Show KABAT florence dailing dai linc there is one more question 1 would like to sk YOU ile speaker was shafton mccafferty and lie adored florence with the fierce aider of tho tramp for a diroe kiln say on she replied ohp feverish rapture of my love for yon makes mo as day in our bands he her his dear carolle ca zolle revived tl e memory of the rapturous moment when they first ampt bonwith theCA ea of her i woods lied and ahn rapidly a biographical sketch that their mutual bliton down to gayent moment said a the list anniversary of 5 our day your made you a new bet of fale fal e teeth t lair fairl turned to his face in spirit of candor shone like the of the rising sun on a ripened pumpkin and it is even so 1 hen he continued with inar aitho tell me truly was the plate made of eighteen kar gold or only twelve haiat she exclaimed opening her mouth tor hini to look in I 1 swear it I 1 their together at the af pf ipa and they wire barred pa two that day |