Show EARLY UTAH SETTLER RECALLS PIONEER LIFE b Mrs l s. s Hannah Hanna h Hodgson Has Made Sugarhouse Sugarhouse Sugar- Sugar house Her e Home Since 1869 SUGARHOUSE SUGARHOUSE Many Many hardships of early pioneer life are recalled by Mrs Hannah Hodgson of ot 1085 1035 Windsor street who arrived in Utah h Utahn I in n 1866 and Is one of the early settlers of the Sugarhouse district I Mrs Hodgson was born January 8 1846 in England a daughter of Mr and Mrs William Henry Hodgson converts of the L L. L D. D S. S church When 20 W years of age the bhe came to o the United States St. with her parents and six brothers and sisters It was aboard ship that twin babies babics were born to her mother and md it is with a smile that she recalls the great ado over o this event From the port o of debarkation to Council Bluffs Iowa the journey was made by train and it was there the he famil family made preparations to join oin along with other converts of or orthe the he church the drawn ox-drawn train bound for or a new settlement in the mountain country known to this band of oC strangers in a R stran strange e land as Utah Two days after the beginning of the thelong thelong long ong trek acro across across the planes one oCher of oC her mothers mother's twins twin died and the same day one of the women too passed over the Great Divide Early Carly the following morning the two bodies were wrapped in blankets and laid aid side b by side in a grave beside the he trail Within a few days death again overtook this courageous group of ot pion pioneers rs and again there was yas kneeling beside a grave containing the he bodies of the other twin and an elderly man mm who had given ghen his all allin allin allin in an effort to reach his goal The wagons wagon heavily laden with household goods and food held only room for those who were too weak to tomake tomake tomake make the trek on foot Hills which at times necessitated each member to place his shoulders to the wheels to assist the oxen with their burdensome burdensome burden burden- some some loads countless streams that had lad to be forded guarding against roaming Indian bands and at last the he rejoicing when they r reached the small mall village in the desert that was waso to o be their home Such are the menal mental men men- tal al visions that often appear before the he eye eyes of this kindl kindly grandmother who vho has watched that small village grow from a few adobe and log cab cab- Ins Ins scattered throughout a brush brush- covered desert into the present city of Salt Lake On April 20 1867 this pioneer woman woman wo wo- man was vas married to J Jeffery effer Hodgson The young couple moved to Sugarhouse Sugar Sugar- house in 1869 Since that day Sugarhouse Sugarhouse Sugar Sugar- house has been home to Mrs Hodg son It was here she raised her family family fam fam- ily ny of nine children For 30 years she remained active in L. L D. D S. S work and taught in the Relief society Her lIer declining years are now being spent at the home of her son Nephi Hodgson and her two grandchildren She takes pleasure in recounting ng to her grandchildren memories o of her childhood days das in England and of the pioneer trail she once trod |