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Show passed on through to the dlptomAlgt'ti private office, eat down in front of the locked safe again, and set the dial at thlrfy-etx- . Senor Rodrigue looked on, astonished, as Mr. Grimm pressed the soft rubber sounder of a stethoscope against the safe door and began turning the dial back toward ten, minutes slowly, slowly. Thirty-livlater the lock clicked. Mr. Grimm rose, turned the handle, and pulled the safe door open. "Thats how It was done," he explained to the amazed diplomatist. And now, please, have a servant hand my card to Miss Thorne." GIRDLER ATTRACTS ATTENTION AS ENEMY OF THE GRAPEVINE IRRIGATION WASTE OF IRRIGATION NEEDED IN EAST Many Farmers in Humid Portion of Country Assured of Profitable Crops by New Method. Much Loss Can Be Avoided by Preparation of Ground. If a farmer could at a reasonable expense secure an insurance policy, guaranteeing him an Indemnity against Has Been Found In Several States From Much Dreaded Evaporation vCan Be loss of hts crops through droughL Missouri to Pennsylvania. there would be thousands who would Avoided by Uelng Water In Reeer-vo- lr The rhanca Is jump at the chance. During Early Month and here, explain officials of the departThen Filling Again. ment of agriculture, but the number who lake advantage of It are few. E1U5TRAI10NS How much water did you waste durIn the east and more humid portions ing the last precious run? "Didnt of the United States where land valCOPYRIGHT 1908 ty THE ASSOCIATED SUNDAY MAGAZlfCJ waste any not a drop got out of my ues are high, the intensive system of THE BOBBS - MERRILL COMPANY COPYRIGHT '1900 CHAPTER XL field. This may be true and still agriculture la rapidly replacing the exHandkerchief? repeated the dipSYNOPSIS. husyou wasted water. It went down In- tensive. A system of mixed Handkerchief. The Lice lomatist. You mean Miss Thornes stead of off and whenever water bandry has been largely replaced by ' the graceful, filmy Still wearing handkerchief?" He paused and reCount di Rosini, the Italian ambassoaks down one. two, yes, even five special branches of farming. The many sador, la at dinner with diplomats in garded Mr. Grimm keenly. Senor, morning gown, with an added touch feet In spots, it Is wasted. This can thriving the national capital when a messenger manufacturing cities and be avoided by more careful prep- towns that are being built up have brings a note directing him to come to what am I to understand from that of scarlet In her hair a single red only the embassy at once. Hera a beautiful question?" rose Miss Thorne came Into the aration of the ground In California I caused a great demand for fruit and young woman asks that she be given where Mr. Grimm sat a ticket to the embassy ball. The tickIt was plain enough," replied Mr. drawing-roofound the bottom and sides of many vegetables. The high value per aero et is made out In the name ot Miss IsGrimm. "Where did you find that wailing. supply laterals cemented and the and the active and Increasing demand abel Thorne. of the Chief Campbell "I believe," he said slowly, without secret eervae, and Mr. Grimm, his head handkerchief? There was silence for fields were prepared as carefully a a for fresh fruits and vegetables lice detective, are warned that a plot of the an Instant. "In this room?" preliminaries, "this Is your handkerlawn tennis ground In Colorado. This induced many farmers to enter upon races against the English speakwas true even In the alfalfa fields. the production ot these crops, and they ing races Is brewing In Washington, Yes," replied Senor Rodriguez at chief? and Grimm goes to the state ball for He offered the lacy trifle, odd In de-- , The old middle furrows and back fur- are the ones who need crop Insurance. last. atInformation. In a conservatory his tention Is called to Miss Isabel Thome, rows were entirely obliterated, men This cau be secured through the esNear the safe?" Mr. Grimm per- sign, unique In workmanship, obviouswho with her companion, soon disaply ' of foreign texture, and she acworked over the fields viith hand grad- tablishment ot a simple irrigation pears, A revolver shot Is , heard and sisted. It. ers after the levels had been used, and plaut. Campbell and Grimm hasten down the Yes, came the slow reply, again. cepted hall to find that 6enor Atvares of the Where the cost of cultivation Is "Yes, she agreed readily, "I must every depression was filled and every Mexican legation, has been shot. A woJust here. and he indicated a spot man did It. and Grimm Is assured It was s little to have dropped It again. knoll leveled. The result was that large the losses from drought are felt the left of the safe. Miss Thorne. He vlBtts her, demanding when water was turned on It spread all the more severely, as the expenses That is the one banded to you by And when did you find it? Yesterknowledge of the affair, and there arrests a man named Pietro Mr. Grimm told are eseBntially the same whether a as on a floor. Petroslnnl. Miss day afternoon? Last night? This morn- Senor Rodriguez, Thorne visits an old man, Luigi. appar-shtl- y her. "I think you said you lost It In In Colorado the Irrigator Is waiting naif crop or a full one is harvested. a bomb maker, and they speak of ing? a wonderful experiment. Fifty thousand half the time for his head of water to Losses of from one to two hundred This morning. and without any his office yesterday afternoon? dollars In gold Is stolen from the office She nodded inquiringly. "Yes? wet up the high spots, forgetting that dollars per acre as a result of a few of 8enor Rodrigues, the minister from apparent reason the dtplomatist's fare Venezuela. While detectives are investiall this time the water Is Injuring the weeks' drought are not uncommon in may interest yon to know that it turned white. deathly the Miss Thorne appears gating robbery Senor Rodriguezs butler positively as a guest of crop on the low spots and will In time the east. The experience of practical the legation. "But, Senor Senor, you are misruin the land. When we get down to men and experiments by a number of A identifies it as one he restored to you can taken! be There nothing! of twice st dinner last evening, between CHAPTER X. Intensive farming and gar- the state stations indicate that an Inthorough woman! Two hundred pounds Mr. Grimm seven nine and o'clock, our whole country will change vestment in an irrigation plant where dening gold! Senor! A Safe Opening. S went on dispassionately. Its nature and appearance. mean by market garden crops and small fruits Mr. Grimm was still pleasant about Together they entered the adjoining "Indeed! exclaimed MIsb Thorne. are grown will pay exceptionally good this intensive Intensive alfalfa crops, his wsb ImperIt; absolutely curiosity room, which was small compared to Interest. The senor identifies It as one he and wheat well as Intensive as oats, his listless eyes, grown again, the one they had Just left. Senor sonal; Mr. Mr. Milo B. Williams ot the departIn found his this office, morning In D. C. writes Roberts the gardening, Rodriguez used It as a private office. were turned straight Into the other's Grimm explained obligingly. During Denver Field and Farm. This ment of agriculture, who is In charge His desk was on their right between face. In will require the breaking up of our of Irrigation investigations In the huIf that handkerchief had been the night fifty thousand dollars two windows overlooking the same mid region, has compiled a table showgold were stolen from his safe. big ranches Into 10, 20 and resumed he there last Senor, night, pleasant little garden which was visMiss Thorne sat motionless, waiting the number ot days when Irrigaman with a noticed have lots, wouldnt you intensely working ible from the suite of tiny drawing- quietly, tion wsb required during the ten years ing. on and or the ten this in when the acres, every ftye you placed gold rooms farther along. The safe, a it "All this means what?" she inquirwill also require a more constant sup- from 1900 to 1909, inclusive. In repreformidable looking receptacle of black safe? stared pt him a ed, at length. Senor Rodriguez ply of water not more water neces- sentative points In the humid region? enameled steel, stood at their left, For instance, at Amek, la., Irrigation return to "I'll trouble but more frequent runs. you, time. please, sarily, long closed and locked. The remaining was necessary 190 days during this the Mr. Grimm He "1 our With at money," he water facilities last. dont requested know, said, present wall space of the room waa given over period; Oshkosh, Wts., 292 days; Vine-lanNo reason why In a his with Into courteously. chair appears back under careful good repair and kept to oak cabinets, evidently