Show WASTE OF irrigation much loss can be avoided by preparation of ground much dreaded decided evaporation can be avoided by using water in rotor voir during early months month and then filling again ilow how much water did you wast w during the laut last precious pre cloua run ernnt waste any not a drop got out of 0 nay my held field this may be true and still 1111 you wasted water it went down ta in a lead or of off and whenever wat water or soaks down one two a yes even five f set feet in spots it to la wasted this ran can only be ba avoided by more careful preparation of the ground round in ill california I 1 found the bottom and fidei of many supply laterals literals late rals cemented and the lie fields were ike pared as a carefully ap n it lawn tennis ground in colordo colorado thin wait wa true even in the otalia nialta tl Ift clila elds the old middle furrows furrow and back furrows were entirely obliterated mom worked over the fields with alth hand gram era after the levels had bail been used and overy every depression was wn and every knoll leveled the result was that when wats water r was turned on it spread as on a floor in Colu colorado rado the irrigator Irrl gator la Is waiting half ilia lie time for his head bead of water to wet vet up the high forgetting that thiet all this time the water la Is injuring the crop on oil the he low spots spot and will in irre a ruin the th land when we ret get down to thorough intensive tannin farming and gar dening our whole country will change ita ila nature and appearance I 1 mean ly this intensive alfalfa alful crops intensive wheat fand outs oata an aa well as aa intensive gardening writes D 0 roberts in the denver denter field and farm this will require the breaking up of 0 our big ranches into 10 20 and 40 aero lots with a roan man working intensely on every toe or ten een n and this will A also require it a more constant sup ply of water not more wati water or newa neres barlly but more frequent tie quent runs run with our present water facilities kept ai 11 good repair and under careful I 1 there Is no excuse for or lack of water even in the driest seasons some boma water should d be in the canal all the th time durin during 1 the planting and seeding months of spring it t a reservoir is if filled in winter there is I 1 no need of 0 letting it seep and evaa orate orata during the hot season eason use it vp first say toy in april find and may it cart can bo be again filled in juno june for august irrigation ri by this means the th dreaded evaporation to 0 o much talked about could be avoided all we need I 1 to 0 make this fair and rich lay ot of land blossom as the rose Is a little practical management I 1 often wonder why people do not mu mulch le h more in their gardens garden and around lawn shrubs and plants the benefits benefit are twofold two fold told first if manure la Is used it leaches into the soft coll and fertilizes it second it keeps the surface roots metat and hones vigor 0 a in the hot sandy bandy lands landa of florida advantage to Is taken in a similar anan manner nor by rilling piling bavm d down 0 round around the plants plante oita conserving the tha moisture as aa well at as protecting the roots from the excessive heat of the atin un art an excellent way to keep strawberry plants planta productive and thrifty Is in to make quite deep furrows between the rows and fill them with stable manure well tramped flown this will kp keep down the weeds weeda nn as well as fertilize the plants plant and the same rule applies quite as well to all the bush buah fruits water can be run through the rob roas slowly or II if by hoso can bo be sprayed thoroughly clean straw or boards con cn be put closely around the strawberry p plants lants to keep the berries from banding I 1 see a few pingree farms farma in our town lots but wish to see more mora of them the little back yard feet wilt will produce strawberries rasp berries peas bans lettuce onions asparagus rhubarb for a goodni food buzed zed family and then the tun fun la Is thrown in extra W who ho does not elloy the tha early morning inspection to see how much tho the plants have grown during the night what new seeds beeda have germinated and the prospect of those delicious meals oil all froni from ones own garden and I 1 must not forget the delectable radish never good unless pulled fresh from the ground and taken without delay to the breakfast table to 70 the tha man who will do these things I 1 want to repeat the Irish mans ton toast s t may you live to eat the chicken that scratches over your grave |