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Show i ji The Wretchedness! of Constipation COLONISTS CROSS THE BORDER Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS. Purdy vegetable act surely and gently on the liver. Cure Biliousness From Casas Grandea District Finally Reach New Mexican Americans Soil in Safety. Dizzi i, and Indigestion. They do their duty. WALL PILL, SHALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature . k lathis Word a as receives 300 American men who have been traveling oven land for the last week from the Mormon colonies in the Casas Grandes district arrived safely at Hachita, N. M. The arrival at the border of this group brings out practically all the American settlers in the Casas Grandes district. Men of Colonia Morelos, south of Douglas, Ariz., however, have decided to remain and it necessary fight for their homes. The party arriving at Hatchita compose residents of the Juarez, Dub-laGarcia and Pacheco colonies, from which settlements all women and an children were sent here a fortnight ago. E3 Paso, Texas. here Sunday that the WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. age of research nd experiment ail nature ransacked by tbe nckenUticfort tift comfort and bap Lnessof man. Bcienoe has indeed made Riant strides tn the past eenturr, and among tbcbj no means in medicine Is that of at Importantr-dlscoveri- es raplon, vbicb has been used wit b great success in snob Hospitals and that it i s worthy tbe attention i those who eofler from kidney, bladder nervous Chronic weaknesses, n leers skin eruptions, i, Ac., there is do doubt. In fact it seems ex ident -- i the bis stir created amongst speciaists. that FHIRAPiON it destined to cast Into oblivion all Whose questionable remedies that were formerly the Aole reliance of medical men. K is of course impossible to tell sufferers all we should like U tell them nt this short article, but those who would like to know wore a boot this remedy that has effected so nsnv w might almost say, miraculous cures, iboQld send addressed envelope for I'RKB book to LeOlere Med Co., Haverstock Road.HsDipNtead, Xdon, Mnf. and decide for themselves wbethertbs lew French Remedy THERAPION" No. I. No I r No. I Is what they require and have been seeking TWvstn during s life of misery, suffering, ill tnalib d unhappiness. Therapton tssold by dniggists or B11 Kougera Co., UQ Beekinan oU, New York. JOHNSON WILL NOT ROOSEVELT AND JOHNSON CHOSEN DELEGATES SING COLONEL r i . -f- Measures Which He Says be Denounced Either Frankly As Socialism or Anarchy. Advocates May HYMNS cAUc-KS Theodore Roosevelt made Chicago his confession of faith on Tuesday to the National Progressive convention. The former president struck ut boldly into new ground, advocat-nmeasures which he saJd frankly would be denounced either as Social-ior anarchy. The delegates listened to Ills speech with the under standing that they must either adopt platform substantially in consonance with bis views or look elsewhere for a nominee for tbe presidency. These are the conspicuous points In the Roosevelt program: Recall of judicial decisions. Colonel Roosevelt now advocates its extension to apply to federal as well as state courts. He favors the establishment of machinery to make easier of amendment both tbe national and stair constitutions. Use of the government to ass'st workmen to become part owners of the business in which they are employed. Conti oi of the trusts through ret law tention ot the Sherman and the establishment of an interstate Industrial commission. Condii ions deiei mining monopoly prices to he controlled where these concerns deal with the necessaries oi i life. Adoption of a number of measures to secute social and Industrial just-Rto the legislation to im tease popular con trol of all governmental agencies in eluding a national law for presidential primaries, electiou of United States senators by direct vote, tbe short ballot. corrupt practices acts aplying to primaries as well as elections, qualified adoption of the initiative, referendum and recall. Woman suffrage. Strengthening of the pure food law. Establishment of a national health g g del-gat- e s j e wage-worke-- s A Triumph Of rock-drillin- g Post Toasties 11-1- 6 Shot Her Husband. Cincinnati, O. Frank Llcher aged 33 of Aurora, Ind., was shot six times in the abdomen by his wife at the home of Dr. Ralph Tilley of