Show f 01 I 1 ACRE k I 1 university V U T na v V T tk T c k amsl TY of UTAH U ali yi te al H salt lake city bath bat h instruction begins mon sept irth registration of students and entrance ex am ats A animations thursday friday saturday se sepi P ii lath 1301 1011 p A million collars lol lars worth i of building and E equipment aal the alst 1 tat teachers that can be sec secured i are g at your service ag courses are offered that prepare for almost any vocation dij in ill addia addition ion to giving a b ra road a and liberal o education s trie thac catalo which the Wa various wadious jious cour cou raa S ses and give the registration and tuition fees etc is sent free f deeon on request t 13 i it C of f t i yazo a K Q business directory toly X F 1 h at I 1 alwy to T th them sk i 0 FREI E R MORGAN LAWYER 3 atlas allock suit salt like lake city llyl utah lobato practise land Ert rles a water rights 1 1 tl fl specialty AH akl tt aar D 0 L P H H HOTEL 0 10 E L J M first class for transient adrid other cuorts V k ild livery ill liidi terms li nu miss viola dean TEACHER OF PIANO touch a specialty nan randolph candolph dolPh saturday I 1 and wednesdays for arrangements arrange monto sect thos ashton dr MS reay AND S H 0 N office at residence obstetrics es a specialty specia lf randolph utah the bear lake hospital hottendorf nu bupt supt operative tive it a specially chilly complete Com electric and xray equipments s bloomington idaho FOR ice cream with fruit and nuts and nil all kinds of S ummer drinks goto to THOMSON HOUSE u 1 I it 11 all bood coralis Cort lis reasonable Reason ablo luy buy itala sud stabling liiK ili III C allen hull 0 o i bing urah FOR SALE CHEAP one katl bit buggy aggy Em enquire quire at news office lost la ia blacksmith kork fork canyon about a mile below f to ranch atu at u camping place on oil the river a bunch ol of keys including 6 keys heys 3 door keys and ono one key icey if finder will please return same rame to this office officio jt will be ba greatly app related por for salo sale cheap tho huns hans neilson homestead on otter creek I 1 in it co utah there is one five room house I 1 gr aimery 2 stables 2 wells mid and aco acre of good land all under fence 80 acres is ia plowed hind 40 acres good meadow oud alid ac acres good pasture all joining and situated about bon i 1 I 4 bailles tailles north I 1 of 0 randolph there la is ulso also dollars water right in tho the randolph L woodruff canal also floo in ia hie he randolph land lalia a cattle co grazing land all for one halt half down and the balance in notes for one and two yen yenry a with good oI security for further information inquire ot 0 J spence r I pit utah dr arch CH keysor of salt jj lake city will ovill bo be in rand hand 1 olph all next woe lt will be pleased to moot ull persons des desiring crIng contal work done all work guar angood their bottles battles to wm lutzi lutfi ii i aden city sweetened ned afi tile lie orders with nut mit delay 1 edem n jor we are headquarter Head quarte r s F 0 R TWIN e ur P ace venar bro 4 BE E R I 1 N G mowers and binders jenkens rakes and automatic Stad stackers ackers St kers D I 1 H raab eind 9 I 1 t ors I 1 repairs for deering machine iri stu E evanston vanston Hard hardware Wafe cot co 1 ain sti street beet jonnston wyo V E WN yelland blacksmith i work worl guaranteed PRICES reasonable coall L annl afu caf sy sl phone illow yo AO 30 RANDO RANDOLPH LPH UTAH Rich Co furniture 1 retail general merch nants I 1 re tc J weare we are prepared to supply you yot a with steel cable grind stones 4 pitmans ditmans Pit mans pulleys hay knives J knife heads ropes ledger plate plater i bowings Box ings sections pi rivets vets oil mccormic deering rake teeth eith u jand plenty of binding twine special prices on case goods and H g haying orders A plenty of oats for sale g B buy uy your goods of us we s save ave you money all theotime the time |