Show IN A SNOW BANK that there is at boast sufficient latent heat in tho snow to prevent death aiom freemin while entirely surrounded b it frank hite of this city who returned a day or two ago bom a conj trip in the indian country is willing to in the course of his homeward lourney mr white had an experience which all the mineral wealth in leadville could not tempt lim to it was on tho grand river where tho snow had recently fallen to a great depth tha weather was somewhat som murky when he stilted n but he relied upon a tolerably and unknown quality termed good bucl to pet lack belore the snow had fallen in any great quantities in both of these he was sadly deceived as the freezing flakes which to fill on tl e second save alie mot bold and easily omed rec land marks on the fourth day ho was lost in the and at last found in a little clump ot cottonwood trebe alie of whose branches in a measure protected the the night had turned bitterly cold and to his dismay ha found that in his giamp his match safo hid fallen filin his doclot and was not to be found for an instant it seemed as if but a frozen death awaited him for he knew well to spend the night tibbie be stood or eren to bairy there motionless any further length of time would be fatal already the colored lights that ara a runner of death by baffin to flicker beyond his eyes and he felt that he must take chances for his existence it is then that it occurred to him tint ho had read somewhere of the latent heat in abo snow and tre last of men ha did not stop conj for deliberation but pun w th benumbed hrees h to burrow in the ciure liure white bink ahad of hian in a lew moments he had excavated a hole ot considerable we and drawing hi blanket blank tt tightly around him he crept in afeei i his body began to crow more table and his hind le gained their suise of feel gnp then he diew sleepy but lie dared not close his eye that it was the stupor of fre cinc he acu at last without knewing it no fell asleep and did not abalo until the next mornine he had passed as boniforti ble z as if he bad bad a bis bead and save for his fiest bitten fingertips which had been exposed ho was uninjured bv hib night in the inov he the fiame early in the rooming and towards the close of the was much relieved to a camp of survey aio oio chronicle |