Petersburg. Ky., as the result of a dare by Licher, who had become estranged from his wife. Many delicious dishes have been made from Indian Corn by the skill and ingenuity of the expert cook. Sugar Plant Burns. New Iberia, La. Fire Sunday night practically destroyed the plant near here of the Segura Sugar company. The estimated loss is slightly urder But none of these creations excels Post Toasties in tempting the palate. $3(10,000. Killed on Crossing. Lima. O. At a grade crossing near Spencerville Sunday afternoon, a touring car containing three persons was struck by an Erie railroad flyer. Two of the occupants were killed and the third is dying. Toasties are a luxmake a delightury that ful hot - weather economy. I The first package tells its own story. The Memory Lingers Sold by Grocer. I CmI CnviHj I kiliiii Paw Baal Craak. MmA. U. S. A. Will Spend Fortune on Fetes. Newport, R. I. About $30,000 will be spent by Mrs. Stuvesant Fish and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt for a ball to be held on August 19 and a costume ball with Hamberstein's vaudeville, August 23. HIS IN Peeks Explanation as to Reason 8omowhat Dispelled the Odor Iienne and Peeke were two henpecked married men. The cither day they met, and, after a few casual remarks concerning tbe weather, the subject of women and unfortunate husbands was perhaps naturally discussed. To came Henne, however, suddenly thoughts of years ago, when he was a happy bachelor, and (unconsciously of wbat Fate bad In etore for him) was walking out" a girl who was, later on, destined to bring him sorrow and misery. look in Peeke, seeing a his companion's eyes, Inquired the Henne retorted dramatmeaning. ically, I was just then thinking, old fellow, of those bappy days long ago when I used to hold that girl's hand In mine for hours when But the equally unfortunate Peeke suddenly cut his companion short by Why, tbats nothing! exclaiming: Do you know, only yesCheer up! terday I held my wifes hand for three solid hours. What? said the startled Henne. Yes, ite a fact, reaumed Peeke, sorrowfully; and I declare If I'd let London loose she'd have killed me. "far-awa- y Creation of a permanent tariff commission. Measures to relieve the high cost of living. Development by the federal government of the Mississippi river as a deep waterway, by use of tDe plant employed on the Panama canal zone at completion of the canal. Fortification of the Panama canal, .savy to be built up steadily tin. . re duction of armaments Is made possible by International agreement. - Baseball Players Union Formed. New York. Professional baseball players of the major leagues have organized a mutual protective association, with Dave Fultz, former star outfielder of the New York American League club, and now a New York It is the first lawyer, as president time since the brotherhood days that the playing fiaternity has been united, and while as yet membership Is confined to players of the National and American leagues, it is Intended ultimately to take into the fold every active member of he minor leagues working under the present system oi organized baseball. - Hiram W. Johnson of California had been selected as his running mate. Singing "Onward Christian Soldier and the Battle Hymn of the Republic, the delegatee pledged their fealty to their party leaders. Marking a new departure in the proceedings of national conventions, the two candidates Immediately were 'notified of their nomination and in the midst of deafening cheers they appeared before the delegates to volte their acceptance and to pledge their best efforts to the coming campaign. For severai hours during the afternoon and early evening the throng in the Coliseum bad listened to a flow of oratory in nominating and seconding speeches, in which the dominant note expressed was the belief that victory would corae to the new party In November. Raymond Robbins of Illinois pledged a 100,000 majority for the national ticket in Illinois, and Gifford Plnchot predicted a 300,000 majority for Colonel Roosevelt and Governor Johnson in his home state of Pennsylvania. These abatements were cheered to tbe echo. The party formally christened itself "the Progressive party, leaving out the prefix "national by which it has heretofore been known, but provision was made for the recognition or "real progressives In any of the states by whatever name they should be locally