a storage dropped Senor, he burst you should have taken It But I'm not supervision, there la no excuse for 568 N. J., 352 days; Columbia, S. C, place for the less Important legation face in his hands. days, and Selma, Ain., 724 days. out suddenly, impetuously, after a mo- seeking reasons, nor am I seeking dislack of water even In the dryest seapapers Mr. Williams arrives at this concluthe money. I agreeable publicity not if la recovered In sons. only the Some be water ment, should the gold Has any one besides yourself been It seems to me you attach undue canal all the time during the planting sion by determining that crops need in this room today? Mr. Grimm In- am ruined. You understand that betGirdBeetla Girdler. The a, Egg; b, Larva; c, Pupa; d, Adult; e, and seeding months of spring. If a water after every dry period of not Grapecane quired. The Upper One of the Twin reservoir is filled in winter there Is less than 15 days, so that each and ling the Cane Juat Below Ite Not a soul, Senor, was the reply. Holee in the Center of the Cane Contains the Egg. All Greatly Enlarged. no need of letting It seep and evap- every day included In the table repreMr. Grimm went over and examined orate during the hot season use It up sents periods that the drought extend- the windows. They were both locked period. E. BROOKS, West Virginia deep groove with its strong jaws sc first say In April and May. FRED tBy It can ed over the Inside; and there were no marks of While the humid region farmer has ' Experiment Station.) Is tre be above that the branch dies and filled in June for August Iragain any sort on the sills. The grapecane girdler la an Insect broken off by the wind. Tbs rigation. By this means the dreaded not the largest water supplies that They are Just as I left them last not often mentioned In entomological quently "elm Oberea ulmlcola so much talked about may be available for the arid la I night, explained Senor Rodriguez. literature, probably for the reason that a beetle of the same family, attack! evaporation be we need to farmer, he has many smaller strep All avoided. could have not touched them In the past It seems to have confined elm In a similar manner. The femals make this fair and rich lay of land which may be developed che1 And theres only one door, mused Its attacks chiefly to the plant known cuts a deep groove around a twig sc as the rose Is a little prac- Streams varying In size from c Mr. Grimm, meaning that by which as Virginia creeper or Ivy, that it Is easily broken off by thi blossom to large rivers are usually av tical management. had entered. and So It would aphas wind. Below the groove she cuts a slit they ampelopsls qulnquefolla, for pumping purposes; pond I often do not wonder people why ecopear that whoever was here last night seemed, therefore, of but little lakes have few other usee than in the bark and deposits an egg and mulch more In their and gardens entered through that room. Very nomic Importance. In this state it ap- then moves further down the twig and 4- rigalion. well." pears now to have developed a prefer- girdles It a second time, now merel) around lawn shrubs and plants. The The of process applying mabenefits are He walked around the room once, First, If ence for the grape. In several localithrough the bark so as to dead nure Is used It leaches Into the soil crops by distributing It through . ties I have seen grapevines presenting cutting opening and shutting the doors of the en the part above. Another species ol will and fertilizes It. Second, It keeps the fields under pressure-whiccabinets as he passed, and Anally a ragged appearance on account of the the same genus, known as the "black surface roots moist and hence vigor- it Into the air and le it fall HKw, oA In front dead tips resulting from the Insect's the safe. paused Oberea blmacu berry gentle rain has great feasibilities What are tje first and second figA attacks, but I have never been able to lata, cuts a double girdle and lays at ous. In the hot sandy lands of Flor- the humid region-wiljspray sysilj Is taken In a similar ida ures of the combination? be asked. find either the beetle or evidences of advantage man dlstribiVe a in similar the wAiii'r'Tvmir between two, egg manner Thirty-elk- , (weighted then back to ten." by leaves piling Its work on ampelopsls. surface of rough or rolling lands! re- ner, In the young