Show MILLIONS PLEDGED FOR FORI OR ORI I DROUTH HELP Washington Moves Quickly P to Answer Pleas Pouring Pouring Pour Pour- J ing In for Aid r WORD AWAITED IN UTAH Transfer of Farmers From Stricken Areas Seen A promise of to aid d drouth routh sufferers in Utah and other s stricken areas was made Tuesday b by P President resident Roosevelt Roose Special Telegram dispatches from Washington said id the administration moved with nil all speed to o answer pleas picas for or aid aid the president calling congressional con con- I g gressional leaders to the While White House louse Meanwhile state stale officials were a awaiting waiting word from irom the national capital cap- cap tat tal i on requested additional drouth r relict elief for the state The state stale F E EA EI ER R H I A was rushing work on data to b back ack up the request Transfer Is Foreseen A dispatch said transfer of or some Utah U tah farmers from lands so badly b burned their production may be affected af af- af f for some time to come to beter better bet t tel ter er farms which have been taken o over ver by state or federal agencies was as f fores foreseen en by Utah congressional onal members mem memo b bers ers leaving the conference Representative Abe Abc Murdock said t the he state is getting little out of man many f farms arms it has had to take over on I l loans He Ue said some of cooperation l tion ion with the federal government ma may be worked out by which farmers f from rom drouth could b be moved t to o available farms and financed b by f federal funds until the they can get a anew anew n new ew start Explains Attitude Representative J. J Will Robinson s said aid the White While House attitude is th that farmers f who are confronted with severe se v vere ere water shortage and can only be s supplied over long distances must be moved mo closer to sources of ot water s supply The presidents president's includes in e ludes for moving families f from rom nonproductive lands The government ma may have to buy hay from irom Canada which the dent believes should come into the c country duty free Utah congressmen s said aid The A A A received telegrams f from rom Governor Henry H. H Blood declaring declaring de do d claring aring the Utah drouth situation to tc be worse than it was a week eek ago Supply Below Normal An Assoc Associated Press dispatch said I Washington is informed the Utah wa t ter er supply is from 10 to 40 per cent normal and that its iLs relief program is able to make up only from f rom 15 to 20 per cent of ot the de do f The Associated Press reported the thc new program tentatively agreed I upon at the White House conference as follows 1 A fund for lor I ing ng additional beef and dair dairy cattle under the Jones Jones-Connally act 2 Approximately for foi processing ing cattle and other products S for relief purposes 3 A cash outlay of oC for foi r work programs and arid emergency needs need 5 in m the drouth belt boil Livestock Feed Fund 4 A livestock feed iced fund of 5 A fund for lor moving Continued on Pate Pue Two I I WORK RUSHED ON DROUTH AID Continued from Pue Fege One farm populations 6 A C C C fund to provide provide pro pro- vide employment for young men in stricken areas 7 A wheat corn and forage seed buying program Congressional leaders agreed little time will be needed for necessary legislation the A Associated Press said The United Press iS reported that P P. V. V Cardon Garden director of the Utah State Stale Agricultural college experiment station station sta sta- sta tion was appointed director of ot region 9 of A A A including Utah California CallIor Califor- nia Nevada Colorado New Mexico and Arizona Forest Officials Given Water Source Problem Work York of developing at least 30 new sources of ot water for stock grazing in Tooele Wasatch Summit Salt Lake Lak and Utah counties was turned over ove overto overto to authorities of the Wasatch national forest by the Utah drouth relief relic committee com corn Tuesday According to Blame Blaine Betenson ac acing acting act act- ing lag supervisor of ot the Wn Wasatch atch forest fores the proposed wells include 14 on th the forest proper and 16 on public domain or private property properly Forest Ranger V. V N. N West of ot Pleas Pleas- I ant Grove has been placed in dull chin of construction A U total tal of or has been allotted to the work I |