Show J Big Demand for Houses Schools School's Out This Week Rent Yours N Now ow II r MONEY MONEY ONEY TO LOAN 31 I IvI AUTOMOBILES AUTO 1 W y n f BORROW ON Off m I CAR FROM J. J B B. B BURtiA CO co 1st YOU lit YOU SHOULDN'T UNLESS UNES REALLY REAL REAL- RE LY NEED NE TO T. T IT id-IT IT WILL LL COST YOU AS DITTLE Ir OR oa LESS L THAN TIAN ELSEWHERE 3rd YOU ard-YOU YOU TAKE NO CHANCES OF G GETTING INTO A LAWSUIT WE WF HAVE JAVE IG NEVER NEE TAKEN JUDGMENT AGAINST ANYONE Jo Jo Jo Bo o Si 55 s S. S MAIN FlAN V ASo 1 1030 J AUTO LOAS AUTO AUT J LOANS ANS PRIVATE A IE SALES FINANCED QUICK AND CONFIDENTIAL NO COSIGNERS COSIGNERS- LOW RATES BUDGET SYSTEM sYsTEr INC 12 12 MOTOR MOOR AVE AVE WAS MM Mi II MONEY MONEY TO LOAN 31 a Ill PERSONAL LOANS NS YOU ARE AE V TO BORROW MONEY roNEY MONEYS S O TO O ANY AN PLEDGE OF VALUE Auto Person Mortgage i Stocks 1 I Per Cent n Discount u Per Month Pr Rep Repay p y monthly O i l within Jt year fth RELATIONSHIP RELATIONSHIP CONFIDENTIAL CONSIDERATE CONFIDENTIAL PEOPLES PEOPLE'S FINANCE THRIFT CO cN c. c SO 50 s. s STATE SATE Was Wu 1978 State Slate Bank Supervision Ion IJ J 3 3 CO FURNITURE FURNITURE-COMAKER AUTO LOANS Friendly company compan otters oters more com i FIete dignified service under supervision sion ilon of state banking banIng dept Quick Quick- lon confidential Cost Is Lo 1 as a low as u any ob ob- in the city for this full fuU loan loaD service 1 to 20 months to pay pai Come phone write writ Beneficial l Loan a ClEft Clift CUt Bide BidE SOCIETY S Car Cor Cr Math Main 3rd So f PHONE WAS 1277 in FURNITURE E AUTO 7 a CO- CO MAKER CO-MAKER tOA S U UP TO 1 O For I 1 3 6 l 10 months or longer o h harges e f heated figured urd only on t the unpaid ld I Balance alance ot of lo loan loan and and n-and and only for the actual um time e you owe that amount Come In write or write t or phone one 1 Everything arranged In 2 24 to n 43 bra bu I Jm Finance Ce COo Co Room Rom 45 Continental Bank BId 20 6 S S. S Main Phone Was Wa 2007 2001 UNDER UlE STATE SATE SUPERVISION e Cash Employed men and women ornen can borrow borrow brrow br- br bor bor- row from S 5 to 60 from us on their o own n name IN 30 MINUTES OR LESS LE No signers or security required No worthy person peron refused reused CASH CREDIT CO SOS s SCOTT SOT 1 S S. S MAIN MAI ST ST. LOCALS LOCALE LOCAL Itt R It RE ItH E H t S 5 TO T 1 D I Without Security IT T C COIf COMPANY 0 In j J A N H Y YOi Oi Utah Uth Say Sav l Tr S. S Main Loans Loas TO EMPLOYED MEN AND WO WOMEN U NO A FRIENDLY CON CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT 41 Judge Jude Bide Bid rd rd So and Main ESTABLISH AN ACCOUNT ron FOR R PRESENT PREE OF 01 Or FUTURE USE USES 5 S and arid up on your