canes of blackberry down around the - Mr, Grimm set the dial at thirty-six- , plants, thus conservThe species cannot now be regarded and raspberry. Still another long gardless of soil or underground ondl- as well moisture the and then, with his ear pressed closely sb protecta a pest of very serious consequence, Ela ing horned beetle, the Hons. Crops completely covering the excessive roots from heat the the polished door, turned the against except In rare Instances, but It has phldlon villosum, lays its eggs in th ing the can in this, way be Irrigated ground An dial slowly back. Senor Rodriguez excellent way to keep several times attracted attention as an branches of oak and other trees bul of the sun. without damage. Spray irrigation Is stood looking on helplessly, but none and durproductive in state of plants thla strawberry the enemy grape leaves the girdling to he done by it also well adapted to those humid conthe less Intently. The pointer read ing recent years, and heretofore hut larvae. In this case the larva feeds in thrifty Is to make quite deep furrows ditions which demand small and frefill rows them ten, then nine, eight, seven, five. Mr. with the between and to Its the heart of the twig until it Is nearly little has been known In regard quent applications of water in the Grimm gazed at It thoughtfully, after habits. full grown and then cuts the twig al strawy stable manure, well tramped preparation ot the soils for setting out which he did It all over again, placidly The distribution of the species most off at the lower end of Its bur down. This will keep down the weeds young plants and keeping them growand without haste. seems to be quite general throughout row.' Immediately after the cut It as well as fertilize the plants and the ing through the dry spell, or for softwell to as rule all "Now, well look Inside, please, he same qutte applies eastern and sections made It retreats Into the burrow above the ening the surface to aid In weeding requested, rising of the United States. In 1862 Mr. C. and waits for the wind to blow the the bush fruits. and cultivation. Senor Rodriguez unlocked the safe rows can be run through the Water V. Riley, In his first report on the nox- twig to the ground, where It completei Investigations made by Mr. Williams the while Mr. Grimin respectfully ious Insects of Missouri, mentioned It Its transformation within the burrow slowly or If by hose, can be sprayed have demonstrated that irrigation Is rturned his eyes away, then pulled the or boards Clean straw as forming galls en the common creepthoroughly. The adult of the "raspberry cane profitable for truck, berries and other loor wide open. The books had been strawthe around can be er. At about the same time Mr. Benj. maggot," a closely put fly of the genus crops In all parts of the hu- piled one on top of another and thrust D. Walsh had specimens of the Insect Phorbla, lays Us egg near the tips ol berry plants to keep the berries from mid as well as for citrus fruits region, Into various pigeon holes at the top. In his collectiosi In Illinois, marked young shoots. The larva sanding. I see a few Plngree farms In Florida. raspberry There are but few years, Mr. Grimm understood that this disorIt waa not un- which hatches enters the cane and in our town lots, but wish to see more be "Madams ampelopsls. says, when Increased yield for such der was the result of making room at til the year 1876 that a description after working its way downward for of them. The little back yard 25x100 as strawberries, celery, etc., the bottom for the bulk of gold, and In that several Inches It encircles the shoot feet will produce strawberries, rasp- crops of the beetle was published. would not pay tbe interest on the first asked no questions. L. he John Dr. sat described LeConte it Instead, year several times, with a Bplral groove berries, peas, beans, lettuce, onions, cost and the depreciation of the plant, iown upon the floor again. in his work on the Rhynchophora of made Just beneath the bark, which asparagus, rhubarb, for a while In such years as 1910 and 1911, The lock on this private comAmerica', and gave to it the name kills the shoot above, and the larva family and then the fun is thrown In when many Bectlons were without rain partment at the top Is broken, he rewhich It still bears. Le Conte gives feeds thereafter on the dead wood. extra. Who