Show DEATHS Abraham a 1 were ero Funeral conducted d services 1 at for lor the Abroham b Evans rs G u Early mortuary chapel Tuesday at 11 a a. a m m. m Burial was In the rho family plot at Montc- Montc flora cemetery Bernice Fredrickson Brewer MT biT MT PLEASANT PLEASANT PLEASANT- Mrs Irs Bernice Fredrickson Fredrick- Fredrick son Brewer DraWer 27 27 wife of Wenzel Brewer died In childbirth at an early hour Monday I moraine Her liar Infant son also died riled I Laura Thompson Sessions BOUNTIFUL BOUNTIFUL- BOUNTIFUL Mrs rs Laura Lauro Thompson Ses Ses- Sessions Sessions loos 58 wife of Hyrum Sessions of Bountiful Boun died at the family home Monday afternoon afternoon af nf- of ht heart rt trouble following an Ill Illness ness of several se months James P P. P Burnes PARK CITY CITY James James P. P Burnes 72 a resIdent resident res ics ident o of Park Part city 51 years Cars died at his home early Monday fondaY of A heart attack |