designated because of state laws. During the three days it was in session. there was not a roll call nor a ballot The delegates asked no such formalities, either in placing their candidates (a nomination or in voting for them. There was not a voice of opposition, either to Colonel Roosevelt or Governor Johnson. upon the platform as finally adopted Colonel Roosevelt worked with the In charge of the platform until late Wednesday atternoon, going over their work of the two previous days and nights and vigorously helping to mould the draft which at last proved acceptable to him. The platform did not take up the negro question. After the Beef Trust. Soaring pricqp of beef Washington. ind oihea- meats have attracted the vttentlon of the federal government, and may have ihe effect of hurryinv on the investigation of the beef trust. - TWO CARBUNCLES NECK ON Increase in Freight nates. Washington General Increases in freight rates on commodities to become effective September 2 are proposed in new tariffs filed by the transcontinental railroads with tbe interstate commerce commission. ' Turns Down Pension Bill. Washington. The fight to pass the $150,000,000 pension appropriation bill Was lost by one vote in the senate on Wednesday and the measure was sent back to the house for further confer-pce- . Veterans Home, Napa Co., Cal. I was afflicted with two carbuncles on the back of my neck. The doctors said they were tbe largest carbuncles be ever saw. 1 suffered tbe most intense agony, so much that I could not rest or slee'p for about a mouth. One was lanced four times. When the first began to get better another broke out and was equally as painful as the first one. I heard of Cuticura Soap and Ointment being good for such things, so I procured a box of Cuticura Ointment and a cake of Cuticura Soap. 1 washed both the carbuncles with Cuticura Soap frequently whenever any pus began to gather, and applied the Cuticura Ointment. I felt relief after the first use of Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and tn a week's timq both carbuncles were gone and I was completely cured. I have not been trou1 also had eczema of the scalp. My scalp Itched fearfully and pimples began to break out which emitted pus, and my head became sore and scaly. I had dandruff also. 1 used Cuticura Soap for a shampoo with hot water, and used tbe Cuticura Ointment on my scalp, and it afforded instant relief, followed by absolute cure. (Signed) George H. Wetsell, Dec. 11, 1911. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free, with 32 p. Skin Book. Address Cuticura, Dept L, Boston." post-car- d an- other sliced dried beef like it. Good? Its the inside cut of the finest beef sliced to wafer Sliced Dried Beef stands supreme. The tasty dishes one can make with it are almost numberless. Lets see ! Theres creamed dried beef, and but just try it Then youll know !- - Always Insist on Libby's Dont accept a jote good. From nllah to rout, from condiment to conserve, the quality of Libbys Foods la always superior. And they dont coat one whit more than the ordinary kinds. Ready-to-Ser- Pat up fa eterilixej glate or tim container ' At Every Grocers Libby, & Libby M-N- eill Chicago Permit Agricultural Entry. The house public Washington. lands committee has reported favor ably tbe Smoot bill, which has passed permitting agricultural Miss Jane Adams of Hull house, the senate, on coal and gas lands, these proChicago, was among those wibo sec- entry She was ducts being reserved to the govern onded Colonel Roosevelt. ment. Stop Smuggling by Tax. Fighting San Francisco. "If opium were London. Severe fighting has broker out at Wu Chang, in the Chinese pro- taxed $5 a pound, smuggling would vince of according to a new cease and the government would obsaid United agency dispatch received here from tain a large revenue, Tien-TsThe trouble arose over tbs States Customs Surveyor Duncan E. McKinley In discugslng the subject. disbanding of gome of the troops. One Commissioner for Canal. Linotype President Seeks Divorce. Discussion of the Pa Washington. Reno, Nev. Philip T. Dodge, piesi dent of the Mergenthaler Linotype naraa canal bill ocrupled the senate company of New York, hss filed a suit Tuesday and the principal action by hat body was the substitution of a f divorce from Margaret B. Dodge form of govwho is now in New York. The com provision for a ernment in the canal zone. plaint