Show LEGAL application rok PATENT yot leeo ota SALT LAKE cm UTAH dec la hereby given taftt samuel L balin louis and kahn v hoge address Is salt lake city bialt I 1 artko conaty etab hon enado ai for u jolted patent for alio uni ida no 3 lode in blue mining district county laii territory consisting or 1500 linear IBO linn dudai talde ID alic field notes and plat of alic sur tills irilli ra at 17 0 aln e as follo a corn the of the discovery of thence along cantre line 1 U eg 37 mill e 91 to a point thanie on alno s 79 beg 25 ruin c feet to j point iu the cintio of the rn end of the lode thence n 7 de 15 aln e 1 feet to post 20 1 n toda 1 w fed to post iso 2 tl glinc inc s ba deb biln w hect aa deall inan w ato 74 fiat to post no 4 thence u ca feet to i ost oa 05 thence 8 79 dag 1 inan 0 feet to post 0 o thence u 7 dag 15 inia e 00 S feet to post 0 o 1 the of surf nc bounds contain inn bbs acres 0 o broin post 1 U 8 10 n sa dec SS ala mla w ui fit distant jhc lode being of isiord in tho of the recorder of flirt mining district at me henry a galch in i atch county utah rhe ne dearst arst known locations lein alie cos on the north and on the east any and all persons r aversely ader sely adv portion of said onada to 2 lode are d to ulo their adverse cealma with the of the U 8 land at salt lake city utah the 0 davs of publication hereof or they will be barild by virtu f ho and statutes of the united bt attain ech cases made and provided I 1 direct that this notice be published in lie 1 ark record the newspaper pub fahed nearest ano said mining ala ni for the eenok of allty days II 11 I 1 e estt r alty for ils 5 CATION FOB PATENT rocoo 90 UNITED STATES OFFICE I 1 SALT LIKE carr bian dec la hereby that edard LN P ferry whose post address Is park alti summit county utah territory chose ad dress city utah made alp fora d stites patent for the maniac lode mining claun situate lu aln tah raining district summit county utah territory of lini ir deot of the lode anil surface d feet alje bethi lot no cl and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on lile in this alth at 10 80 ea e as follows loin ngat the n feet to a paiit in the center of the ern end line of alio clum thence e ctet to post iso 1 thence aca w feel to post io 2 theme s 53 de e awo feet to post no 8 thence n ia deg e feet to hobt ao 20 4 thenie u 55 daff w 1500 feet to post tin 1 the place of of sur lace bounds an area of C ts acres in walh the last chance lot 48 little me lut sa silver treasure lot CO lotho OJ mining claims nd including the in conflict with the 0 brian lot 50 lot a id prang odcar of lot 70 inan Ing claims area claland cla lind la 5 acres aiom riom hobt iso 4 U S mineral monument to 1 beirs s 65 kcjr 17 aln e feet the said raining claim being of anord in the office of the recorder of said mining dla tract st fark cita summit county utah the cnown locations bolua the jast J ast chance little me silica suK prans acar of sweden stocke and 0 I 1 that this be published in the atmo u the newspaper pub lahd the claim for tho sixty dagg II 11 Rel stir bailey fe Parson tty a for application lor patent aoltia an SALT laka CITY UTAH dec 7 letl f Is hereby given that the marsac silver mining and milling company of michigan by ita secretary jl P lerr and andrew J john lewis gundt whose address Is park city county Utah hae nude ap for a united states patent for abo betocke lode mining claim situate in uintah mining district summit county utah terr tori consisting of laou linear feet of the lodi and grouch WO ctet falde bun lot no and in the flold nota and plat of tho suney on file in athla with variation at Qs minutes east as follow s at the aery n bo de 15 biln w 00 feet to a point in alte center of the western end line thence u 9 mm e feet to post ho 1 theme s fao deg 15 aln e asoo fact to post no 2 0 der 15 aln feet to post no 3 thence n 5 ruin w 1500 ft et to post ao i u J deg 15 anlu e feet to post no 1 the place of of bounds nil area applied for 1000 acres including the area la concoct th 0 brian lot 0 o 50 and the cavi lot ho 75 ind the area in with the Corr lot no 75 prins oscar of sweden lot no P bcd mar ho other conflicts irom post ho 1 U 8 mineral no 5 bears iho ai I 1 biln of record in tho of flee fcc tho of said district at county utah ilia biln corr cave I 1 marsac 0 arlan ariu oscar of sweden and clam dm Is 1 direct that tills be published in the paik the newspaper pub nearest anc slid milling claim for the period of sixty das register juo A bailey att for 15 2 TOAD Liin holm your heirs or aslet nt you w for you in money and labor the bum of fa ot 3 that your portion of the worl for Ki flaud ai in the northland lode claim anil un lesa yoa pay the together with alie costs of ninety datys arora the expiration of athla notice your interest in cju be forfeited to us by opera diun tiun of law I 1 egeit pans january U W 10 antico lou art hereby 1 notified that I 1 havo expended as t la abor and uj on the omen ol 01 lichilla lode in rhanis lanion district summit county jonh the abare olur your portion of the assessment work for W feet of the raid claim for the and nd f you full ninety dai 3 iiller alic ex ration of tl Is to p ay iy tho said amount our interest jn tho cl lira will become tho r ro perty of abo V I 1 trustee or F M A M co conoe No noE roTi or TO THE L mining Cota that I 1 performed tho tork pany required by baw upon my interest in barrios clitia ind in the golden charlon claim ald located in the uintah suni alt counte utah and ald work belne for tha yc tr lisl and my in the claims as follow one hundred and and thirty seven and one half feet in the barrios claim represented by work to the amount f fifteen dollars and one hundred aco fiet in too Cli arlot claim ly work to amount to dollard dol larb allot ahna toen duly recorded in tho county of dumine county and int lia of uintah rdward W ewt co 0 I 1 1 V |