Show I I Personal Notes Note Mrs Simon Bamberger and her herI granddaughter Miss Jane Behal Beha ot of Long rong Island have arrived in n Salt Lake City and will be at home after otter Wednesday day at the Belvedere apartments apart apart- ments Miss Behal is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur Behal Mr Mrs J i Behal was wu formerly Miss Hel Helen n. n m B Bamberger Mr Mr and Mrs E E. E O. O Howard h have ve returned from a week five eastern trip During their absence they vis visited iced their son law and daughter Mr and nd Mrs Charles Campbell Brooks and children In Washington D. D C. C Norton Faus son of ot Mrs Charles CharlesA A A. A Faus will arrive Friday from San Francisco for a visit with his mother moth er ei er and sister Miss Betty Faus for forten or orten ten ten days 1 Dr and Mrs C C. W. W Stewart ot or Hollywood Cal formerly of Salt t. Lake City are at the Hotel Utah for for fora a short visit Mrs C C. C I I. I F Fitzgerald tz erald of ot Portland Ore is 15 a guest of Mr and Mrs W W. a T T. Denn at their home on Eleventh East street Mrs Richard Tull o of New Jersey has been a gu guest t of Miss rUss Clarissa Clarisse Ellis Ellis' at the Adrian C. C Ellis home on Second avenue for the past week Miss Ellis and Mrs Tull will leave Wednesday by motor for Denver where Miss Ellis will visit Mr and Mrs Tull who are making their home In Denver for six months Mrs Tull and Miss Ellis were classmates at college in Virginia |