Show BATH HOUSE J E punks barber shop and bith house next door lo 10 Thin 1 becoming a popular resort and well it kiy bo foi everything is up in abo finest astle and the rooms are always kept neat and clean any kind of bath hot or cold can be had at any hour of the day and thoe who do not frequent such place 1 ant tale an annual bath in the babbling brook should chainge their mode of eife and tako awash at bunks funks it costs but a small sum and brings down real es tato J R BOUGHT HALF SOLD C K bro furniture house bait lake as usual some two months this spring imong the furniture factories of the states is i carpe and well selected stock of furniture of eveia description to which they call 5 our attention then address is to jiin street sweeney todd SERVES THE boss IN THE REAK OF THE grizzly w saloon oard and lodging the his opened a board ing and lodin house one door north of the house and is prepared to accommodate regular and cos tolef tables almaa supplied avith fresh and deits in connection nith tha above I 1 also have a FEED AND VEGETABLE STORE and solicit a share of the public patro nacre A C N 44 A J WHITES park cl tv salt lake LEITES days and A J WHITS arop park city hotel park cit utah L SIMONS proprietor THE OALY HOTEL IN CITY good veils and rust class accomma dation sor tables it tin the wa let affo ds to aci aay ac to room per it acl 88 to FOR BUILDING AND HOOFING PAPER feathers mirrors carpets wall paper 00 TO abl arst south S SALT LAKE CITY i basam liada of all Is tho ONE PRICE CASH STORE OF air it si jal a baja i CANNED GOODS OF ALL descriptions dry goods and general merchandise avs sat f w fogt GROCERIES DRY GOODS NOTIONS BOYS AND CLOTHING AND GLASSWARE HATS CAPS AND GLOVES AND of the and best baand in the agento FOR THE COLBY WASHING MACHINE PARK CITY UTAH i ELIAS pres P T pierrot superintendent SALT LAKE AND MACHINE COMPANY one and a half blocks south of U C R B depot of steam engines boilers mills Minin ff milling ind on hand for sale one 15 borso powei stationary power pur tahle engine nd boiler one 6 hore hor e po er portable elpine and boiler on 0 50 borso power boiled one power one 12 horse power boiler abden and one dodge crusher and rohs IM PARK CITY UTAH i AND IY 0 staple 1 fancy v groceries Bro ceries hardware and miners supplies wines liquors etc AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL la now open and will supply customer with the mag SPECIAL ATTENTION TO 0 FREE or 00 a F sis AT THEIR i nos fe E st A wo invite everybody from city and county to cill and inspect our cent three story building filled aiom basement to top floor with alio choicest best selected and cheapest stock of new goods ever shown in this city ko 1 lot stans Elevators in constant operation polite and efficient salesmen in every our dress goods department contains most elegant brocaded brocades Bro cades in satin and velvet gatins satins de lyons bitin duchesse silks gatins satins bilk velvety velvets in shades biocco bordered and pins novelties plaids of latest importation black and colored of english and friench makes at 80 00 cents per baid amencia drobis ghodsi from 8 cents per yard upwards our CLOTHS AND conkins somo of the choicest designs best brands of prints bleached cotton flannels etc etc oar BOOT SHOE AND a department offers unequaled nn attractions as regards and puce quality leubbers of all kinds and styles to suit every want all good sold inthia wan anted our dormair DOL MAir cloae AND department has in its sales so far exceeded our most sanguino sin guino expectations in every i aspect ovar FANOY GOODS AND silk woolen and cotton hose in all sizes and qualities corsat in I 1 ranch and do makes twenty other bianas of finest t cheapest coi sets many bargains in silk handkerchiefs Ruoh jewelry ings etc in this department our CLOTHING AND GENTS furnishing department contains abo best hindmost perfect fitting gooda at auces puces to induce axt V liol culo baily burma WIIL OUIE walli ins market cast 01 ecat orders solicited from fai and treatment guaranteed established 1864 call and examine goods and pacts no trouble to show gooda F AUERBACH BRO city drug store E C williamson DEALER IN DRUGS MEDICINES TOILET ARTICLES SPONGES PAINTS OILS lies putty WINDOW ASS etc AGENT READY MIXED FOR USE direfully Cire fully ed enry Wa geuer cita UTAH BREWERY LAGER ala miili alt and t second south bet main W FENNEMORE baad AID LL slats of cochins and cocan trim micos dept oi hand paik ady ehtel BJ B IT J M fown v ilia mol ro W H 0 9 AND PEED STABLE i main street opposite mill A M SMITH prop am SADDLE HORSES aling oil land careful attention given to boarding horses park city E LWE T S WATSON PROPS at a ra 0 daily at passengers and express car cicil W D n L boyt C E paricity banky CITY UT III r VV and all ou abo of 1 the united ato tf er on ow york omaha omiha abd all cointa oatlie 1 coit S alven to fihs ihs of Adran cea made on at lowest itoi lattora of credit la ili clubb of the bed I 1 croie Collect lona made at currant rates tany and battu bonds ana otaw lu new york aud ban I 1 on corn niia flou price pal for nd cotet scrip ITTE draw ex changa on the following leading t T of marope london dublin Ed inure aua gueso v daml basle atop geneva lucerne ie zurich and J ranee It laritz Da ionae boulogne lyona and carld antwerp brenael Br and aud rotterdam f T and sta Sied cn stockholm gad dialmo Jt imrA aly ottoa lyshorn Lc shorn alun aiple palermo home and st a aadla madrid and babon an dOporto listra liw tra prague reath aristo mea AD ALI ane abasi v ST ITES acu bargo co i bew york t argo co san tut bargo co salt laae omaha satonil SaU onil hank onh ML HO IT cashier G as DEH HAS i R ia ih ehi ahw ON HD dexter livery 1 per hundred free delhery around town JOB DELIVERY wagon wag on always beady cm 10 ordered ajr telephone the union pacific AND TO alt X aae T for silt lake city khouli 1 JL tale the express train beating city depot dully at 6 M n in arriving in salt lake city at 11 40 a m at du fur dinuth og anis Is alie comfortable quick nd of travel between piira city and salt lake city and travel cra will conah their by taking this roulf T hatm and other information nishca on to geo M scott SC and shastri im STEEL MM vt es picks axes baltos Bel tos wl mry d 10 iam tf MATERIAL AND TOOLS prepared to on chort nollia my OP machinery saw boilers fl orka etc t aind n aana abs ill aud 18 main st SALT LAKE CITY WM PARK CITY UTAH 0 the Ch chapt opt paco in tho city for geneil merchandise headquarter for DRY GOODS CLOTHING GROCERIES provisions T HARDWARE mil imm SUPPLIES line WILL make with trains if nv lug park alt as follow s ill arara irara alie ontario inlall at 0 13 and park cit hotel at for tho 65 a m iralu north leave pirk at 3 for the 8 CO p ia train going north all be nt tho depot for all y r baxter livery stable G t lroy 31 A y B pirk city SO slower ahsu time THE LONDON BANK 86 AUSTIN LONDON AM SAIT rann arran ild fr sn IBLE I BLE ion ui 0 capital etcor buy and aill sterling buy ina sell drufes on the cilles af the united stalia pT TEREST allowed on aft JL notice ot accounts kept on the most in london mavi co ca lombano altton print ala london bint of utah limited 24 in abw ort tl ol in fart ant lu i oil la bm 1 th amk of r haar |