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Show v J.wV.Bfc. ts, 43fct "rf W...,, " k -- 6 ..V : f - Cv' T' :rV ' RANDOLPH, RICH COUNTY UTAH. FRIDAY, town and will enhance the valua STATE Aug., HO (MLS Huh. 1912, VISIT tion of every mans property in town. We are, m formed however RICH COUNTY there ars some people who do not During the latter part of last appieclate tfc efforts of those who week, notice was given nut by the are puttiji$3wur money into the county officials that members of proposition, and are afraid they the state road commission were wilt not realise' any returnee oa anxious to meet with the citizens i n vestment. To us it makes no of this county. difference I thYae people are pub. The county offioers accordingly lie spirited though to build a ten notifiedthe people and a muss thousand dollar opera house in was held at the court our town, we say. let them do it meeting house Sunday evening when the and allwiil.reap'tlie benifit for the matter was discussed at some having dope to. It is a move in the length .Mr Jensen of the board tight direction ttyi something the Road .Commission town has neeed4or ifgood many of the State and Mr. Beers the State Engineer years. JJowtmf ij- basccxne, lets make out selves appreciate it and were present Monday these genti Commif we do tot ' care to investny lemen with the oounty issioners went over the road to money in it, "keep still and let the which Jensen other fellodb it. The old adage, Garden City after to Suit Lake and Beers returned If you cannot say anything good do not say anything at all'idgood City. ad v'ce and we can all do well to ? UNIVERSITY of UTAH m Salt Lake City, Uath. srrriTHasaa Instruction begins Mon. Sept. 16th Registration of students, and entrance aminations, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 3 12th, 13th, 14th. ex- -, Sep-temb- H er x equipment, and the Lest teachers that can be secured at your service. .. , Courses are offered that pfeparefor almost any vocation in addition to giving a broad and liberareducation. -,-7,- - t - ... . - - 1 ; The catalog which decribes the various cour- ses and give the registration and tuition fees etc., is sent free on request. N University' of Utah rxrjtrjsTArxrjrA jj t; , L Business. Directory .8 A LOCAL ITEMS Service ApuJx To Them, First-cla- trjrjsrjrr&jirjrjrjrjrjXi ! y .1) follow with GfaocUma Ueuy and son Geo took a trip over tblhe lake thejfore Utah Randolph The Bear Lake Hospital L.T.A. Hottendorf m.d, Supt. Operative Cases a specialty Complete Electric and Xray Equipments. fi IDAH BLOOMINGTON FOR With Fruit and Nuts of S ummer Drinks Ho to Clevelands THOMSON ;. HOUSE Thomson B Empire of, Welden Hunsuker The dance given by Woodruff Orchestra Sat night was a success ana was well attended. Those present report having laid a good time Last Monday a fire got started at the house owned by the David Jackson people on their Otter Creek ranch. It seems there is no one living at the place, it being used only for a short time during the haying Beason. It is thought Ice Cream and all kinds houe, rmi some one was there on Hun. and dropped a match or cigarette which caught in the mulch lying around. The fire smoldered all nightandon Mon. morning was fanned up by the breezejand finely caught on the house and burned it to the ground. Mr. and Mrs Fred Morgan returned to their Salt Lake home Good Accomodations Mon, after a short visit Terms Reasonable relatives and friends. Hy, tion, Oraiu aud Stabling in Telephone No LAKETOWS street. Connec- King UTaH hern with FOR SALg, CHEAP one good Single buggy Enquire at News Office" By all means let it be done and let the people of Rich Co. get busy in this matter and do all they can to push the fair, and place our products on exibition where thiy will be seen by people who attend the fair. We are in need of more people in this county and no better advertising can he done than to show what can be done in this county toward sustaining life By ail means let all BOOST for the fair and let Rich County com e to the front where she belongs. We venture to say Onr Price la BIGOT that never - Urcs - by the M. I. A. for the it , neatest t recital was given last Wednesday evening in the tabernacle. While Miss Clark was unable to do auy vocal work, on account of her throat being in a 'bad condition due to recently having had her tonsils removed She did splended work on the DEEM piano ad plainly showed she ffas an artist of splendid ability. Mr. Andelin was in good condition and didvocal work that would please even the most faslidous Henderson took a trip Mr3 J to Opal, Wyo this week with her M husband, who is working that cou- DEERING r'' ( special 5 mill road tax on all Districts of the county that lay ajac-entto- 4 vl Blacksmith Fork mile below a the Canyon about Hardware Ranch at scamping place on the river a bunch of keys Hay rakes, Hmds & ' - iii sto( Evanston Hardware Co, -- Main Street Evanston, Wyo Yelland E. IV. the Hrseshoer work guaranteed Blacksmith Clyde Spencerand wife came up ( & PRICES REASONABLE a CO EMEU Woodruff, were business visitors We' a re informed Lost; la tfaj: rW Repairs for Deering Machine State Road Miss Loy Henderson return ed here Wednesbay, Thurs.frorn the B Q ranch. . Horse from Brigham Thursday, in their ntry for Studebakers. Charles Brown, of Salt Lake auto, for a few dnys visit with relCity, accompanied by David Low, atives and friends. of Paris, was a Randolph business Jrs A Quibeil and L N Brady of visitor Tuesday of this week and .Binders Rakes and Automatic Stackers n. present Mowers JENKINS Mr.Andelin has ft rieh, mellow exvoice, full of-- feeling pression, of the basso type aud when he goes down in the lower register reminds one of the lower notes of the pipe organ. It. seems there is hardly any irnit to the volumh of liis voice, We heartily reccomend them to the people where they may travel press. Quite a large, numherof teachers are present. informed that, at a We are Mrs Sidney Findlay was on the special meeting of the Commiss. sick list a few days this week but ioners of this oounty held Aug. is said to be much improved at 12th, it was decided to lew a and jgeuti to LalQai ''pi'flby will visit with the W estons They were one time residents of Lake-towMrs Weston is u daughter ot Joshua Eldredge. i Prof. Jno Benson is spending a few days here superen tending the Co institute for the teachers which is in session as wer go to & Ola gl ear. ited with Pa & Ma Eldredge Sun, some-surve- on canyon TWINE of our town were pari, of the week and report having in the history the people treated to such a had a nice time. ;; The prizes- that were offered musical feast as when the Clark-Ande- lin 1 - Obstetrics a specialty BINDING Recital Bp. Kennedy and wife together - so4?0thai X roomed We are Headquarters BOR Clark - Andelin L it. and most improved, homes will be awarded sometime next week now taking notes S.C- Putman, Peterft McKinnon The judges are ( u r old friend J$ob Spence, was Nye, of Woodruff.curoe down last Sunday night' to be a pleasant caller at our town Mou while passing on his way to Evanspresen t at the meeting of the people on with the county commissioners ton after having spent sometime Co and Psomeof the State road hoard. the lake. He says Rioh air is They report things as moving refreshing fiaihe feels he cun go along ricelyat Woodruff and think back to hladesk feeing like anew the crops will be the best in the, qrlp.t, years man after at that place Mr & Mrt Bichanl Weston vis Harry Buck of Woodruff was a ' business visitor here this week aud made us a pleasant call , Mr. J!RED R. MORGAN Buck has recently returned from LAWYER a inisson'to great Britiu where 300 Atlas Block. Salt J,ake City, Utah. he reports having had a splendid Entries. time for the past two years, We Piobare Practise. Land & water Rights understand he is figuring on get 'Irrigation A Specialty . ,t , ting into business in Woodruff as Report from all over the county he and his father are thinking of be crPPs of : alb purchasing tji mercantile inter kinds will be this year and HOTEL good, ftHDOLPH csts of James Stuart ut that place the farmet s have every reason to J. M. rfltNUKIthOX Prop, Mrs. Thos. Ashton took a trip feel assured of ,good and Acommodatio over to Paris. Idaho, this week good prices for their enps first-clas- s products. for Transient dnOther where she will visit with the Now that this condition exists Cuests. Crawfords, to whom she is relate.!. would it not be a good time to be Livery in ll.ty. drain StiildinK and Sherriff Henderson has return- preparing to have some products Connection Terms Reasonable. ed home from the Piney country of the farms cxibited at the two where he has been- for some time county fair to be held at Evanston Miss Viola Dean past selling Wagons and buggies Wyo., this fall and show the peo TEACHER OF PIANO for the Studebaker people. He pie who visit the fair. Rich Co a is not behind her sister counties Technee Specialty Touch expects to return to that section of tnis great state of ours. To our again for a short time after arraRandolph Saturday and Wednesdays nging his affairs at home so he mind it seems the time is now ripe for us to advertise onr county For arrangements see can leave. and an forth by effort putting at Thos. Ashton Surveyor J.J, Reed came in from this time, much can be accomp-islie- d the B.Q ranch one day this week in that direction. We are and gave us the glad hand as lie Dr. M S. Reay. informed the county court have was ou.liia way to Woodruff, where PHSltlAN promised to assist very malerialy work before he will do AND n this matter by giving some of returning to the ranch. SURGEON the money to further this fair For Sale One lot with three proposition. Office at Residence. For Remember - A million dollars worth of grounds, buildings, NO.29 '?1 MAIM and CHV11C1I ST. Phone Mo. 30 RANDOLPH up, y y-y- y w w UTAH --- T that Frank has sold out bis rnnoh interests to Ed Spencer this week w;th a view of moving his family to the Brigham country. Snowball including 6 or 7, padlock keys 3 Mrs Wm Marshall is abl lo be door keys and one prestolite key out again after a short sickness. If finder will please return same to this office it will be greatly Miss Stella Pugmire,of St Charles spent a few days here this week appreiaied attending the teachers exams. Sale For Miss Pugmire is a daughter of Bp Cheap The Hans Neilson Homestead PugmireofSt. Charles, and will on Otter Creek, in Rich Co , Utah teach at Garden City this winter. Automobiles galore are passing We will have a load nf fresh There is one five room house daily through onr co unty on their 1 2 grainery, 2 stables good wells, fruit, green corn etc at Hie shop way to the resorts on the shores of and 160 acres of good land all Saturday afternoon the Beautiful Lakeln the north'end under fence. 80 acres is plowed Rich Co. Meat Market of the county. Allthe people 40 acres good meadow, and ffboan(j thus travel and with whom we have 4C acres good pasture, all joining of Salt Dr C.H. Keysor, talked express them selves as an(j sitxuited about 4 miles north Lake City, will be in Rand being quite taken up with this of Randolph. There is also 1200 countv. dollars water right in the Randolph Have you noticed how thestran & Woodruff canal. Also ?I00 in persons desering dental All work guar, work done ger who comes among us looks at the Randolph Land & Cattle Co anteed. the new opera house now in cours (Grazing land.) of construction? Invaribly they All for 13000, one half down and Anyone wishing fret sjnd all tarn their heads that way aud the balance in notes, for one and iheirbottleB to Wm. Lutz.G irden most of themromTirk'Whata fine two years, with good security. City. 22Jc sweetened Send the building for a town thesis ; of Ran- For further information inquireof orders with nut delay. do)ph.v Yes, it Us a credit to our Q. J. Spencer, Randolph, Utah, Rich Co. Furniture Lo.i j - t Retail General V. 4. .. '? ' THE RICH VOL. XV, - Hants We are prepared to supply you H with Steel cable, Grind stones, H Pitmans, pulleys, Hay knives, g Knife heads, Ropes, Ledger plate 1 Boxings, Sections, Rivets, Oil. g McCormic & Deering Rake teeth gand plenty.of Binding twine. on case goods and m Special prices H haying orders, g Plenty of Oats for sale. g Buy your goods of us, We save 1 S gyou money ail the time, |