our own note Lowest met No endorsers endorser A local company compan that nasa dais cia will manner maner handle hanco your our needs In a FINANCIAL DISCOUNT CO Ezra Iua Thompson Tompson I CA I 5 n UP DP to employed people on perSonal per per- r. r tonal note No security U Most liberal I Plan pLin In Salt Satt Lake One hour service SALT SAT LAKE LAE DISCOUNT CO 25 E 2ND SO 21 SEASON BEASON BLED BLO S C A 1 10 no or more mor to 10 working people on D thIr nn nOt nol Nn n nr mart ess eue Easy i payments m- m mt t s See us s first EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES' LOAN lOAH SOC McCornick 10 Wc l l lot let t 8 So QUICK SMALL LOANS LOAN s to 60 No o or security required Mutual Profit Prof Sharing Utah Ulah Corp I MUTUAL CREDIT 31 V alker Bank Hid THE DIAMOND SHOP S S. MAIN 4 a mainly respectable place where MAI ladle Indies and gentlemen can borrow borow money monn on diamond diamonds ond at nt legal fp to 7 you wish I to sell ecU your note contract a o or mortgage r I. I from r to 10 1 SIN aie N. N W 7 Miller MIr I 00 Jude Bide W Wu Vaa 1788 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 32 J l t Arrived FROM FROll DETROIT Extra f ce Cars aIS SEE SEt US BEFORE YOU BUY 1034 PLYMOUTH COUP Coupe PLYMOUTH Sedan 62 l 1933 13 PLYMOUTH g Coupe 4 pass pus 2 1133 CHEVROLET CHEROLE Coupe 1 33 CHEVROLET Coach 1933 gt CHEVROLET 8 Sedan h. h 69 1934 In ETUDE STUDE Diet 8 Sedan dan 04 1034 ETUDE STUDE Corn Com Sedan n 1185 Demonstrator O t 1931 19 L LA L SA SALLE t Town Sedan 1 1133 33 CHEVROLET Coach air wheels and radio Coach 1 1328 1928 1928 PACKARD 6 C Sedan J 2930 JO FRANKLIN I 47 45 I JH 1832 U i iI Sedan 47 U 1931 iOU CHEVROLET De Luxo Sedan 42 2515 o Sedan 1929 Com Coin Sedan 21 12 STUDEBAKER 2525 STUDEBAKER Com Corn Sedan 11 BuC BUICK i 4 12 Sedan 11 15 1027 CHEVROLET RS f d g 12 WE WE PAY CASH FOR L LATE lr MODEL USED CARS RS M mJ I C o BOUTH KER WASATCH I tAI 1 las Justl BUICK conch coach jus 98 3 Eu k t. t A AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 32 N v l l e w 1 i Y GOOD GOD USED CARS ARE ARE GETTING MORE DAY SCARCE SCACE rODA TODAY'S SPECIAL 1930 HUDSON 8 DR Dr SPORT With COUPE G 6 LUe very err vry good rod Urea trel 6 wire lre wheels heds motor moor like new end and finished In Ina a ft beautiful two tone two dark 1 n and Rolls Rolls-Ro Rolis Horce cc blue combination rc Many miles of real ral transportation mie 65 1930 1830 CHEVROLET CHEROLE Sport Coupe 28 1923 1920 DE DR SOTO Sport Roadster 85 19 InS 1923 ESSEX Sport Roadster 95 1923 1928 CHEV EE Landau Sedan 13 17 1933 1833 DODGE Coupe like new 1930 D. D A A. A Sedan 1927 1921 PACKARD P. Club Club Sedan 25 1931 NASH De Do Sedan motor motor mo mo- tor br 81 like lice