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Show ILSLIRLITL HAVHHIGKVWAV, BEAUTIFUL HAIR Every particle of dandruff di appears and hair stops I coming out. Draw a moist cloth through hair ant double its beauty at once. Tour hair becomea light, wavy, fluffy, fluf-fy, abundant and apjtearn as ajft, Hi-troua Hi-troua and- teeautiful aa a young girl's afteia 'landerlne hair cleanse.' Just try this moisten a cloth with a tittle Imnderlno and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a Umo. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excsatv oil and In just a few momenta you have doubled th beauty of your hair. Besides beamifving ihn hs'r rM "TT"-i "TT"-i mnderlne d.tnanvea every particle of drandruff; cloansea, purtfiea and Invigorate Invig-orate the scalp, forever atopptnf Itching and falling hair. Rut what will please you most will bo after a (ft weeks' us when you will actually a new hair ftn and downy at first yea but really new hair growing all over th oca I p. If you care for pretty, aoft hair and lots of It, surely Invest a few cents In a bottle of Know Hon Danderlno at any drug store or to, let counter, and Juat try It. Have your hair! Beautify It! You will aay thla waa th best money you ! ever spent. tAdv.) . j |