Show A CONUNDRUM wo hear as ono of tho accident mr hurried action in linking rem ments thit of two battalions to be linked one distinguished corps 13 tho fot innate poSe sor ot a harp as a badge winch it cherishes cheri thes tha other bit rejoice in the proud distinction of an elephant which it refuses 1 he question i how can these two bippes be corn bained it is obvious that the elephant might bo represented as on the imp but the great sagacity of the animal is proverbial there is no knoon precedent of such a performance and it is oven open to conjecture whether he would play on the h irp vieb his forefeet 01 with his trunk again tho harp is bieber than the elephant which is not to the eternal fitness of thinas but if the harp were reduced to tho pi of the elephant it would be of nearly microscopic aize and if the elephant bo to correspond with the barp the blazon would the creater part of the officers uniform the subject indeed appear full of difficult whatever side it is approached A my and nuby gazette |