does not enjoy the early for two months, the yields for a single marked after a moment. Its geographical distribution as "south- The "currant see how into much Janus morning Inspection year might be sufficient to pay for tne SI, Senor, the diplomatist agreed. ern and western states. Since the tiger, a saw-fly- , punctures the bark of the plants have grown during the entire system. Evidently the robbers were not conwas published the species currant bushes njar the ends of grow- night, what new seeds have germidescription tent with only fifty thousand dollars has received but infrequent and brief ing Ups with its saw-llkovipositor nated and the prospect of those deIn gold they imagined that someDangers of Overheating. "The Lock on This Private Compartment at the Top Is Broken. notice, but has been recorded as oc- and lays an egg in the orifice. Just licious meals all from ones own garof value was hidden there. of overheating lie first causes The In several states from Mis- above the egg. It thing else must the delectcurring I not And girdles the twig by den. forget "Was there? asked Mr. Grimm ter than I can tell you. ItS the kind importance to the handkerchief," she souri to Pennsylvania. ovl able radish, never good unless pulled In the condition ot the horse that is cuts Its several with making deep to of thing that could not be explained objected. naively. He didnt look around. The wound which the beetle makes so that the twig breaks over fresh from the ground and taken with- "a little oft, then In extrefiie heat, He rose suddenly That's a matter of opinion," Mr. In ovipositing causes the tip and poBitor Nothing of monetary value," the my government. which develops from the out delay to the breakfast table. To fatigue, lack of water and humidity The larva It would be use- terminal leaves on the young cane to egg feeds on the pith senor explained. of the atmosphere. There were some and faced the Impassive young man, Grimm remarked. Long standing of the stump. the man who will do these things Important state papers In there they with merciless determination in his less, even tedious, to attempt to dis- drop over and die, and Bhortly afterThere are other species that operate want to repeat the Irishmans toast, still In the hot sun seems more danfind must You that face. gold. prove a burglar theory, but against it ward to fall from the vine. The egg in a similar manner, but the ones that Are there yet but no money." than moving about. May you live to eat the chicken that gerous be said. is the difficulty of entrance, the is not carried to the ground with the have been mentioned will serve to "None of the papers was stolen? over scratches grave. your No matter who may be who may weight of the gold, the ingenious meth"No, Senor There were only nine Good Care Well Paid For. prunings when they fall, but It re- show that the peculiar habit, In one suffer? inquired Mr. Grimm. od of opening the safe, and the as- mains In the and the larva which form or another, is shared by insects DAIRYMAN AND CLOVER HAY A packets they are there yet vine, colt, it properly taken "Find the gold, Senor! "Contents all right? sumption that not more than six per- develops therefrom feeds In the heart belonging to widely separated groups. care ot and fed the right kind of feed Mr. commented Grimm, well, sons in 1 was knew "Very the the money "Yes. safe; of the stump from which the leaves It is Interesting that so many species, personally looked them during the first three years of life, without moving. "Do me the favor, while a person in the house might and over.- which in most respects do not resem- Protein Is One of Most Important will bring from $75 to $100 more wben tip were removed. the of to have learned it in any of a dozen Elements That One Should Aim regain possession Mr. Grimm drew out the packets of please, three years old than the one that la It is interesting to compare the ble each other in the least and which Just returned to ways. And, in addition, is the fact to Secure In Feed. with those of represent at least three orders, have papers, one by one. They were all handkerchief you to methods of this insect and pooorly fed. neglected send to me here that the handkerchief Is odd, there-forsave the last. When he Miss Thorne, and unsealed other species that girdle twigs or adopted some form of this peculiar Senor and A Diaz, your feeders