Show PARK CITY CHAPTER IS FORMED BY UNION Protective Organization Has New Officers PROVO PROVO Organ PROVO Organization Organization of a Park City chapter featured the semiannual convention o of the State Civil and Relic Relief Re- Re lic lief Workers Workers' Protective union held Monday evening in the city and county county coun coun- ty building Officers elected for the new v chapter were Sam Billings president J J. J R. R Chamberlin vice vicc I president N N. N R R. R King secretary Don Allison treasurer L. L H H. H Olsen OIsen James E. E R Ross and Tom L. L Gates grievance committee and W W. D D. D Turner state grievance committee member Twenty-five Twenty delegates from Park City Springville Pleasant Grove Orem Lehl Lehi Payson Am American Fork and Provo approved the state officers elected April 25 A petition containing 36 signatures from Alpine was received and permission permission per per- I mission granted to organize a chapter chapter chap chap- ter there Organization a of a chapter In Midway Midway Mid Mid- way will be effected this week according ac cording to C C. C L. L y president nL President was in charge o othe of the convention |