charges desertion. Confesses Girls Murder. Suspected of Murder. Me. A confession that hs Mo. A hand Bangor, section St. Joseph, employed at Clarinda, la., was arrest-- , murdered Naomiette Mitchell, a girl, at North Carhiil, ed here as a suspect in the murder -year-old was made to Sheriff .White by J. Sberof the Joseph Moore family at la., June 10 The suspect bad man Gray, who was bound over for trial. several small axes in his possession. Back to the Farm Movement. Teachers Charged With Brutality. St Anthony, Idaho. Sensational indChicago. A $3,000,000 agricultural industrial exposition building, in testimony to the fleet that boys were which aliens will be taught the stripped of their clothing and laBhed possibilities of the country with heavy strap was given on Tues day at tbe open ng of the reform tad the back to the farm movement, paa bfoa planned. school lnvestlgat on. In China. Hu-Pe- n one-ma- fourteen- IN GREAT VARIETY FORj SALE ctT THE LOWEST PRIC28 BY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION W. Adam St, Chicago 150 ACRES nidlljl ABSOLUTELY FRE( No cost bow or hemtftpr. No orothi cost No boiler land any whrp.irrigation writ for(w iufunuUun. We have no land to mIL Addrea "Well, Teddy," Inquired his enthusiHIMTHON MITCHELL P. I. 101 Ut, RtOISM SQUARE STATION, REV astic spouse, as he dumped tbe volumes on the table, did you succeed In getting wbat you wanted?" Sure, 1 did!" he replied, proudly DAISY FLY KILLER iiM. Neat, eiwi I bought a pointing to the books. names tl, txmveA cheap. Lasts 4 whole year's edition of a standard season. Madd Exwork on current literature. metal, can't spill u wiU not aol) overt change. i n jura anythin! Guaranteed effartiv 1 Sold by dcnlnra os I Consistent. I eent prepaid fuili,' Your friend is very particular HAROLD ftOMKEiv IN Dalai Asa, Brook!, IB. 1, about conformity In all things, isn't he? Yes, Indeed. When he went on his lumbago, neuralgia and kindred alilast spree tbe family were tn mourn- Sciatica, ment relieved or cured by absolutely new treatment. Gets at the seat of the trouble. No saw snakes. ing and he only black No harmful effects. aa n,, gsf I RHEUfilATIS r.t 111 Unequaled drap. tonic and preventive of rheumatic conditiotm. Trial treatment, 9tk(, tamps or colua. If not afflicted, order for friend who la Write plainly Ur MRS. R. A, DAVIS, 016 WEIGHT WOOD AV CHICAGO, 1LU PARSER'S HAIR BAL8AI ja, ClaatNMt Promotas I Herat sad bMotifu the a ummnt Vails to Bailors suOtn Hair to its Yonthtol Oslsa Ma.nSWM.tFniMrt.iA Prevents half fiUlinje. APNTfi HUbll Make 3) a A selling patented I O aperlaliles. daysend for new uV slotfus and sample worth 10c. Svery article s gold ! u.. Bus SOU, BuUa MunUtus pit Kill For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have PER CENT ALCOHOL- -3 Avertable Preparation Ihe Food andRegula-tm- g Ihe Stomachs and Bowels of similating ItVFANTSVCH 1 Always Bought for As- LP KEN Promotes Digestion, Cheerfulness and Rest Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Mineral Bears the Signature of Not Mar c otic ffapt efOU DrsivUlmffl Pumpkin $pd Jtx Sfftm ff'prittUf $ptb . AnmSftd Ppprrmtnt In -- fiUttrimmUSpAm Sttd CiorjttA jafew Htpkeyrrtm 'Atvtr Use Aperfed Remedy forConstipa-lio. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms, Convulsions.Feverish-ncs- s and LOSS OF SLEEP For Over Fee Simile Signature of , agri-tultur- Electrotypes What He Bought. Syracuse business man living in one of the suburbs decided to give up bis Bpacious back yards to the raising of currants as a profitable side Issue. So, wishing to absorb all the Information be could acquire on the he subject of the currant industry, went down town one Saturday afternoon recently and returned with bis arms full of books. i 1 LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS A yunf t Lib- Tit-Bit- Prisoners Break Jail. Evanston, Wyo. After binding Jailer Joseph Fife hand and foot and wrapping him in some blankets, Joe Turner, serving time for forgery, opened the cells and liberated all of the prisoners in the county jail In this city on Wednesday. Seven men were in the jail and all but one took advantage of the jalibreak. Turner jumped on the jailer and overpowered him Just as Fife and a trusty were enter Business Practice. "The new actor In this company Ing to feed the prisoners. Bert Dalton, partner of the Whitney brothers, certainly knows bow to act