lace your noticeable. without assures secretary, that It goes expert saying reached for that, Senor Rodriguez small branches In order to kill or part- way of providing for the safety and Teach Calf to Drink. one. I shall question me there's probably not another ilk of dairy cows should grow clover. made a quick, Involuntary motion to- servants, one by ly kill the wood In which their eggs comfort of their progeny. a calf to drink milk? Ever educate be alarmed. dont alone. them No, it in , the world,. Protein Is the one important element ward it with his hand. are laid and their larvae are to feed. In a dairy feed. Its not hard if you do it at the right to we secure aim He stopped. Miss Thornes eyes that This ones sealed." commented Mr. Unless they know of the robbery they s In Grain Stubble. Peas The "hickory to pay time. Dont let It suck tbe cow more It doesn't happen that you shall get no inkling of It from me. sparkled and a smile seemed to be t Grimm. beeGet busy and plant peas on that When we buy protein we have clngulata, a to the be enough good First, of us replace all know. than once or twice ot it will be more as corners mouth for at the of her it, tigging opened It and sealed It again?" tle, lays Its eggs In the branches of grain stubble. It will mean dollars big money . in the safe, and lock It. so difficult. packet P!ie on Is out of handkerchief out the the Bense paying spread Senor Rodriguez stood staring at hickory and other trees and then gir- in your pocket, both this year and What the Senor replaced packRodriguez h. r enn we knees. much money for protein when him blankly for a moment, then some dles the branch below, by cutting a next. Succeas in Dairying. et without question, afterward locking You could identity this again, ol raise our own protein, or the major sudden apprehension was aroused, for out. A went moment then the The more the study, the greater the door, of it, for less money than we course?" she queried. rortion a startled look came into his eyes, and He resuccess in dairying. later Senor Diaz appeared. "Yes can buy it? Sheep In Summer. again he reached for the packet. mained with Mr. Grimm for Just eight In reorder In to be She It Is to the maintained Sheep thoughtfully crumpled up Important "Dios mio! he exclaimed, Then, again, let me minutes. Senor Rodriguez entered bit of lace a strong and vigorous condition should member that much protein Is lost beIn both Select Gilts for Breeding. then opened see, Senor." as his secretary passed on, and them. There were hands, again w'ell as be Now is the time to select some looked after during the cause of the careless method of hantwo handkerchief.-Going to open It?" asked Mr. laid a lace handkerchief on the desk. summer as during the winter months dling our clover. now they were identical. Clover should be choice gills for brood sows. Grimm. Mr. Grimm stared at It curiously for No flock owner would think of allow "Which is ft, please? she asked. rured rather than dried. The drying Yes. feenor. I had not thought of It a long time. Ohio Station Gives Formula for If Mr. Grimm was disappointed lng his flock to remain out in a heavy of clover hay In Jhe sun causes the before. Making Poisoned Bran "Its the same handkerchief?" in midwinter, snowstorm but there wag not a trace of it on his face leaves to crumble and rattle off. Why the Use in Mash Senor Rodriguez opened It, with for SI, Senor. realize that greater Injury Is It so important to preserve the mockShe Gardens. laughed gleefully, outright, nervous, twitching fingers. Mr. Grimm "Theres no doubt whatever about may come from allowing the flock to leaves, heads and leaf stalks instead ingly, then demurely: had turned toward the safe agan, but it?" to the hot gun of letting them b me scattered in he heard the crackle of parchment as "Pardon me! You see. It's absurd The Ohio station advises that for become No, Senor, I got it by ! summer Undue exposure the field? While .th leaves constisome document was drawn out of the ot no consequence," interrupt- The handkerchief the butler restored protecting gardens and limited areas during the Its The supply of good 1,500 to 1,800 envelope, and then came a deep sigh ed Mr. Grimm. "Now the servants, to me at. dinner, after I lost one in the from the attacks ot grasshoppers, to excessive heat In summer Increases tute ( nly ahout 40 per cent of the toftof the