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Show RESOLUTIONS URGE DRASTIC CLOSING. RESTRICTIONS Th Te.'r- MnCer'a.aoclation. representative of the film exchanges and heads of the federation of Labor held a meeting todav and drafted resolutions to be presented to Commissioner Com-missioner Csrl Beheld, nr. T. B. Beatty and Mayor W. Mont Ferry, a.king that drastic restrictions be -placed on Matt lake in an endeavor to eliminate the tnfluensa. 'We do not want to open up the theatres." snid Manager Newman of the Tantages. "What we want to do Is to stamp out the disease. We want to get behind Pr. Beatty and eliminate elimi-nate crowds and contagion. ''Witnesses present at the meeting testified that the streetcars are over-crowded, over-crowded, that the stores have great crowds on bargain days and that J private parties and dances are being held in violation of the order of the atale board of health" The theatre managers were agreed that should they open up at thia time they would be tinahle to stap open, aa manv patrons would be afraid of the .Influenza. The following committee com-mittee was elected to visit Mr. Beheld todsv and ask him that the " orders of the state board of health be enforced en-forced to the letter: N. A. Hanover, O V.. Asbrldge. L Sharp. Frank R. Newman. H. A. Sims and George Mayne. V. I.v.v w. elected chairman of j th committf aswlgned to visit Pr. j Featty. It was advocated during th meeting that Rait teak be entirely c lotted for at least one week In order that the epldemlc.be) eradicated. Immediately after his arrival. Ha w :in with the Fifth regimental ma- clnne gun i"An P-lDTr 3 brother. Charles K. Manwaring, 1 now In France with the On Hundred Sixtieth Six-tieth Infantry. Kdward W. DIMon. son of Kdward F I Ullon. 4.t! Ooahen treet. was wounded In .tha foot while fighting with th One Hundred Sixty-fifth Infantry of the Kit in how division. October 14. Private Dillon waa employed em-ployed at the Cardiff mine prior to hi enlistment. April 17. He trained : at Camp Iewis. , Adolph TUotter. son of Mr. Flizs-; Flizs-; heth P. F.lhs of Leogan. was wounded ! while fighting with the Three Hun- ! 1 dred Hixty-second Infantry according j to wvd reeived by hi mother. hfford Barton, son of Mr. and i Mr. Walter Barton. Ogden. died In France of pneumonia. Ha waa S3 I year nf age arid a member -of the signal rorpa of th Three Hundred I Thirty-seventh field artillery. He enlisted en-listed last May and tent lo Boulder. Colo., before going overseas. lUlph Hall, son of Mr. and Mra. Henry U. Hall. 2T3 Pacific avenue, ihed tn Fn gland. October 5. of In-fluerBa. In-fluerBa. He enlisted last June and tmlned at Camp 1ewls. |