on peoescaped with the others ple's feelings with fine touches. Yes; he used to be a dentist. Lumber Men Indicted. Spokane, Wash. A. L. Porter oi Mr. WlnaIowi Soothing Syrop for Children teething, soften the puma, reduce infiamai Spokane, secretary of the Western Re- lion, allay a pain, cure wind colic, tbe a botl tail Lumbermen's who association, with thirteen other secretaries of reA cat may have nine lives, but a tail lumber dealers' associations, was cow can kick the bucket a dozen times indicted In June, 1911, on a criminal and continue to hold her Job. sharge of violating tbe Sberman law, has been released on bis cash bond f $2,500 by Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis of the northern district of Illinois, and bis bond accepted. greeted enthusiastically. The new party formally piaiwd it- Betting on the Election. self on record as favoring equal suf- - , New York. Betting In Wall street frage and further recognized the suf on the presidential race was brisk on fragette movement by providing for Tuesday with Wilson a 2 to favor on ihe four women membere-at-larg- e ite. Odds of 5 to 4 and 10 to 7 were committee. The delay In national given that Roosevelt will beat Taft Aged Veteran Dies. Elizabeth. N. J. Colonel George H. Sweet, a veteran ot the Mexican and civil wars, is dead at his home, The Maples. at the age of 81. He served under General Scott in tbe Mexican war. Thats the kind bys There isnt bled since. department. ' d HAND anti-trus- i 12. LITTLE of Romance. RESIGN. Progressive Candidate for Will Not Give up Position as Governor. San Francisco. Governor Hiram W. Johnson, candidate of the Progressive HOWARD E. BURTON 8!ahve'mVtnd party for the office of Speoimen prices: Gold, Silver, Lead, l; Gold, of the United States, arrived Sunday Gold, Wc; Ztuc or Copper, 91. Mailing Silver, 76c and full price list sent on application, direct from Chicago. He stopped at work solicited, l.eadvliln, Sacramento, the Elopes umpire Carbonate National Bank. capital of the state, only ten minutes, where he made an LOOK! 52 BIG WINNERS address to persons assembled at the AGENTS Household Hpccialties. Catalogue and railroad station to welcome him. In FBhB. (OLSON M'Frill.TY M. samples his talk he said that he had been draftCO 108 No. Jefferson Street, Chicago ed into the ranks of the fighteis for W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. the cause w hic-l- the third party represents and that he was ready to do his duty. He announced that he would Homely Philosophy. After all, it isnt always those with not resign as governor of California. the loudest voices that have, the best Congress May Adjourn Soon things to say, said the little brown hen." Washington. Congress is about to terminate a session that has now run over .250 days. The session has not Lives on It. Margaret They say that Mrs. Baker been fruitful of much general legistnakes a fortune out of a cure for lation, but from the standpoint of obesity. Katharine Yes. She lives great issues fought and great pol.'c es on the fat of the land. Life. outlined it has been of more than usual interest. Many annual approTo be sweet and clean, every wompriation bills that should have become an should use Paxtine in sponge bath- effective July 1, still are at issue being. It eradicates perspiration and tween the two houses. Minor legisall other body odors. At druggists, lation and important questions of gen25c a box or sent postpaid on receipt of eral interest are being laid aside in price by The Paxton Toilet Co., Bos- an effort to bring about adjournment ton, Mass. by next Saturday, or at the latest by Not So Bad. the end of the following weeh. "I dont see how you can find life Great Britain Will Protest. worth living in such a small town. London. Arguing that well inform"Oh, its not so bad. We probably have just as many scandals here as ed opinion in Canada and France and even in tbe United States is unable to there are In your neighborhood. reconcile thp differential treatment of American shipping in the matter of Speed the Parting Guest. the Panama canal with the Father Knickerbocker Cant treaty, the Times deprestay a little longer? Departing Visitor No. Havent a cates the employment of strong lanred cent left. It guage upon the subject because Father Knickerbocker Oh! Well, would be calculated to impede a quiet . good-byand friendly discussion of the matter