elover plant, thev pound work horses Is always behind of relief. Having satisfied his sudden stnor's office, might have been eithet good results are usually obtained the activity of the entire working -1 the men first.'1 plene s of the pro- the demand. fears for the safety of the paper, whatThe first of the men servants was In of these, or one of ten other dupll from ubir.g a poisoned bran mash, pre- system. If allowed to be exposed for contain nesrlv weeks at a time a general breakdown tein of t' e whole riant. ever it was. the senor placed it In cates in my room, all given to me by pared as follows; For horses doing a considerable the room two minutes; the second 1 And sealed it again mean. she corrected To he enveloi according to the Bu- amount of road work there Is no while dry, two pounds of the physical constitution takes the butler was there five minutes; her Maj Stir together, Mr. Grimm one of the women wps Dot questioned quickly, by a friend In Europe." ' She of and, while no disease may mant reau of Chem'etrv of the Department with elaborate care. srain equal to oats. pans green and 25 pounds of bran, place 24 fit rer cent of the A cow producing dropped into the swivel chair at ,the at all; the other remained ten min- was silent for a moment. Is that all? then moisten with water that has been fet itself, the future usefulness ol of sgrlci-pureaverage testing deck. n!trorn of the clover plant is found milk should yield from 7.000 to 8,000 utes. Mr. Grimm followed her into "No, replied Mr. Grimm gravely sweetened with molasses or dissolved the animal is greatly Impaired. in the he Inquired pleasantly, the hall; Senor Rodriguez stood there decisively. "I'm not satisfied. I shell sugar, making a wet bu not sloppy "Senor. eave; 19 2" rer cent of the pounds of milk in & year. What Pigs Crave. Deal gently with the cow of nerrltroeon In the heads; 11 16 rer cent your daughter and Miss Thorne were helpless. Impatient. Insist upon the return of the mouey, mash She usually la When pigs keep up a terrific root- In the leaf stalks, and only 8.06 per vous temperament in this room yesterday afternoon? and If it is not forthcoming I dare say three feet Well? he demanded eagerly. For plants set about "Yes, replied the diplomatist as If I'm going outa little while, re- Count d! Roslnl, the Italian ambassa sugar, making, a wet by not slope ing of the ground, charcoal, sulphur cent In the tough, woody stems. Dont one of the best In your herd. Genteness and patience with the No one dor, would be pleased to give his per each way. use a tablespoonful near cinders, lime, or bone meal will prob sarve the cows Into eating the woodv surprised at the question. plied Mr. Grimm placidly. sonal check rather than hav the mat each planL or the msh may be sown ably be very much appreciated In stems, because they are neither palat- helTer that has calved for the first has even an Intimation of the affair "What time, please?" She Parted tc over the field broadcast. One treat- their ration. They are able to get able nor rich in food nutrients. The time will win out every time. "About three o'clock. They were please keep the matter absolutely to ter become public. 1 Tbe weeder Is a most effective tool Interrupt; but be went on. "in any ment should njprost over $1 per acre, gome of this mineral matter from the items contain only 25 per cent of yourself until I return. going out driving. Why?" That was all. The door opened and event you will be requested to leav labor not lm IB led. Keep the poultry earth, but they may be easily supplied the butter fate contained In the whole in that it takes every small weed In And Just where, please, did you with what they crave. plant, as against in 04 of fat contained its path as well as to pulverize many the country." ' continued closed, and he was gone. sway from tl poison. tbtet handkerchief?" find in the leaves, heads and leaf stalks. small clods. an hour of At he the end returned, Mr. Grimm. (TO BE CONTINUED) 4 Plant Caused to Present Ragged Appearance on Account ot Dead Tips Resulting From Attack of Insect e (JACQUES FU&RELLE by M.G. Kszftrvseir y 1 e y twlg-gtrdle- five-leafe-d two-fol- cane-glrdler- l r, n d high-price- d good-size- d stem-girdle- e 1 1 Se-uo- well-bre- d e . , twig-girdle- Oncl-dere- "long-horne- ERADICATION OF THE GRASSHOPPER GENERAL over-expose- d we-'gh- t two-third- an-otn- -- |