Show I 1 absolutely Abie without alf air how w long ions can a human cumin being exist without air art at leat least four our hours quit you kidding I 1 im tit 1 asking a plain question que atlon and I 1 ex expect hect a serious answer im riving giving it to son boli I 1 have proved to my own satisfaction and very re bently that bat a human being curt can live four hours aben absolutely deprived of 0 air i youre a tool fool A boy can stay under tinder water for two min tr it tie lie has haa strong lungs lunga even an ambitious animal can oh cut that ive I 1 ve proved it I 1 rodo rode from ron litre here to buffalo la in the upper berth of a sleeper car the other night and I 1 was nag taken out allys alive I 1 can prove III It Plain dealer |