Show TWO carbuncles carbuncled CARB UNCLES ON NECK veterans Ve twant home 11 1 11 8 napa co cal 1 1 I was acl w with 1 t h two carbuncles carbuncled carb uncles on the back bach ot of my neck tho the doctors said they were the largest carbuncles carbuncled carb uncles ho ha ever saw caw I 1 suffered buffered the most intense abony so much thit that I 1 could not rest or steel alee p for about a month one was waa lanced four timea when the first began to get better another broko out and was equally n painful its BI the first one I 1 heard of soap anil and ointa nt beins being rood good for or such bubli ahinga so BO I 1 procured pe a box of ointment and a cake caho cak e ol of Cuti cura soap I 1 washed both the carbuncled carbuncles carb uncles with cull cura soap boa p frequently whenever any pus pua began to gather and applied the ointment I 1 felt relief otter after the first use of Cuti curs soap and ointment and in a weeks time loth both carbuncles carbuncled carb uncles were gono gone and I 1 was wag completely cured I 1 have not been troubled since 1 I also aleo had eczema of the scalp my scalp calp itched ditched fearfully and pimples began to break out which omitted emitted pus pui and my head became sore bore and scaly I 1 bad dandruff also I 1 lined soap boap for ft a shampoo with hot water and d used the Cuti cura Olat menton my scalp and it afforded alTor ded instant relief followed by absolute cure signed george it cotsell Wot sell dec 11 mi 1911 Cuti cura soap anti and ointment gold the world sample of ench free with 32 2 p skin book address postcard post card Cuti cura dept 4 L boston |