Show esaf t cruelty to prent parents t whim smal philosopher jime james ah V as in london don opinion writes write of 0 trying ll need meed ot of a new society to clety arg 1 I t that it time to do away ith ath the goc for 1 the prevention of 0 I 1 licit lolly to glisn I 1 11 cud add pat 1 I ilk tho abl Pre preap vP c r I 1 J tanu 1 lt rei hemr re mr narks III blat t donations and tor for faich 11 el a beneficent duld pour in from those who know by sad nad pertense per tence how bow sorrowful ful li Is the th lot of the father who finds himself abandon el ed to the ferocity of 0 liln his children too long he writes lithe joas the cry of the pt rents olen upon don da f bors do you beat the parents crying f my brother ers the young cambs iambs are playing in the ala meadows but the old people are coping bitterly many abany a fat at city merchant conceals conceal behind tig his cot coat ti heart that la Is lacerated by the of his hl children many an alderman dilutes ill lute his alg turtle soup coup with teura fears of at anguish anic na as ho be thinks ot of the torments his nl children are preparing for or ailin in the dark precincts ot of his hl suburban kubi irban home |