Show Young Couple Wed WedIn WedIn e eIn In L. L D. D S. S Temple Temple Reception Held at Hyrum Jensen Home Following Follow Follow- Following Following ing Ceremony I A wedding of interest of early June Junet t took ok place in the L. L D D. D S. S temple templo at it 9 a a. a m. m Monday when Miss Grace Gar Gad Garff daughter of Mr and Mrs Royal B B. Gar Garff Garif was married to Eugene Eugene Eu gene Bryson son o of Mrs Hattie Bryson Bry- Bry Bryson Bryson son of ot Bount Bountiful uL David 0 O. O McKay McKoy of the quorum of the twelve apostles of ot the L. L D D. S S. S church performed the ceremony In the evening a large reception was given at the Hyrum Jens Jensen n home on Highland drive The bridal party stood before the mantel which was banked with palms and md roses At either cither end were silver candelabra holding ivory princess tapers The bride was wag charming In her wedding gown of white satin made with tight tight fittin Her veil of malinc maline and lace was held to her head with a halo cap fastened sit it t either cither side ide with small orange blossoms She carried a bouquet of ot Calla lilies HUes and lilies HIles of the valley Miss Minnie Garff Gadt maid mold of honor was f rocked in a model of lime lime green green crepe trimmed in rose quartz tier Her bouquet was of pink carnations carnations car car- nations and sweet peas Mrs Frank Cutler and Mrs Kendall D. D Garff Garf attending matrons were f rocked frocked alike in rose quartz gowns of flat crepe and nd both carried bouquets of carnations carnations carna earna and sweet peas Miss MUs Leone Rockwood and Miss Margaret Marguet Garff Gadt bridesmaids were gowned alike aHke In lime crepe dresses and carried bouquets bou bou- of deep pink carnations and ark sweet peas Frank T T. Cutler was b best bestman t man mono Miss Lois Garff and Miss Iris GarU Garff played the Mendelssohn march as the wedding party entered the room An orchestra furnished music during the reception Receiving with the bridal party were Mrs 1 LeRo LeRoy Barber Kendall D D. Garff Garft Mr and Mrs 1 Royall B B. Gad Garf and Mrs Hattie Bryson Mrs Edward EdwardC C C. C Colson Jr and Miss 1 Virginia Brown assisted Isted in entertaining Mrs Garff Garf wore blue lace ace and a corsage of white gardenias Mrs Bryson wore black crepe and lace and a n corsage of white gardenias Miss Minnie Garff Garft and Miss Thelma Thclma Garff were in charge of the supper room assisted by Mrs LaVar Thatch I or er Miss Dorothy Darotha Nell Harris Miss Erma McBeth Mrs Eugene Ludwig Mrs C. C Hill Miss ML Melva Smith Miss Bernice Gee Miss Lila Eliason Mrs Wayne Lake Miss Mildred Halder Ral Hal der Miss Beth Christensen Mrs Morrell Morrell Morrell Mor Mor- rell Clark and Miss Leah Jensen Three hundred invitations were is- is is is- sued The couple left for a short honeymoon honeymoon honey honey- moon trip to Yellowstone park The Th brides bride's traveling ensemble was o of navy blue rough crepe with white whit accessories |