with the United States, which it will His Rank. be tbe British governments duty to Mistress Well, Im sorry you want undertake. to leave me, Mary;' but whats your Stabs Husband Through Heart. reason? Portland, Ore. Otto Fiechtl is dead Mary keeps silent. from a knife wound, and Mrs. Ethel Mistress Something private ? No, mum; please, Fiechtl, his wife, is under arrest on a Mary (suddenly) mum, hes a lance corporal. Illustrat- charge of murder. According to Mrs. ed Bits. Fiechtl, the couple spent practically all night in quarrels and reconciliaExpect Big Sale of Red Cross Seals. tions. In the final quarrel, she said, The campaign for selling Red Cross Fiechtl crowded her to the wall, slapseals this year will be carried on in ping and striking her with his fist. practically every state .nd territory in Tljen, she said, to save herself from the United States, and even In Porto further punishment, she seized a dirk, Rico, the Canal Zone, Hawaii and Phi- which was hanging on the wall, and lippine islands. No less than 100,000 lunged at Fiechtl, driving the blade volunteer agents, Including depart- straight through his heart. ment, drug and other kinds of stores, motion picture theaters, individuals, Shooting at Butte Picnic. and others, will be engaged in the Butte, Mont. John Milkovilch is work. Before the sale Is oompleted, dead and . ianzor Tusvich fatally it is expected that at least 100,000,000 wounded as a result of their love of seals will have been printed and dis- firearms. The two attended a miners tributed, besides several million post- picnic near here Sunday and practiced ers, display cards and other forms of with their revolvers. A cowboy or advertising literature. forest ranger, whose identity has not been established, and who, it is beHot Weather Drink, lieved, Imagined that he was being latter-daone Bostons of Philip Hale, shot at, opened fire with his rifle and recommends philosopners, barley both men were wounded in the legs. water as a more sensible drink for hot Miikovitch died from loss of blood and "Ice-colblends of waweather than there Is no hope for his companion. ters, sirups, acids, gulped at the marble fountains. Mr. Hale's recipe for Schepps Fears Gang. his favorite tipple Is as follows: Hot Springs, Ark. Sam Schepps, "For three pints of water you will paymaster of the men who murdered require a teacupful and a half of well Herman Roeenthal, spent Sunday in a washed pearl barley, four lumps of oell under double guard. It is feared sugar and the thin rind and juice of that be will attempt to kill himself. one lemon. Pour boiling water over Schepps almost collapsed when arrestit, cover with a saucer and let it stand ed. His fear of the New York police till cold; then strain again and again and the system if he turns informer till clear, afid pour into a Jug. is just about balanced by his dread of A buttermilk fan adds: does not tell Then set the jug In a cool place the electric chair if he all he knows. and forget It. Arizona Team Wins. Butte. Pickens and Page of Globe, contest at ArliL, won the the annual picnic of the Butte Miners' union on Sunday, sending their steel Cookery into solid granite 43 inches in fifteen minutes. The purse was 1,000. The team of Bardslaw and Kinsella, also of Butte, was second with 41 Inches. Four teams contested. Mr. CONFESSION OF FAITH AS nominating them was due to the large number of seconding speeches alOF lowed. THE NEW PARTY. Ae has always been the case in national political conventions,, the bulk of tibe work of the Progressive gather-Two Candidates Depart From Tradiwas carried on in the1 commit-es- . tion by Appearing Before ConvenOnly a semblance of a conflict tion to be Notified and to Voice of opinion on the floor was a brief deTheir Acceptance. bate Wednesday as to whether an hours receBS should be taken. The point was Immaterial; but as one expressed it, ' We Just had to Chicago. The flrat national convention of the new Progressive party was ght about something (o make it a egular convention. adjourned at 7:27 p. m. on WednesThere was sharp discussion, howday. after Colonel Theodore Roosevelt had been chosen as the party's ever, in several committee meetings candidate for president and Governor and no little difficulty in agreeing i HER ROOSEVELTS The Centaur Company, NEW YORK. Thirty Years guaranteed under the Foodaij Exact Copy of Wrapper. vw rru omfawv mmm tv. |