Show ROLPH BURIAL I RITES SIMPLE I I Thousands Stand in Rain as Governors Governor's Is IsN Body 1 N Interred SAN FRANCISCO June 5 P f R- R From the quiet fireside of oC his Mission I district home which he left 25 years vear ago for a career of oC public service Governor James Rolph Jr of oC California Cali Call fornia went to his final rest toda today The Rev ne Wilston Ford of the little liHle Episcopal church of oC the Hol Holy Innocents Innocents Inno Inno- cents where the governor often went for spiritual guidance conducted the brief briel private service ervice at at 11 a. a m. m Then the short without with with- came journey without out escort In accordance with wishes of the family to Greenlawn Memorial Memorial Memo Memo- rial park cemetery There the body of Sunny Jim Rolph rests reals near the graves of his father and mother From the San Francisco Presidio a gun 19 salute boomed at 1130 a. a m. m to complete the tribute which was voiced by dignitaries at a public service sere ser vice in the cit city hall yesterday during during dur duro ing which former lormer President Herbert Hoover sat with ith bowed head hend among the te mourners Heedless of 01 a driving rain thousands thousands thou thou- sands stood bareheaded along sidewalks sidewalks side side- walks as the bod body was carried after the city hall rites to the home inthe in inthe inthe the Mission Outside the residence Mrs Theresa McCready 39 39 collapsed col cot lapsed and died from what physicians chins said was a heart ailment as the casket was borne inside The woman's womans womans woman's womans woman's wo wo- wo- wo mans man's mother Mrs Nellie Campbell 69 69 wife of ot n fire department ant suffered a fractured arm in attempting attempting at at- tempting to break her daughters daughter's fall to the pavement Lieutenant Governor Frank F. F Merriam who shoulders the duties of chief executive of oC the state joined I in the outpouring of or tribute at the public service I |