Show DISTANCE DONE AWAY WITH As illustrating tho and marvelous wonders of tho electric tele graph nothing can bring it out moie graphically than the following from the times of india during the repairs of ahe telegraph cable near bombay the steamer chiltern and gibat northern about half a mile apart the former having hold of a shore endea ble and so as in telegraphic communication with bombay the latter baang hold of a sea end and so was in tele communication with aden the chiltern desired the great northern to splice on to the cable end held by the latter and pay out tareo quarters of a mile of cable and this as communicated by wire from the test room of the chiltern Chil torn parsing through all of the coils of cable in her hold and on 0 o bombay whence it was sent on to aden and back from aden to the great northern thus as a speedy means of sending a moi sage it was forwarded by a route between and miles long ahe following morning when the two were within a quarter of a mile of each other communications between them in the same way ahe london felegi adji commenting on ays it i quite evident that as railway and steamboat traveling tri and telegraphing progress we shall hare to adopt some other means of mei sunn distances than those we now possess is about lo 10 publish a statement which it hopes will put an end to foreign agitation regard ing tho jews it i to the effect that it has not hitherto thought it aroith abild to contradict unfounded rumors that england was about to tale a course so much it var ance with tho now good to interfere on internal questions which eveia government regulates in with its own viens aad which never admits foreign interference which is only calculated to increase aba notation of ignorant and incredulous people who cairy on the anti jewish movement the statement shows that hundreds people have been ened ind otherwise dealt with by the authorities of various towns particularly Wa isair where 2302 have been committed foi trial the statement concludes by si ing that all precautions will be taken in future but it is to avoid aggravation by outside influence aus ing aiom udho rumors respectable people all evoi the civil iced world are to hear the verdict in the guitrau cise and also to hear that ho has been sentenced to be hanged on the soth day of june next the only fault to bo found with the proceedings in finishing up the trial is thit tho date of execution should be so fai distant that however is not to be laid to the court but it is rather the fault of the law the law in murder cases should be go revised at once that thet nal conviction and execution of should not take any longer lime thin s absolutely necessary to pro through with the and it should be especially so in caa as guiteaux Guite aua for instance where there is no doubt whatever of the prisoners guilt wo hope to see the change mado before there 13 another such case brought up to bora the american peo pic general von german embi at vienna in obedience to Bis marcks instructions has secretary von of the foreign office foi an explanation in regard to the recent speech of general favorin gr a pan agitation in besnia bosnia von gier replied he know nothing of any speech by bis mancl having been acquainted with this noncommittal non committal reply dispatched a second frim to von who thereupon informed von gieri thit he general von schweinitz might announce to czar his recall if russia appeared to support tho agitation against austria in the press or even showed excessive toleration Von was authorized to say germany germiny regarded reg aided hei interests identical with those of austria THE denver tribune says since the valuable mineral disco venes at leadville the population of denver has more than doubled indeed the opening of those rich mines proves to be a second growth of denver and might be termed her golden age business of every kind advanced lapid h and even took a starl handsome buildings and costly storehouses sprang up as if by magic but what was ot most importance there no longer existed a want of confidence in th advance of denver among our business men and citizens generally who heartily heir tily united in all worthy objects of public enterprise lions of were founded and the means of education placed within the leach of all children the poor as well as the rich SIR 7 late chief naval constructor of the antish admiralty addressed the senate committee on the first in support of the feasibility of the tehuantepec ship railway project |