Show PARK FLOAT DO T fail to attend tl s masonic brind dies ball on tuesday evening next the b g was sentenced m wednesday list to two years in the utah penitentiary now 13 the hire to pay up yom subscription begin with the beir and leap even with the printer As oon weather will E R force of men to complete the ffreda for the E P 0 depot in illicit GEORGE A spirit medium of salt lake does ane wholesale business in the ace go and see tho now siam in tho uin tab dru store lenn A dross are tho artists and excellent taste has been dis played in abo design 1 ne hcan icat snow of tle season is filling to da the depth fallen thus fai since ii estimated at from cipot inches to a foot y ft as one of the noi sit for time i sunday and monday io paid off and a preat many ot tho bos got gloriously mellow anday the chim new year commences conr celestial Cil estial noigh bors are to celebrate their holiday in line style isble to and from alie masonic ball would do rall to leave then orders at A M smiths atz lie a soon as to save bonfa E on ME CRAT his received hib new stocal of floods tho finest brands of imported td tunes and 1 envoys envois see advertisement in another column has 1 fino lot of val entine and every boy and pirl young and old that can niso the money is makin a rus for the news depot to make their purchases THE boys aro imin rare sport these nights dowa mi n street the sleds RO b like a hoik of blue licht and occasionally stir to renewed acrivi ty the unwary trie coloration DoL oration committee hiva dis plaud d taste in tho hah aad aull hive it fiad up in ROT cebu savle in the lina ever elcoro seen in this city mr robert tait is putting in aco the tanks balt ast fill foi alo marsac anil chis iut the fim fishing hing touch upon everything emill and all 13 in to drop tho stamps tn masons liap secured special f rates fio m salt lalo and or then bill on luchay evening neit and quito a vill be here aiom tha two ro int to lal fart in tie E R yono ot bia ty mn employed in ties iu alexander s ho ts ille ana at the bed mateis of the weber he el pacts to celoso ins contract matli tha U P somo fmc in juna Tn EUtah eastern railroad company in vo just i new ton en bine with daviner wheels the cot of w aich is 12 OCO aall erad to the load she i a beauty to 1001 at and is caraline car alile of hauling a load of toes over an grade on badness of bih lale city never pro biLly hetler than now alii anler has bacu consides consi dei iolj sst back of alic sc enty of the veaner but WHO batter for an extraordinary loom in this branch of enterprise Wod sid aro fiang sumptuously last W they a of beef and rib boned and marlieb fit st premium tin beef was on exhibition at the late fair in salt lae and was brought lo 10 1 oar merchants and sold to J M li ichardson quadrille band james cun 10 as prom have been for tho masonic ball on tha liali and dioso fioso who attend will leave the host music to danca by that cin be turn hed in the Teni tory As foi mr aarne he is inov n nil borei utah as tho prompter in the us of tho do WR ot our in salt the town we had him as an exemplary boung man but if vt beirn as true and he raili ally admits that it is oui adith 13 bidlo en it is however ory li ird to resist the temptations which adeon every da is zion win kirn 1 all proposes to break old father times hour alaa to pieces and land aiom this place in salt lako cifa aai tie rond tip onias ho la putting hi hoi see in ahre condition for tho cam align and doea not pro poe to stop an where on abo ro d for lunch or brinl cenal hosts non ol 01 tho pail citi hotd la tiona lor toe supper for the masonic ball on evening next eiery dairty andr the sun thit has been koo v to civilization since solomon s time ill ba befaro the and as tha tickets include will ba none present amt chat icell par ule an do the justice wac are ari receipt of tho foi s wyl bif anca and pleasant hours all fiaui chit popular newsman tind of salt laka janics dwyer also an 1 lum of bait lalo cil chii a bambei of views of the principal at of the metropolis ind last the filing to b nato cm w the east 50 cents to mr dwyet and eradine il wednesday a T belt some boyo stole alot a lot of which aliv sold to a abo for can diesi and nuts for tome timo pt this atty larceney larce ncy has b cn boin on quito extensively and aae A hive been midd ara on trail of the B boys in 1 un chii igind is copped sopped ot bi rou roaul ul W 6 lia t a tt to thorn T on cf ct ft e accident of f rr melstad tt that tho driver the horses with a whip and caused the accident the driver states that tho team was headed up hill and ho was forced to turn in doing so the acir bob struck an obstruction causing tho ace dent is related ve mile the conecpion injustice to the driver and as a caution to those giving us items to be direful about stating thoe in tho sleigh could not account for the accident at the time but they exonerate the diner aiom all blama complaints come to us from ocoa that the postmaster at that point is in the habit of opening papers and carru them among his fi ends before the who sub for and pay for them have a cianco to red them one man says be sometimes two or three feehs issues of the ait one time and eliat they have then been the rounds of the fakih relatives and fi lends if such is the case the s removal should bo asked for at once day A krausch Ki ausch of the uintah drug store met with a painful accident at the I 1 city jio he was engaged in T frendl us acl wita mr simon when the latter be ing the of the two thice him dislocating his left ahmo boint he was carried to hs room ahro di reduced tl 0 dislocation and abade him comfortable mi krauch does not mind ha pain so much as he docs the being compelled to keep a couple of week we hope to seo him about again bedora lint tune I 1 column we publish instructions of the telephone lel ephone co with a list of bleir subscribers amounting to sixty names in looking over the liba it will bo readily saen that mot of the business houses and ith some of tha re can communicator with each other it a moments notice it 13 ls than six month 3 since the wires wre first pit in uso in park cit evidently our residents are beginning to ampro chate the benches aud e of tha telephone exchange abo cantril office is open daiy diy and ind in aso of s medic 1 aid can be summoned immediately and urgent business may be transacted in a very few mo that would oth ervio re quiro considerable timo and abo ei panso of borss hue the cot of ha ang an plied ed is trifling anen complied wilh tho convenience of habinc one foi re tie lent is only 3 pei moita for stores 1 and for elainea tle abon the dis tance A now switch board has bee i pi iced in the central office comb inisi all the newest and pat and tho already laid is over twenty pa milis ahe manager of the compin mi M L hoyt HAS a number of in oa annd and any applicant can bo supplied on ahoi fc notice A laige his been incurred in getting the poles up and tho in worling leaie glad to learn that now T profit is ing to tho con pan we hope to ec the business inci easing in the lafue on hiis tiis scale as it 1 as during the past ti 0 months |