new 1930 NASH HABIt Sedan Sedon 1020 1950 CHRYSLER 60 68 Sedan new CHRYSL PRint paint perfect motor 1927 1921 Cl CHRYSLER 70 iO Sedan A I 16 1923 1929 WILLYS KNIGHT B 70 Sedan 2 5 1927 1921 NASH N Ambassador Sedan real clean rel 13 1928 1028 OLDSMOBILE ans i Cab Coupe up 1923 2928 ESSEX EE COUPE ri j COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED USED TRUCKS DU DUMP IP BODIES BODES 1932 CHEV d d. d w w. c cab b and f li churls chas PERFECT H SHAPE t o. o 1931 CHEV d. d w. w cab and 46 13 chassis chlIS 1 Cb ns 1931 CHEV ln d d. d w. w stake 1931 CIE ClOUT CHEV d d. d w. w U stake real rood good tires needs work od tres some lome 1931 2931 CURT CHEV ClE short w w. w b b. b d. d w stoke stake 1930 2930 G. G M M. C C. 6 5 ton 1 express 1930 DODGE 4 4 panel n g 1929 g DODGE ton i-ton panel pane r n 1031 FORD SURVEYORS SURVEYOR'S ton i ton station wagon walon 1828 1028 CHEV ton I coal box 85 1 50 SO SOo MAIN IllAN VI WAS ASo 1920 1929 BUICK BUCK COUPE This car Is I in excellent condition condi condi- tion Uon throughout Will Wi gladly refer anyone to original owner own own- er All Al ready to go eo no work ork needed 1931 un HUDSON SEDAN gl N This Is a light el eight hL and i a avery avery very vry economical car co to op 01 op- op crate erate Will Wi give elve someone many miles of new car per per per- n at a tremendous nS saving 1933 1033 DODGE BROUGHAM 61 A beautiful 6 wheel heel 6 de sedan jedan that can hardly be told from new ne Fl Fully guaranteed InO CHRYSLER 77 SEDAN Mechanically A I. New Hew paint new tires tres No work ork needed Every L detail ha has ha been carefully carefully care care- fully luUy checked checked S 25 SO 3RD EAST W. W 36 USED Walf CARS SCARCE ARE Jo Too GETTING Long WHEEL 4 HOUSE TRAILER complete com corn WEEL 4 In every ery detail detol 85 1033 2933 PLYMOUTH De Dc Sedan 1932 PLYMOUTH De Dc Luxl Coupe 1928 PACKARD De Dc Sedan 1931 AUBURN De Sedan Sedan AUBUR 1931 HUP Sedan 95 1930 PONTIAC Sedan 1923 1929 DE IDE SOTO Sedan 25 1929 BUICK De Dc Coupe Coups 1923 ESSEX ESEX Coach 95 93 1927 ESSEX Coach Conch 60 GO 1926 2926 BUICK DUICK Sedan 70 10 1926 1921 BUICK Coach Coach 95 U UTAH'S LARGEST USED CAR STORE M JF OI IJ INTERMOUNTAIN DISTRIBUTORS PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH-DE DE SOTO HUPP 60 eo S S. S 2ND FAST EAST FAST WASATCH LOT 82 SOUTH STATE C e Jr 09 lICo Formel Formerly Chase l Stevens 1930 FORD FRD Town Tow Sedan 1930 FORD 05 U b st 1932 Imp p Coupe ur U etso 1931 CHRYSLER Royal RYAl Coupe COpe 6 Mo 0 1931 CHRYSLER Royal Sedan I 57 Royl 1031 HUDSON Sedan n 39 1931 DODGE Coupe 1031 1931 NASH Sedan 25 24 1926 Sedan fi 95 1928 1926 DODGE Sedan fi 95 MANY OTHERS OTnES CASH TERMS TRADE TRAE 2 o STATIE