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Show l ilT"li'e''fi'e'Ttte'e,y''TW'ressaaag6aeajt',W"T''fif'lil"l''tfl'li'i 'w N'ai'ifffiiiimiiinii 'aiip wei'Mmnim' tiisj i. )s V . GluckavMiml f'l'i if r 1 ' i 1 ( If ! I 1 I ' ' ' . ; " v . . ' 1 i i j ! . A " " ' h ; ' ' ' r ' ( li t' i, ' 1 -! ' i h i 1 Mt. si J I t w ..... l- . s i I i i- 1 ,l I , 1 , t " -. - Hear Cluck ging these popular Victrola Record ".- I "Angels Ever Bright and Fair" ' "Lost Chord" with Zimbalist , "Mothers Prayer" Comeand hear the Victrola records of the .world's i greatest artists. We'll he glad to play them for you. i ffSS? tfS!!'' 'IRSTOFAU. BIUABIUTV ,c3i!i rgsa tel MUSIC COMPANY jfcSj 'mSl.tgsqiT-SAtTLAI" I! Th diet during and aftr Influensa. ..Uorhck'A JUalted Milk, nouiishlng. dt-rwtlhle dt-rwtlhle ( i)v i Famous Wash Heals Skin ; D. I.D.. tikegreatevt efekia rsmedtes, will remove those akin afflictions thai j have saade your life a biiaaes. That ia-j ia-j teleraole itching, burning and dipcoow 'PS liiiliiiiiiiiiilliiiiHiilliHii;;:!! all Hili:'ii:n!i!:Hiiiiii!j j !!!;:; If ill lift ii A ' PiPili pi ill m i i Air rdilili lllllS 1 iiliipiii ' lliiiiiiiliiiili lliiglll ' :iiiiiipliis$ iiiiiiiW i j 5 llillliip 1 ill iBimiMiisiifiWH 1 ; imb f ill 'ifciiai iivifpim i si iii iii iiiii I; iipsii iiiiliiiiiii iiiiiilliiii i!i i S 1 M I iiiji iii ii! iii; pijiiilldi iiyif feK. Pii i i iii i lPliil iiiiiiii ;y:lii:iiH;iH;!;iji!iH:'u;i'im ' lllllllfflllllilllll VOU pay fifteen cents for . , CB 1! 1 twenty Lucky Strikes. , y''Zi jr$ $1 . Ydu get the real Burley ni'i'j jl ty dgarette for the lowest pos- ssfl! '"' skc price, because of the If S '''X ' '"' enormous business done in ruLPSirFll! I Lucky Strike Cigarettes. Ill f 1 11 '. The growth in demand for Lucky i II LvBr?i lilt 1 Strike Ci&xette3 has never been W 45 If 1 equalled by any other brand in the I 'fttSWSS ll l ' cigarette making rl "lT; 25,000,000 a day and growing'. ? fnr "Quar-anteed -by r-rr s : ' ;; B..awwa..BVHH...,aasMsasaeeBaBaaaBBaaBBBaaBaBBasasasaBBaBSSBSBBaa tort will diaspficar aader the Rvafie of tbw rwkedr. Husdrada tntifr It has j eared csacs prooeaacrd iDrershle. Wn rasraatr, ths Ant be.lle Is brio, lea I rrlief. Try D. 0. D. sv. sad I: as. i For sale by Rchramm Johnson Drugs ( Advertisement 1 ; ; Ends Stubborn Cough ; ; In a Hurry ,, ' Far ad seTsrtt.iasss. aaa eat basse- saae. iibi i Sj aa. ae HMl. j; ll aaa daaplr awnc J I You II Be,er kao koar qnirklr I bad eoueh canbe conquered, until you trv this famoua old home-made remedv. Anyone who has eouirhrd all da, and -I all niirht. will ear Miat the immediate relief given is almost like triable It ia vr essilr prepared, and really them IS notuinc hetter for roughs. Into a pint bottle, put ounces of Pinexj then add plvi granulated granu-lated sugar syrup to make a full Rint. Or vou caa use elsrinrd mo-lases, mo-lases, konsy. or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup, titter way, toevfull pint saves about two-thirds of-4Jte - money usually spent fur cough preparations, prepara-tions, and giees yuif a more positive, erTectiTe remedy. It kerns prrfeetly and tastes pleasant duluren like it. You em feel this Uke hold Instant-K. Instant-K. soothing acd araling the membranes mem-branes ia all the air passage. U promptly loosens a drr. tight rough, and soon tou will notice the pblrgm thin out and tnen disspnrar altogether. A day' use will nsuslly break up an ordmare throat or chert mid. and it ia also splendid for bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, and bronchial1 asthma. Pinca a a most valuable concentrated concen-trated compound of genuine horwav pine extract, the moat rrlisble remedy lor throat and chest ailments. To avoid disappointment, ask Tear arocgist for "2 '4 ounces of Piaex- with directions and doat accept anv-thing anv-thing elae. (iuaraateed to give aheo-lute aheo-lute satiafaction or money reiuudtu The PiaexCo.. ft. W'tyBe, tad. USE POSLArtl ' FOR ECZEIilA, i rrciujo kore Every eesema sufferer should kaow just hew greatly Pos lam is able to benefit thte stubborn trouble; how quickly tt brings relief, stops Itching, coots, soothes and comforts. To spread Poaiani oa,-m angry effected .-surface . Is to fecT tTLit bars. In reality, ia Just I the healing Influence the akin demands. Treatment Is ueoally aurpr.lnrly snort and Improvement .noticed every !y. ; Poslam ta harmless. It fir pimples. rashes and all erupt Ions 1 disorder. . Sold everywhere. For free sample wrtta t Kmersrency I Atrors lories, 24i West 47th 8L. Sew Tork City i L rge your ek.n to become clearer.; healthier by the daily use. of Puelao boap, medic ted wufc. I'oa-ain. (.Adv.i . |