Show fred 7 Hajt went to salt lake on monday mr returned aiom bait lale this J J baser of tho ia m salt lake on a business trip of tho is spending a ow daiy diy at the amne capt jno JI ulies of the halcye Ha Leye is at the house in salt liet sick J W mason lis sone to salt lake to a itoi L for ins icat aur t mr bamm jamm L ivi i is in ilia lia trink tu i acu ecu prate his beilic R lis ait lal litlie ain inc in i is bie nall weber aico in als tb if onried zion this acel R W adill eq his been to I 1 ia lied donn the pst with er but is now slowly inar J K V ute S tit lake and alio llio of rutih paid oar c t a beef vianit during the eek M EJ reir D 0 mcl ewh lin X and judo chos cupit left for ailt liec on uio ieng lo 10 attend to connected mth the incorporating of paik city after tl e blikh called mi D U to lal e it is unar tood fani sources that he will tailo his for foider homan Hichi pran to ic tum to u with conr of du as lis and |