r A TI ST I SENSATIONAL VALUES VALUr VALUr 2 m N TEST TIT RECORD CARS CAS 1932 NASH 8 Sedan 1900 now 1931 1131 NASH NAH 8 DC Dr Coups Coupe 95 1930 NASH NAH 6 Advanced Sedan 1930 NAH NASI NAH De Es Luxo CedarS 1930 STUD STD Pres Pros 8 S Sot Ept Coupe 1930 STUD STD Pres 3 a Drou Brougham ham 1920 1929 LA SALLE Do De Sedan 1931 FORD Ton j Panel FRD Delivery 2 29 S 1927 NASH Special Pane 6 Sedan Del 95 1627 1127 1127 NASH Advanced 6 Sedan 15 1927 1921 BUICK Dr 4 Dr Sedan 95 1927 OLDSMOBILE Coach 75 73 5 30 More tore to Cho Choose e From SO SOo MAIN IAIN ST. ST W. W 31 CUMBERLEDGE MOTOR Authorized Ford Dealer 2030 10 Denier MURRY Coach U. U 1929 Ia PONTIAC Coach 18 1028 1121 WHIPPET Coach 8 85 1933 CHEVROLET Ton l'-Ton Ton Truck 1020 1920 FORD RD 1 Ton ItS J. J Truck 17 1925 1923 FORD II Ton 14 14 Ton Truck 17 SO SOo STATE WAS 81 UNUSUAL VALUES PACKARD G C W. W w. w 1930 CADILLAC Sedan 8 1823 1921 Sedan do 21 1037 2921 17 PACKARD Sedan 27 1926 16 PACKARD 19 1926 PACKARD Pi Sedan dan ID ETUDE STUDE Duplex 0 93 lS JACKSON JACKSON MOTOR I C COo MOTOR AVE WAS 2465 BEST BET LOOKING 1930 FORD II IN T DOl THE WORLD WORL DUAL LIGHTS LIGHT AN AND HORNS BORtIS COWL LIGHTS AND TAIl LIGHTS patented LIHT inside awnings TAl 96 rd 1397 LINCOLN bT HY BY 19 1930 FORD TUDOR UDOR perfect condition 26 D D. T T. SINGER SO 80 STATE 1926 So BUICK Main STD KU eL lt SEDAN SEA A I. 35 67 em 55 1925 1928 CHEV sedan extras SUO E H. 3rd I So Apt U 11 1 Was Wu WANT VANT to trade Chevrolet couch Coach cOach for your you equity In Ford ol t or Plymouth coach cOch or sedan Call Cal Holladay 48 V W or Wa Wa I 1929 OB JE CENTURY CUSTOM SEDAN 10 D. D T. T SINGER 0 80 SO STATE STATED STATE 10 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 32 OUR MOST SUCCESSFUL SUCCESSFUl SALE SALlE IS GOING OVER IN A BIG DIO WAY rs r's ITS I NO WONDER at the low prices we e are asking fo for these n exceptionally tine line ears cars cas CARS CAS TO CHOOSE CHOSE FROM 1931 AUBURN Sedan 1295 1931 BUICK BUICH BUIC Sedan 49 1 1032 32 CHEVROLET Coupe Coup 1929 CHRYSLER L Sedan l n gg 1931 DODGE Sport or oreg eg Coupe 6 6 w w. w i. i w. w 1933 DODGE Coupe pl 1931 ESSEX ESEX Sedan 2 5 19 1927 ESSEX FEX Sedan S 55 1929 FORD Co Coach h clean 11 m 19 1930 HUDSON Sport Coupe 1129 1929 NASH Sedan dan a Cupe 1928 1926 PACKARD Sedan d n. n i 1933 PLYMOUTH Sedan 19 1928 1921 5 STUDEBAKER Roadster 85 1029 STUDEBAKER Sedan 19 1931 S vT VIKING N s Sedan 29 Ill 1928 WILLYS Sedan 8 1927 PONTIAC WILLYS Sedan n II 65 1930 OAKLAND OAKl Coupe WE VE HAVE OVER OVE 25 late latt model FORDS CHEVROLETS and PLYMOUTHS PLY- PLY MOUTHS PRICED AT i a 0 U UP R C J il I I 9 S so 8 MAIN w. w 51 sis III lO fl i lN 1934 FORD V-S V De Dc Dl Lux Lux