Show CITY ea lea v ID our city at foar I 1 vaton esq lido of ono lioci and flinty minutes landed me n heber cia I 1 received a cordial welcome horn farmei I 1 visited ill the public and private school 1 with ml joseph eliuh A report ot my observations will I 1 fiust your re adeis mr henry clegg some time since shed a cleol cl nol in conr ot the loboi rooms oftie building which has dionn to an average daily attendance of forty it so popular that ins loom 13 filled ard hi lias been dobli ed to retire adm aion to seventeen who recently applied to him for lion no room to ai comorato them he hasi many scholars well in ind eraci roar and under his thorough discipline and ot instruction his school 13 aadil ta dil and prot alej is with the diocie s h th his pup h aro making mi J II 11 houlton ons only is toiling tho district school of one uch with a daily of ninety two hero all blanches are that are common to and in addition adli tion mr moulton bis a alais clais in bok he coi bood leading aa one ot the to be madd b everone ev crone ai d devotes much of alio llio time more thin at any ot tho other acie to brinnin brin yin his in this axer use A class in tha third reader wa dunieff nit isit and 1 listened to acid ho delici cheit i aith great credit both to them ell e and the crowded condition of mr moulton s school roohi bood d in ank ile school under tho direction ot ir wu icv with miss il L clyde issi tint cs for oata ning a in ass mss jlius s there la a daily attendance pupils yora boa and birli who arc for the inter mediate and hia iier dap under mi bui her scho lira are all yonn ard in studies lut aio Iu butini tini cipul under her cageful and aho has succeeded in gett ni her liuio thoroughly in their boil end ambitious to axcel in it abo ie qi ns ecna of hei clasps to ante their e on their tham theio alcy aro and errors pointed out urns 1 ei le idin and desei clues 1 foahd many boys and girls in her often to could ie very noar tace brache be alen tev are advanced they are to all buy room where alty on in all to male up aoud bassinets basinets basi nets at present vr B ha about I 1 and om I 1 to in cri ramer and alreba thit would ba a condit to adv mr basi his claff cla sf in anid states hitoe and book kep ke p inar ho is A thorough aid 13 beding his pupils up ard hi to m as is possible much wwlter I 1 copti cond be nade if the school authentic v ouid build moie school housea or belter abill oae largo OIK roo many Ci idron arc crowded into too mall looms and have moie thin tio lin do I 1 believe it is the intention intent iou to do alia 01 ton nd it next grinj ahoy M M I 1 A meets every ahe cointo irions aal est i it judge r S watson 13 its president pies ident ibe meetings ui e well attended and are a areat ban denb to alo auni luin henry ft very duding my ita oni 1 man to a full hou I 1 dai anit are civen evanine eve nine ard are a source of i enjoyment to all who I 1 c last and found tho bill filled with a line company of ladies and alaci tho bicio vicio in a young man a stian por entered his ap wis rather conchy son chy though he had evidently en latti da but ho out of alico in so a ile was received with the o daiil aliv 18 accorded by tb ot hebar A vas and a place as hignel bun on the alloi b iho of a ramsome bam some lidy ahe music struck up and that oun man bechan nu onerous As the wore on tho y m prow too numerous and his t dibut die ut turned into pity ahe diew 0 o accoe binl tho y in to aba licht fin no forever man was mo the i intent ot lieber aie hie co op compin dro to build i thiea aloy brick this season to better accod mod lie then biado caipo amounts ot to gi to foit by w of daniel a cinon though it i thou glit by omo this business may be divertie diver tid from lere il 13 to leave tle tei s station U J and anen bufa this will haidl it is known lint tag ro ite ilebei colborn haig is i the din with a tolen bly lin road theio ute birter station liea directly avei the mountains and will cost au imi simo int ot moue to put ii to haul olef iho advant asro in dimanco di sanco n i lichtl in favor of the but I 1 am told inen who io a with both roads list it is wholly to adopt it quite acif incident occurred ct steiny einy oa main levei il ot the older aind moio of tha town in bore to such an extent that tho violated yin ordinance the of horses within the city limits joers bauld them up pavo them a talking to in a lit beil way baying then conduct was res Atly io be deplored freind rial to plod order ind di and withal bad lla to the ning the i trin esore wei e fined various sums to tuo of their i offenses cs before I 1 must call your attention to a winch in our ast esuo appio chiny c of mi john smith of thia city I 1 bava it from the authority that mr S has no intention of tho oi abc present and i at a loss to know houi source of information ho is so de pressed by this rumor blat he has ms yun anil doi yone off into alio mountains and adopted a of ec luion it is but just to him that 5 ou tins matter richt lc acis leaders R C G 3 1882 |