Show HEW hosoa hatoff opened ny now house to alio public I 1 now solicit a of ruthc every theofi abou alo place will be kept in the bosa shapo inu I 1 achill cn Jeor to set as a table as an in park city no lo 10 all friends and the public generalli gene an mv is exi to a visit and jwill show the 0 hat I 1 mean what I 1 say dont forget the at Pio chels old stand and lodging par weela 7 00 blaid twenty one meal tickets tic Lets COO WM kacir a fine lot of and is them at model ate rates ilbo bcd them aud choso who ant them for should civo him ii cill no extra charges for boolen neel WANTED ivo eirls wanted tt hoefl to do and laundry good v juar ONE WEEK the new york branch store will wind up its business now in a lew daas lots of choice goods left which will be dosed out at any pi ice no 13 your lat and chanco to save in one a FOR SALE A ind lm outfit for cheap fieri thing in first da fidei and leady to set up business enquire at tbs abs office 43 tf BATH J n babber shop buth house next door to 11 becom gnp a popular resort ind it eniy bo foi is fitted the and the rooms ind alcin ani lind of bith hot or cold can be hid at hour of fie day and choso also do but talo an anncil bath in be brook should chane their mode ol 01 life and take T ash at fank it coats but a small sum and anns down leal estate J R yv T aau sord C R of barret bros tura bilac lake ct spent as some two ans sanni ignon the fuini tuie factories and rell of of eveia description to abich they call your attention their address is to main street HOUSE son SAIE SAI E A house of rooms with i rood cellai foi sale at this office binl 3 C Willia tore atly 6 shea coatti hao just a fine lot of and aliide liide aie in preat demand CUSTOM MADE large on hand I 1 am to malto anything in ilc lina of FINE WORK al sed boa prices GIVE MS A CALL 1 NEW hoarding boisse the addition add itron to m loue I 1 TO no prepared to furnish hoail and atho fol auces puces sad per weel 7 CO nond ark meil tickets 21 mal m al 6 00 mi hai ha i leen reno vatch ind aba 11 new ind complete lint class in in addition to iasu lar meals cold lunches ill be served kimthin allo loiis gie me a cill BOURSE IRAAK IE main street rossai silt lako city lanh SECOND f cy IK minors union hall arrangement omu ilUf 0 A J L F A grant C II 11 wilh committee A B P keivin L r genish E ar corrall C J huntar J E E P feiry M L y floor Kanna crt 0 11 athey A r grant 0 A tewksbury decoration J J T A M giant F A can J W pierson Pic hemy Nov vell M L S for and inda including sapper and araus tion 5 00 for extra ladics tepra will lo 10 extra for supper oily BY m v ill of spread rt iho pail cay ho r wl berrt ii acm lcm m ibe ilia f plead 61 the buo cuo i irones APEX miring of alce of bushier otice of miah st icet salt lake city art delin quent upon ikc eatock 0 i so er cent per levied on llie etli day of oc the everal et opposite lama of tl e holder aa follows ainas amt henry shields A U acton jimcy i jinas agoan 2222 32 CM 6 63 john M rallon SSU Z J 1 gli aw ail enc aw flici urray sin 11 W alss Ilist bel iw 1 andin ft ath lav and n order bf alio hoard ot october 17 lail sornny hares of cich of such ha nu ie will be sold nt abe offic of the company the ofine of bilard fv i ili burcet aft ke city utai on wednesday the ath dai of 11 at 13 0 clock noo i of said ead to T illi alie cot 01 cid ex of balc ci I 1 ining co the above sac la for finen hya until Thur sili the day of decem ber at tattie hour and i lace by order of the doard of L salt lake city dec 6 ibal abe aboe silo Is postponed for fateen d january 0 at dime hour and place hy of he loa d of director arthlin salt lake city dec ebore talc la further for thirty two di a gitil ri aday of fan ary ibs at same 1 our and alaci lly order of the board of director I 1 sail lake cry jaa alb I REMOVAL HAS been lemock to alp rear of iacre it mil LQ AND DAY mcp jan sa LAND grrce nt SALT L U T january f t hereby ahat alic bolow JL in settler las fulcd bollt 0 of ills to make dual proof in f his claim and that dij wl I 1 to made before the count clerk cf fiut ih co U T at alm counti court house at ahle alln tali co U T on saturday Satu iday april vi preemption 1 the B w sec 4 tp I 1 s r 21 0 JM acre he ivanits alie fol owing continuous epou and of said land i alroid Jo linston J J james B all af co U 1 II 11 cn register stayner A atta for kip gall 0 o IK dealer s AND JUB GOODS boots and shoes hardware and miners supplies also a flue ard claira and coa beckby tha always call nod c lit PARE oita UTAH i M i DEALER IN pure wines liquors and cigars BEST IMPORTED SCOTCH AM A SPECIALTY OF FAMILY all invited to call anil sincie Si nuIe iy ay goods as hut the of tiling iu stock OPPOSITE PARK CITY SS tta SA 11 13 and 15 street ajl AT T L tta ul 3 iriti ir ii h I 1 JU jjr UINTAH DRUGSTORE DRUG STORE F A proprietor anre brags and j SOAPS HAIR aim tp seii clinics PUKE AND FOH POSES BEST BRANDS OF physicians prescriptions CAREFULLY AND ATTENDED TO AND DEALERS IN daivd 3 flour feed and baled hay A new invoice of the world renowned am aBt iii BEST IN THE maeker GOODS 70 aar PART OF CAMP FUEL OF A S jl u 1 lv 1 1 daalen t TUE promptly to caay lounges and osce urn IN GREAT opposite city i r 0 a oo 00 ca s 0 r 1 cyba ei E i M K 0 0 rt tr att ctt cass ff hw WW fall sa alSI M BO 1 an staple abid fancy groceries clothing BOOTS SHOES MINERS WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS 0 stain ta beet alty altilio lIO PAW 10 ALT |