Show minno otly M tanca alt around ho cabay it on drifting continues ou the foot lesl at abo the foi sinking arc neilly completed and it will bo resumed naify in the week mi james morey has three men at boil on the seaway clabin he has extended the tannel fifty feet and is now sinking i shaft at the tiro on the vein which shows up well he is confident tint he has a mine in this prop erty tho company has two new boilers on the way from san francico Fr antico and as soon as tacy arnao and aio in place it is the intention to run a second steam pine down the shift so tint in casp of accident the mino cannot be flooded afe the parlors ark the work of 10 pining boilers and machinery is finished and sinking been ed jhc shaft has reached a depth of test ind a station is acin cut aiom this point down the baft will bo tim berdd with square apts on ijo no 2 has been i ruined and he work of dr lug ibeal on the vein is atis iho ore body is still holding its own n width and iha water has though a large quantity ii in a bev deft bd k aiom the fice of tho |