Show DIVIDENDS DECLARED BY Tintic Standard and Eureka Standard Set Payments Payable June 30 and totaling more than second quarter dividends divi had been declared Tuesday by directorates of the Standard and the Eureka Standard Mining companies Dividends of 7 2 1 cents a share of Tintic Standard and 3 cents a share of Eureka Standard were declared The 7 cent 2 quarterly dividend rate declared for the first quarter by Tintic Standard was thereby con con- p The dividends are aie payable on stock of record June 18 16 with books closing at noon on that date and reopening June 21 The Tintic Standard payment will total bringing the con concerns concern's concerns concern's cerns cern's total dividends to The Eureka Standard payment pay pay- ment nent will be making the total 20 Tintic Standard paid 5 cent quarterly terly dividends last year while the 1933 Eureka Standard quarterly divi was 3 cents |