Show I 1 HER LITTLE HAND IN HIS mr parkes explanation an to reason somewhat Dle palled the tha odor of romance I 1 henna and ad wore were two henpecked clience married birr d men tho the other day they met inet and utter after a few casual remarks concerning the tha weather the subject ot of women and unfortunate husbands was wag perhaps naturally discussed to ailenne however suddenly came thoughts thou elita of years yearn ago when he was a happy bachelor and unconsciously of what rate fate had bad in store for him was wa walking out a girl who wits was later on destined to bring him morrow borrow I 1 and nil misery sery seeing tt a faraway far away look in his companions eyes eya inquired the meaning hearts retorted retort eil dramatically 1 I was waa jut just then thinking old fellow of those happy ilaya days lonn long ago when I 1 used to hold bold that girls hand in ila mine tor for hours houra when hut but the equally unfortunate suddenly ud deuly cut his hi companion short by exclaiming why not nothing hingl I 1 cheer up do you know ow only yesterday I 1 held toy ray eifes hand tor for three solid olid hours hour what said ald the startled tart start led leil bonne ailenne yes yea its ita a tact fact resumed recke recite sorrowfully Borrow fully and I 1 declare it id let lease he hed d have killed hilled me london tit aits nits |