Show READ E D YOUR HOME PAPER ard now hm hae e the largest circulation in the history llis tory of this paper that Is the reason you should have it YOUR HOME thatis the reason wl 1 you od should advertise in it A 1 ise e do the BEST ol of jol job werk that is ali why y you should sli otilo patronise patr patron onise fe it support your home paper BOOST for it get others to boost for RICH ICH COUNTY into eve and lid coy corner lier of gilck county f h 3 JN tico caplis CO PliS T ats juat COUNTY subscription per year cef ALL tile the NEWS ALL the TIME 41 send in your dollar and we will le be and so will YOU E evanston V anston lumpier lon aber co EVA EVANSTON WYO are now making VERY 10 apices on RUBBER ROOFING one AN two vv and three 0 ply also als building paper and till all abw f 01 RICH CO HEAT 11 EAT MARKET J DJ DR IX 1 1 1 1 ift 13 of fresh y 01 d cured I ed anz olt e and groen green aro Gr gnorek veries s lea cream cones unil ill jt sundnes i candies and A daily dail y stage line to I 1 13 ar lake f atee vt ill ail t il 1 deliveries I eliven cs tva mail ail orders given prompt attention cash paid for hides furs C chinti y ous and itis faction molle no 8 teed metz wm jacobson mgr not ce cou city toucan ra exams lit at ang 15 16 17 all teachers Achors le not holding bolding valid cori cari inual no be issued this john bens benow mi co bupt supt when eating cating that you food jg of hig highest h est wholesomeness that it has nothing irit that can injure here or distress you mc makes ices the repast doubly comfortable aad satisfactory this thi s SL supreme confidence vou you have when the food 13 raised with 60 2 1 wa 7 cje f paynter fer ap calel itel the only baking powder anada with royl grape cream of tartar there cr i be no comforting confidence aher sating alum baking powder food le mists say sav thit that or less of the aluin um in tn I 1 alum or alum salts remains in th food joseph hodi hudgel es wee ased actie 1 ter hii alii notary etry CITY UTAH cot your fish and an cl gamo game from thos ashton bros store john snowball abstractor A notary public It andolph utah notice DR alik nr oi of tim 10 1 1 U K s liml veAt silt lake city ity butali abig ard 3rd 1012 notice Is lu beliy ceil thit J And andersoh ersol of py alio on oil sept f t rt loth lp lio ul made ade homo 14 tead eolay herial S vo for born l si all biml 1108 lo 10 A 6 and 1 13 five 11 1 l alad nii nt NJ of section 14 12 nor lit is 14 ast ant salt halt lake Merlill iid 4 filed botlee if to fluur vu five year eier grou prou it tn elitists to lie ile liine above described lievore tin the tindel del clerk k it district court vials on oil tire isali iliyof 1812 1912 nunna ax as v itile beil Tho lutts earley of hound dittley ut jollit joi earley km aey of 0 valley ula william Willi atit webb of 0 valley L toot th julin john hyden ol oil komick valley VIA ilith E D it Thomp soji 1 notice two free warships in tho the university os ol utah utah one is for lt list your in fit school of 0 education the other lot vearie vear in college Colleg ii dept thoy they build freo free tuition for four years any ono one jo do siring ono one phone or write ohn Dene supt bupt effin am w ark buttera Butt mra made hindo A now how man hian of him 1 I wai suffering frow pain I 1 n 1 BT ol 01 stomach head and back baeff tee J T alston alaton N 00 vand and alt m liver and kid did network 0 but four bottled of alectria E mada roe me eel like tt a now cew nan man an PRICE elt AT ALL toss STORES A certificate of deposit put your surplus money in on in interest lerest for fol six si months att it percent per aann wih infill i jon a cei certificate of depo deposit dl for it a naf alid you can eez set acet it when you want it if that thai i is s worth something to you yott if there thel eis is anything d you yoli dont understand u sta lid obo it I 1 it bellfl all and d WO we mil e explain it to you I 1 I 1 KU 11 h of kit dolph ch catis walton alton P E J ov t cil 41 4 1 aj FOR blacksmithing BLACKSMITH INO in all its branches 4 horse y shoeing hoeing A f ft specialty specialty ca pi prices ices ds others othel 8 Il inland llOita avo 1 I 1 18 i RANDOLPH UTAH UTA 11 1 1 T rocky nl moun ain 0 and iron coo co miners and shippers shipper of RO ROCKY MOUNTAIN COAL I 1 mine no 0 6 is 1 now lit wt ilvo tho chute alid xv vu ini iken it of 1110 ali aral from laluh collity Loi cou mtv lity I 1 our ur motto couil bold kvil ight hold all auml 11 a ilena to lo aej 1 77 karhn bupt supt ALMY WYO i dont full fall to w cull call on us wished Wih hed 1 arnd pea ij ft cuni coal out ligniti lii niti 1 iio 1410 0 j VU var cariri iwa I wa iri 10 jewelry hind we ell cur I 1 9 ivo boll 1 11 ed ad china ft very ery lwi out cut G glassic Glas lass fe prices pi ices rii oll we have lave 5 2 anything ili BULL USia BEULAS thill ill il w this line jiuu detachable handzi 1 edholm akin co HU I 1 lit 1 IW ithem mid arid slee sleepless plese lev 11 evanston green river wyoming Wy W omina the I randolph Je jewelery jeweled Jew elert welem A utah phy S indian S pa m e it was a utah physician who alter after devoting years ol of study I 1 succeeded in concentrating ingredients which never failed to cu cure re coughs and colds Charr chambers ibers cold tablets are guaranteed to cure all affections of 0 the throat and lungs it 11 you yon will go to alic dealer whose naine liable is attached to this he will tell you that the proprietors of Chim chambers bers calil tablets authora m c their agents all over the united states state and C bialla Citi tilA to sell this prescription on a pos positive etive guar guarantee aritte to cure a cold in twelve hours and nd any ally case of grippe however obstinate in two days ot or your purchase puce cirice will be cheerfully refunded these tablets do not g gripe ripe or nauseate nor do they leave any bad effects dont permit your ca casa to develop into pneumonia or worse still consumption we don t ask you to accept our word as a final ask ak A k our local agent or asic you physician if lie would not prescribe these tablets or anve five them to liia own children ask any person who has ever used thern them what they think of C h m ate rs C U 1 d T ta b t S 11 OKI |