the principal lo Tuesday night's hair-raising battle were around aa umuaI yelerday and both of them had uumoroua wouwntrw of the ne-tce mill. McCarthy's rlht hand was badly swollen as a result of too fre-qurnt fre-qurnt contact with the "Flirhting Dutchman's" Dutch-man's" headpiece, and the local boxer's noso was brul?-d and swollen from tho Jabbing of SlelofTs good left mitt. Jerry's eyre bore the effects of several wallopa that he failed to block, but none of his Injuries are In any way ferious. Sleloff has a swollen right hand, but no bones are broken and tho member will be all right with a little refit. Sielotf plainly felt the effect" of the drubbing administered adminis-tered by the local boy. but hla features wrre not marred in the least. The Chicago lighter has not yet decided whether he will return to tho WJndy City Immediately or lay over ami try to get on another match. Jlmmle Burns, Se-lofTs Se-lofTs sparring partivr. is anxious to Ught Mime good middleweight in this city and will prolwbly remain here until after the Flynn-Bcllly battle on June . . A host of pugs are now quartered In this city. Tommy Rellly. Jnck Rellly. Jlmml Flynn. Jlmmle Burns, Otto Sleloff. Sle-loff. Jerry McCarthy, besides a number of lesser lights as "Silent" Rowan. Jack Dunleavy. "Kid" Prlto and other. Surely tho fight fans ought to sec plenty of contests con-tests with such a crowd of fighters In tho burg, several of whom aro good men. "Patsy" Hogan has a match on with "Silent Rowan at Bingham next week. Hogan Is anxious lo back himself for any amount up to $2fo. and would be pleased to hear from any Rowan admirers. |