Sedan less leu than miles mUel air balloons 1033 FORD V 8 De Dc Sedan trunk new motor exchange new tires 1932 FORD V 8 T Tudor r Sedan a only ij 1933 1932 FORD V V 8 8 Coupe COpe c a 0 dandy dandy 1032 ESSEX EE coach conch fine line shape shap hape 4 1930 FORD good on one 1929 g HUDSON Sedan dan extra i good a U 1929 HUDSON Coach Conch real bargain 1929 1029 DURANT Sedan rent real buy 15 1928 PONTIAC Coach see aee It I 1833 1933 FORD ln 13 Truck like new 1932 FORD 15 Truck new motor 5 1931 1031 CHEVROLET Truck Truck 1030 FORD Panel Truck FRD 11 1029 1929 FORD JORD Panel Truck 1930 CHEVROLET Ton 4 Panel 1829 1929 FORD FOnD Pickup Ton tt-Ton Ton Pane lS BAKER MOTOR I cor COMPANY tP AN AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 3RD SOUTH SOUTi 3RD EAST s Used Cars as MEAN DOUBLE CHECKED CHECKE SERVICE AND MORE HONEST MILEAGE 1933 FORD De Dc Coupe Coupe- Coup 1932 FORD FOR Tudor Sedan 1931 FORD rORD Town Sedan I 13 Sedan 1923 1929 ESSEX Coupe 15 1328 1928 FORD Tudor Sedan 1930 HUPP Sport Coupe 29 29 1931 BUICK Coupe 1929 CHEV Coupe c I 1930 5 g OLDS i C Coach n TRUCKS S 1931 CHEV Dump Truck mechanically mechanically cally caly A l I. A-I. 1930 FORD Ton i cab and chassis chasis new motor new tires 1930 CHEV B Hi Ton HiTon Ton Stake tres new paint nt good rood motor 25 1029 FORD Ton Hi-Ton Stake U 1029 F FORD g t Ton 1 gi Stoke Stake U 1930 FORD l Hi HiTon 1 Ton cab and 1130 ch chassis sl 1931 1031 FORD FRD PICKUP Ile 0 FORD DEALER 9 51 3 S. S STATE ST ST. WAS WA 1414 11 Ua's n eSK 1933 PLYMOUTH De Dc Sedan 1131 1931 13 STUDS STUDE De Os Lux Sedan e S wheels heels side aids mounts mount paint rubber perfect eer every way wa 95 1929 CHRY CHRYSLER LER 75 model Sedan 6 wire hees trunk mode rack C 1923 1929 REO RHO Flying Cloud Sport Coupe 1 paint painS tF rubber l. A-l. l Try I this rs one i 1928 1925 DODGE VICTORY 6 G Sedan edon good one 1929 1920 PONTIAC T b Coupe new paint a good d one low price I P 1939 1029 hf FORD f Ton IVa-Ton Panel I Bakery Truck 1027 1021 BUICK Sport Coupe BUCK 15 1927 BUICK Sedan 1 1937 1927 CHRYSLER Sedan t bargain r l 05 95 S U Ao YOUR CONVENIENT CHEV CHE DEALER 47 SO 2ND E E. E W. W 7 1 Sm SI f 9 o SOUTH MAIN MAIN DEALER MAI-DEALE MAI DEALER FOR R eulet 1929 WHIPPET Sedan 1931 CHEV Wheel e-Wheel t Coach 25 1027 1927 ERSKINE Sedan 60 50 1934 CHEV CHE Sedan driven miles s. s Will discount ml WI 1932 STUDE Dictator Sedan BedIm 10 1933 CHEVROLET Coach 1926 1925 OLDS Door 4 Dor 4 Sedan 75 5 1930 1930 NASH Twin Ign Irn 6 8 I Sedan Bedan 1933 BUICK Sedan cost over 1600 BUIC has hOI rd radio TRUCKS trunk cos etc loss 1095 1931 FORD Ton A-Ton Pickup S g 1930 FORD 1 Ton I sTon Panel r g 1928 CHEV Ton 1 St Stake ke 05 95 1923 1929 1 Ton Hi-Ton Ton Express 1931 FORD Ton lj Ton Platform 3 0 1930 1030 CHEV Ton m-Ton full l price I IJ USED SED CAR li DEPT t S 8 MAIN i Honest Values IH 1934 FORD V 8 De Dc Dl Sedan Demo Special Reduction 1930 HUDSON 8 SEDAN bEDAN new tires Ild side aide mounts BEAN nw tres 1929 FORD SP COUPE 15 1331 1931 CHRYSLER SEDAN 6 fl wire 13 wheels II fide aids de mounts 05 1930 10 FORD CABRIOLET new motor mo mo- tor br 25 1933 PLYMOUTH De Do Coach S O TRUCKS 1931 1131 TRUCK FORD LONG LONO duals WHEELBASE 1929 lm body bod lORD FORD lla high h. h stake I 1932 CHEV ton n-ton f t ton panel i on 1931 CHEV CIE tONG LONG WHEELBASE I J A Ii I Jl 49 E E. E ITI SO SOSAS WAS SAS 2114 21 A I lII CHEVROLET AND PONTIAC DEALERS CHEOLE 1030 1930 CHEVROLET Coupe COACH 14 1928 ClIE 14 1931 CIE FOnD CouPe 26 1912 1932 FORD Tudor 42 1929 HUDSON Sudan Sedan dAn a 1927 1027 STUDEBAKER Sedan TRUCKS 1933 CHEV 1 1 new fleW ew tires CHE o Pickup tre 1931 FORD Ton s Ton Pickup 21 1925 1923 FRD FORD Ton l-Ton 15 35 5 1930 10 DODGE 2 Ton Dual 32 MANY OTHERS OTHES SOUTH STATE WASATCH WASATCH 2058 BUICK PONTIAC m WILLYS KNIGHT Sport 1930 Coupe d' d 1927 BUICK COACH 12 1937 1927 UI ROADSTER 75 1929 1029 BUICK SEDAN 2 REMEMBER GENERAL MOTOR MOOR SHOW SIOW JUNE 2ND END TO INCLUSIVE ARCH AROH BROWNING 0 South Main Slain Wasatch WAatch 6 1928 FORD coupe and new radio in Rood good 1128 cond cond Will sell cheap By fly rdo owner 4 South bouth State SIte Was Wa i TRUCKS TRUCKS FOR SALE 33 ONE used two ton Dode truck or orwill will wi trade for good light car and 1575 nd part put cash Also new flew 1930 ton one one at si t bi big bit discount Kopps Kopp's Garage Garace Cedar Ci City Utah ah TRUCKS TRUCKS FOR FOR SALE 33 1 Ii with steel express body wih itee International n ton 1 0 late ate model Chev CheY 1032 1932 w. w b b. b b. b tel lon Uj-lon International 1 2 ton duals Dodge ton 2 heavy duty g Chev e l itS 14 t n 1932 ln in w. w w w. h b b. b g International 1 I ton long lona w w. w v b. b b. b JAt late isle model mode duals INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY WEST VEST WET SO WAS WA 1617 1817 A FINE FE SELECTION of or used trucks all makes and Ind models lowest possible prices prIces al We Je service all cli ni makes of trucks GENERAL MOTORS MOTOR TRUCK RUCK CO S 8 MAIN WAS Auto Parts Pars 36 LW prices on put tor cf tn tn Co 1016 1018 State Hr HI Auto Repairing 37 MOTOR reconditioning low prices price brakes Guar OUI Day or UI night ht service Don HAmpton 6 0 E Hy lb 00 Starter Teeth START STARTER teeth fT repaired without I thou t r removing mo flywheel Guar Williamson Method Macks Mack's Welding So Slate SUte W. W A AUTOMOBILES Wanted 41 I WANTED ANTED FOR CASH LATE MODEL CARS CAR OR WILL |